My Best Mate And Me She Is 27 And I Am Female 38 Years Old We Had An Argument 3 Days Ago About .

Is it okay for an 18-year-old female to date a 35-year-old man?

I have 2 opinions and they are conflicting. I dated an older man. When I was 17 , he was 34. I think we both had needs. He had gotten married young and his wife left him. He was a good man, a hard worker, decent. I think he was just starting out where he had left off at.I was kind of innocent and young guys were very pushy and demanding wanting more than I was ready to give.He was stable for me and I was his friend and he was genuinely mine. Even after we had decided that love takes many forms we remained friends until he died years later. He helped me get through time until guys my age grew up a little. I helped him revisit his life and rebuild his foundations. Yes there was intimacy and it was oddly provocative and challenging and liberating and sometimes deep and warm and sometimes seriously playful. But that was not even half of what glued us together. It was the belief we could be good and caring and loving people and just be ourselves and relax and unwind and not pretend.This is the good side.The down side is not every man is as good as my friend. Some men like to take advantage of a girls mind and heart. They never try to build her character or encourage thinking. They really don't care if you have a mind. They want a show piece an ego boost. They do not want the challenge of a woman who is more on par with them. They are egocentric. It will never be about you as a person, not really. You are more of an accessory, kind of that pop of color they need to stand out in the crowd.So the bottom line is and be honest. How do you really feel when you are near this person? Now how do you feel when you are with this person? Those are two different realities. Listen to your gut before you waste your precious time because if your gut feels uneasy you have something better out there and you could miss it. Don't waste your time. It is something you will never get back.

Why do gun advocates use fallacies to present their argument?

In other words, you can't go up against one philisophically without one of them using fear tactics like "Well, then you can expect to have your house invaded!" or straw man arguments like "You support gun control? So you DON'T believe people have right?" or illogical absolutes like "It's our right to own them..." Is it trigger hapiness?

If you can supply a good, fallacy free argument in support of the Second Amendment, I'll retract my statement.

Best Joke Challenge...will you get 10 points?

So here's the have to use the sentence I provide below in a joke that you make up. The person who has the most creative/funny joke will get the 10 points for best answer...!

The sentence is:

"A lion, a witch and a wardrobe walk into a bar."

Make me laugh!

What is a soul mate and how do you know when you've found yours?

Your soul mate is the "other you". This will be the one you spend the rest of your life loving, and getting to know. You will still argue and fight, but you will also complete each others sentences and instinctively understand the others feelings. This is the person you look for all your life, and no matter when you find them, they are always worth the wait.