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How long is 5 to 6 business days?

"Business" days are work-week days... Monday to Friday. If you ordered it on a Wednesday, and it takes 5 business days, you will get it on the following Wednesday. (1. Thursday 2. Friday 3. Monday 4. Tuesday 5. Wednesday)

As a christian, is it appropriate to read the crucible? not my choice...?

we are reading the crucible in class...but i feel its against God's teaching cause its about witchcraft and all.....i honestly feel like its an abomination to him that i am reading it...we have watched the movie...and its even worse.. i somewhat feel like im being attacked spiritually...i do the assignments for the class, but now i really don't want to cause its wrong in my view..i force myself to complete the work she gives about the book...what do you think?

Pro Choice arguments?

I've been reading a lot of both pro choice and pro life arguments and I have to say, I cannot find a single logical Pro choice argument.

Common arguments:
1. Women will die from unsafe abortions if abortion is made illegal.
A. So? People die from drug use every day, but do we make meth legal so people can get medical consultations before taking it? People get shot while holding up stores, should we allow thievery to prevent those deaths? This is a hugely flawed argument.

2. Its my body, you can't tell me what to do with it.
B. Yeah it is your body, but it is also the fetus' body, is it not? There are two distinct organisms with two different sets of DNA. The fetus is not an appendage, it is a human being.

3. The right to privacy.
C. Yes you have the right to privacy, but that right does not extend to murder, or euthanasia if that makes you feel better. This is basically the same as #2 and that's the main arguments which are both very weak.

4. Rape, incest, health risk of mother.
D. I do agree that abortion would be proper in these situations. Of course this is only 5% of actual abortions.

I really don't see any pro-choice arguments that are even based in the slightest bit of logic. People try to tie it into women's right but that has nothing to do with the rights of a fetus. At the end of the day murder is murder.

Oh, and this has nothing at all to do with religion, which for some reason Pro-choice people seem to bring up.

I was recently critized by another wiccan for my choice in smoking marijuana.?

Q:no offence, but ive been wiccan for 10 years, and you do know they dont take drugs, right?

My Answer: first off, im a begginer wicca, there are hundreds of different branches. I don't "take" drugs. Marijuana and Tabacco are Herbs and part of the planet and nature, They are not man made in anyway, like coke, meth, heroin ect. By smoking Marijuana I believe its easier for me to meditate and reach a higher conciousness. Almost every wiccan has different beliefs, like you should know, there are no wrong or right answers to anything. I do not see anything wrong with smoking marijuana in my religion practice, of course other wiccans will critize me for my choice, but I am not going to change my view for others. It is my personal choice.

I do not see any problem in smoking marijuana in my religion since it helps me meditate and rech a higher conciousness, I also believe that marijuana is not a drug, its just an herb, natrually made by the earth, so There really is no problem with smoking marijuana in my religious practice?

I would like to know everyones opinion on my answer?
Even if you don't agree, I would still like to hear your feedback.

What is the pro-choice movement getting wrong?

There are some pretty good answers in this thread.I would say globally that pro-choicers have a lot of trouble contemplating an argument from a pro-life mindset. When Judith Jarvis Thompson wrote her famous essay about the violinist who was kept alive with your kidney— one of the better pro-choice arguments out there— she failed to take into account a number of important factors. For instance, she failed to take into account that the parents’ actions are the reason the unborn child is in a state of dependence, that the parents are responsible for the upbringing of the child, and that the uterus is an organ that exists precisely for the benefit of another human being. It is quite different than a stranger-to-stranger relationship envisaged in the essay.Pro-choicers have a lot of trouble foreseeing these kinds of objections. I find them, almost to a person, unable to contemplate possible counter-objections to their arguments, and they have a lot of trouble being original. They have no intellectual flexibility as to contemplating the pro-life philosophy. It’s almost like it’s beneath them to take it seriously, and so their arguments are as sloppily constructed as they imagine pro-life arguments to be. In the process, pro-choicers distort what pro-lifers truly believe, refute those distorted arguments and thereby give themselves the satisfaction of thinking they debunked the anti-abortion philosophy.Given that the pro-life philosophy is utterly contemptible to prochoicers, and not worthy of an intellectually rigourous response, they shift the argument away from abortion so that pro-lifers— and their intentions— become the debate. Pro-lifers are thought to be insincere in their beliefs in the personhood of the unborn. Pro-lifers are said to believe that the only moral abortion is my abortion. Given that they are not really sincere about the personhood of the unborn, their real intentions must be something even more sinister. They are thought to want to force women to breed, and pro-life women are so stupid and colonized by the patriarchy that they are unwittingly enslaving themselves.There are a lot of feminists who project these hysterical fantasies onto pro-lifers. It has strictly nothing to do with reality. They feel the need to protect their own ideology so they don’t even bother to verify if what they think is true.

Shocked by British men's choice..what is WRONG WITH MEN IN EUROPE?

They don't get any more English than me. I'm an English man living in london and there is truth to your statement.

You still have white people that will not date black people and you still have black people that will not date white people.

From what I have heard from my american friends, yes we british men go for what attracts us, it does not matter if the girl is green, red, black or white. If I like what I see i go for her. Her race does not cross my mind. I have dated both white and black women so have most of the english men I know.

Yes in the U.K I pretty much much say it's fair game.

I don't know about you over there. A woman is a woman PERIOD.