My Best Friend Thinks I Dont Like Her

My best friend thinks I don't care about her ?

She definitely isn't a good friend if she's trying to deny the fact that you care about her and love her very much. Take it from me, I've had experience with this situation! You have to be careful with her... She's not appreciating you for what you do for her. If you truly care about her, she would see it. But she doesn't - therefore, she's just oblivious to everything you do.

My advice would be to talk to her about it and tell her straight up that you care very much about her and your friendship together but you feel like she doesn't believe you and it's very heartbreaking to hear that because she is you "other half."

See what she has to say and if she still continues to deny you every time you say you care about her, re-evaluate your friendship.

You have to realize that the reason she says that nobody cares about her and denies the fact that you care about her is because she's looking for attention and wants someone to notice her.

Good luck :)

My best friend thinks I don't care about her?

I really really care about my best friend, she's almost family to me, but she doesnt think i care about her as much as I "let on". Like, I really do care about her as much as I let her know, but she doesn't think so, how can I prove it to her? She's been having some tough times lately, she's had awful nightmares the last 2 nights that woke her up, and she called me the first time (we were having a small argument the second night, nothing major) so I told her I'd stay up for a while tonight in case she has another one, and I thought something was wrong with her tonight too and i kept asking her about it and she said "to be honest I don't think you care about me half as much as you let on, it's either for show or because you feel you have to. Night". What can I do? It's really upsetting me, to the point where i feel like crying... Please help me out, thanks.

My best friend thinks that I don't trust her !?

Glitter this girls got some ideas for you.

Take her aside gve her a hug and explain that its nothing to do with your trust/love for her and that you are just not comfortable with it. Find out why she even wants to know. Also remind her yes BFF tell things llike passwords but also they respect one anothers rivacy and personal issues/ preferences.

It sounds to me that your freind has some self esteem issues and she's gonna need your assistance in order to overcome them. Maybe she's trying to reausre herself in the sense that she's worth trusting and if so she may be veiwing your refusal as both proof she's not worth it or rejection. If thats the case its neither your fault nor hers, but you may want to help her realise that is the case.

Whenever I have to go through this kind of thing I take the person aside look them in the eye and tell them why I said no. I find that hugs or gentle touvhesd can help explain that you still love rthem dearly, you just aren't able to comply with their request. In this case explain you trust her with your life just not your password, make a joke of it.

You need to...
Give your freind a hug and let her know it is not her fault and that if you were to tell a soul your FB password she would be the first and probably last. it is sort of like a trade, you wont give your password and you'll make up for it with extra love, time and love. Especially one-on-one time.

I hope I helped!

Recognize though, she is invading your privacy with this, she doesn't have a right to do that so as i aid before find out why she really wants the password!

Belive in better times,Peace!<3 Bobbi Deena!

My best friend thinks I don't care about her because I was closer with my other friends. What should I do to make her believe that I care?

If I’m being blunt, your best friend sounds like an insecure, jealous, possessive person.First, you can’t “make” someone believe something. Trying to prove to someone who has already decided what happened and judged you is impossible. They either trust and believe you, or they don’t.This is not your problem, nor is it your job to convince her of your love. Treat her kindly, spend time in healthy ways with her - not arguing or “proving your love” to her. If her behavior, attitude and opinion isn’t changed by your behavior, walk away.Anyone who manipulates a “best friend” like this is not a good friend and has a lot of work to do on herself before she can be a real friend.

My friend thinks i like someone and i dont?

You. Can you seriously stop saying I like Someone. Look were best friends and all but Im telling in all honesty. I don't like (person).
Her. Alrite alright... Jeezus what a spaz.
You. U know, I kinda get a feeling your jealous of this thing. U can have (person) if u want I don't give a sh!t. But seriously it's getting annoying girl. I don't like that thing. If I liked (person) u think I wouldn't tell u. what kind of friend is that.
Her. U probably wouldn't tell me anyways. And even if udid I wouldn't.
You. Watever think what u want.
Her. Look how mad your getting.
You. Look how exited ur getting when you tell me I like this guy.
Her. How am I exited.
You. U know ppl ask that question when they try to deny things. It's okay of u like (person) I don't care. Really. And say I did like (person) why is it so interesting to u? Sure might sound weird but you know what say watever u want.
Her. U obviously like (person) ur the one denying everything.
You. Okay watever
Her. I'll tell (person) that u like him!
You. Watever. Go ahead girl I'll just tell him the truth and say if making it up. By the way I probably won't tell u when I really like Someone. Ur probably gonna assume like whoever think I like and start thinking and spreading rumors. I dont even care anymore.
Her. Ur so cool(sarcastically)
You. Ok
Her. Why u mad
You. I'm not
Her. Friends?
You. Yeah of course. But I'm just gonna tell u for the lag time o dot like him.
Her. Shell probably stop after all that.

My best friend thinks I like her boyfriend?

3 months ago my best friend and her boyfriend broke up, all three of us had always been so close and her boyfriend who's in a band used to take us to some of his gigs. Ever since they broke up they've just stopped talking completely however me and him still kept contact but not as much as before, a few weeks ago he asked me to go to one of gigs I asked my best friend if she wanted to go she said no, but I went anyway. so this weekend he has invited me to another one of his gigs where his going to be playing alongside this other band I love I told him I'd go but now she thinks me and him are getting too close and that maybe something is going on, I'd never do that and I've never ever liked him in that way and put that to the side I know she still likes him. I've never given her a reason to not trust me ever we've been friends since day zero. I hate that she thinks this but at the same time if she doesnt believe me then whats the point. What do you think I should do, should I stop talking to him, just to satisfy her?

My boyfriend thinks my best friend is hot. What should I do?

Depends. Were you two talking about her and what you thought about her or did he bring it up after seeing her or randomly. How did you find out? Did he text a friend and they told you or did you sneak into his phone? If it just happened to come up or it was just some stupid guy talk then he was probably just stating his opinion. My parents do it all the time. They're comfortable with it and know that one won't leave the other for someone else.If he said it after looking at her or randomly then he's either oblivious and stupid or he's got eyes for her. Trust your instincts. If you don't trust him then you need to break up with him. Because even if he's innocent you need trust in order to have a successful relationship.

What should I do if one girl thinks I'm her best friend, but I don't feel like I want to be friends with her?

She can think whatever she wants. As I said elsewhere, a person’s relationship with another person may feel greater and more connected than the other way around. She may consider you as her best friend and you may consider someone else your best friend.You might think, “How does that work? I thought best friends are mutual and exclusive?”No. ^_^A best friend is basically someone that connects with you the most at this moment in time. Over the period of a person’s life, it’s possible to meet many people, make many friendships and in that time, create many best friends.Let’s use an analogy for this. Let’s say you and your friend drives the same car (the relationship), a Ford. Let’s say you also own two other cars that are also driven by other friends, a Mustang and a Ferrari. For your friend, the Ford is amazing. She loves it! She adores it! She thinks it’s the best thing ever. For you, while the Ford feels safe and well, you definitely prefer the Mustang and Ferrari. They match with your personality, your needs and wants.So in this regard, the friend who shares the Ford with you, think the Ford is the best in the world. In your case, you are her best friend. In this regard, the Mustang fits you perfectly. In your case, your two other friends are your best friends.Now as for the bit about not wanting to be friends with her at all, that’s a whole different thing. If you feel this isn’t something you want, there are three specific ways to do this.Be straight forward and honest. Tell her without needing to be mean. Just be truthful.Give her the opportunity to prove that her friendship to you is possible, even if you may never consider her a best friend.Avoid her like the plague. She will probably ‘get it’ eventually.Personally, I don’t reject friendships. I deny existing ones if they prove to be an over burden, eg: toxic, evil, disgusting people. Reason I do not reject new friendships is because I treat friendships as an allowance of other people into my sphere of understanding and recognition, which in time may build trust, loyalty, goodness, consideration and all of the other things that make it delicious. ^_^ In other words, unless they are evil and disgusting people, I normally allow opportunities to happen. It keeps my life peaceful and drama free.

My friend thinks she's cool. I just don't like her anymore.?

Dear Marnie,

I am sorry you have someone that (I hope is out of your life for good) causing you such misery. You don't have to continue on this warpath she has created. Not only for you. But I am sure for many others. If someone in your life makes you this miserable, and has you second guessing yourself and your every move. Then you need to move on to better pastures. Does she think she is God's gift to what she thinks as a "Best Friend" ? I think not. Cut the ties she has on you. She is choking the life right out of you. This is absolute nonsense. There is no reason for you to be tolerating her bullshit. And that's exactly what this girl is giving you. Think about it. You have no beef with the girls that confronted you. RIght? Then why the hell does she have these punks talking for her? Insane. She sounds pathetic and very much a loser. She is not a friend to you nor to anyone else. She sounds like the type that insists on being the center of attention. Negative or not. Cut your ties now. Today. I insist. Don't waste another sorry moment with this sorry *** chick. There are plenty of nice girls and guys that would appreciate someone like you that is kind and decent and knows how to treat people. She on the other hand will probably never appreaciate decent people. And I don't believe that she will ever care. She is a big time loser and not worthy of a good girl like yourself. Don't feel bad or guilty about dumping her from your life. You owe her nothing. But you do owe it to yourself to expect to be treated with respect and decency. Trust me on this one. You told us here and now. That this doesn't feel good any more. It's time to move on.
Take care,


Why my friend thinks I have feelings for her when I dont? ?She told me once that I hv feelings n I m hiding it.Is she delusional?

Hello,Thank you for your question. Sounds like you are in quite and uncomfortable situation. I wonder if she has feelings for you and she might not even realize it. Often times, we project how we feel onto others, saying that it is how they feel and do not realize it is how we actually feel. The tricky thing about projection, is that most times the person doing the projection is unaware and becomes defensive when the person being projected on, says something. I would see if there might be way you can bring this up to her without her being defensive.I also wonder if she is someone you value in your life? Is the friendship important? It might be time to let this relationship go. If she is important to you, than it’s important to let her know how you feel and point out that she might be projecting.Only you know what is best for this situation. I would follow your heart.Good luck and hope this helps!Margaret