My Boyfriend Like To Beat And Hit Me

My boyfriend hit me with a belt?

I'm so sorry that happened to you. This is NOT normal behavior from a boyfriend and it is a VERY bad sign. BF/GFs who start to physically hurt their partner usually hurt them more and more as time goes on, because if their partner does not leave them, they learn that they can get away with abuse. Your boyfriend is abusive. It's normal for abusers to apologize and promise not to do it again, but it doesn't really work that way. A man who is damaged enough to get angry at a girl for drinking, jealous enough to ask if a guy touched her, and then violent enough to push her down and whip her WITH A BELT UNTIL SHE BLEEDS isn't just going to stop. This is part of how his mind works and how he processes anger- through violence. You mention he's always been rough- he's getting rougher, and he will continue to get rougher and rougher.

You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to. You can just leave him and block his number. I really recommend this honey, I've seen too many teenagers say "oh he loves me and won't do it again" only to suffer for a few more years until they see the truth. if you want to, you could go to the police or your parents or friends or teachers- or you can just leave him. good luck, don't let him hurt you again.

My boyfriend beat me up very hard?

so yesterday me and my boyfriend (5 years) were together at his moms house,then his mom has to get out then i said i was very sick and ill and i had a fever and he told me to bring him some things but my body hurted very muvh and i told him that i couldnt then he started to call me a " weak *****" and that made me cry then he said " yeah cry even more!i dont even care about you youre useless as ****!" then he slapped me very hard on the face and i bleeded then i told him to calm down so he then pulled my hair and threw me on the floor very hard and he pushed my back against the edge of a table now it hurts too bad and scratched my face with his nails i tried to hit him back but hr was too strong and he scratched ny arms with a knife!! and threatened me with it so i started to tell him that he is heartless and i screamed so hard and since nobody was there ( his siblings are married and his dad died) and he punched me on the face and in my eyes and he broke my glasses...and after that he said he loves to see me cry and scream and the neighboors were in someones weddig so i couldnt ask for help...theen i fainted at his house and when i woke up he looked at me and went to bed and i secretely took my phone and called my parents to take me and now they are very angry at him and then when he opened the door to them they saw me like this and they slapped him and took me home and said im never coming back to him again but i still love him :'(
please help me guys...what should i do..

- # My boyfriend hits me, i'm 14.?

Please break up with him. You are way to young for this

Is it okay that my boyfriend beat me?

It is NEVER okay for your boyfriend to beat you.  Break all ties.  I'm sorry to say it, but this relationship issue only gets worse over time.  You deserve someone who respects you, loves you, and wants to see you happy.If you live with him, please immediately start seeking help to move yourself out.  Seek therapy - and get it.  If that therapy doesn't work, get a different therapist until you're better.  Therapists are a dime a dozen: you can be picky if someone's not working for you, and it's not at all personal.  Taking the time to grieve with a professional can be incredibly helpful.  You've experienced trauma; don't keep that all in.If you don't live with him, again: cut all ties.  Change your phone number, your email address, block him on all social media, and possibly delete some social media profiles.  If he knows where you live, consider moving.  This guy is a threat to you, even if it doesn't seem like it now.This is a situation where "ghosting" is completely a-okay.  He doesn't need or deserve to know you're leaving him.  If you feel strongly about breaking up in person, have someone you trust there with you, with their cell phone, ready to call the cops and get you out of there, pronto.  If he insists on privacy, tell him he relinquished his right to privacy when he beat you up.  Also, it might be a good idea to take on a roommate -- anyone who could live with you for awhile, so that you're not alone when you come home at night.  If you live in an apartment complex, let them know what he and his car looks like, and ask them to please ban him from the complex.  If he tries to break that ban, call the cops - and them - without hesitation.Call the cops if you feel you'll be safe doing so: you are likely not the first person he's assaulted.Check out this link for a hotline you can call, and more info about domestic abuse:The National Domestic Violence Hotline You can, and will, do so much better.

I want my boyfriend to beat me up?

Yeah. "She's crazy" is probably your first thought.

Well, I'm sorry. But I guess this is a really weird fetish but I don't particularly understand it enough to explain it myself.

I guess my question is really, why do I want my (a guy) my boyfriend to beat me up? (and spank me, punish me) I have other weird fetish's. like, I've always wanted to call a guy sir or master. (don't laugh at me, lol....) and like have to worship him.. Yeah. its so emmbarassing. I'm probably not even going to get any answers. why am I still typing.

I want my boyfriend to hit me and abuse me ?

...I assume that you are not a masochist?

Well, I understand exactly what you're talking about. When I was around 12, I wanted to get hit in the balls, just to see what it felt like. Bad idea for me.

Have you tried asking him to hit you, or is it that you want it to be in part of the moment?

Either way, if you talk to him about it, you'll probably get the best results. leaving texts to other guys is a bad idea. It'll cause a fight, all right. Possibly end your relationship.

Communication is the key. Tell him you wanna be "punished". Tell him you like it, or that you think that you will.

ALSO, you're not a bad person for this. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to get under your skin, so just ignore them.

Why does my boyfriend threaten to hit me?

Because he is an abuser and he is abusing you.You need to believe what he’s telling you. You need to reach out to those close to you and remove yourself from this relationship as soon as you can.And you need to stay out permanently.It does not matter how angry he gets with you — there is no universe where it is okay for him to speak to you this way. It is verbal abuse and chances are he’ll follow through on his threats if you stay.Do what you can to build yourself up so you can leave and stay away from him.You deserve better. You know you do.Good luck and be safe.

My boyfriend hits me too hard during sex?

He's an angry guy. I think he gets off from injuring you. It's just really bad and really kinky that it helps him orgasm. This is REALLy dangerous though. It could become more serious. I would break up with him if I were you. Tell some one what he's been doing so that if you DO get hurt, people will know why. But seriously, he is just an angry guy.

Why does my boyfriend hit me, and does he love me?

Hi little one….First question “Why does my boyfriend hit me?” CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL.Next question “Does he love me” ONLY IF HE CAN CONTROL YOU.You must understand that he will not stop hitting you. It sounds like this has happened more than once. And, don’t kid yourself, HE WILL DO IT AGAIN.Men like this are: narcissistic, control freaks, fear mongers, beraters, and the list goes on.You must end this relationship now. Get an order of protections. You need to get it right away if possible. Do not tell anyone where you are, so he cannot track you down. Be very afraid of this young man. Don’t underestimate his ability to find you. Hunt you down. He wants to control you.Learn from this and don’t attract men like this. You don’t need to be anyone’s punching bag.Also, please bare in mind, he will find someone else just like you. Someone submissive, not sure of themselves, meek, needy, dependent, or anything similar.Think about getting protection for yourself. That means, take some self defense classes.Tell your family. Let them know what has happened. Your family will be your strength. Your family will be your excuse, not to see this boy anymore. Use it.Get out. Run as fast as you can. Don’t look back. Stay focused. Be brave. Be strong. Stand your ground.I wish you nothing but happiness. But you’ll never have it, if you continue to attract men like your boyfriend. Look for men that put you first.Best of luck to you and your family.Chris