My Brain Feels Warm On The Sides And Won

What might cause a headache that feels like a brain freeze?

There are unlimited causes for headaches. If they are like “brain freeze” headaches, then that is usually caused by a rapid change in blood flow to the brain caused by temperature changes inthe back of your mouth. If the headaches are alleviated quickly with a regulation of mouth temperature then it might just be that. If the headaches are more intense, are not alleviated easily and are common, then be sure to be evaluated by a medical person who will do more than just give you pills. Chiropractors are excellent and reliveing biomechanical and musculoskeletal headaches. Give one a try.

Warm sensations in left side of body?

The flushing sensation is something you should get checked. It might be neurological.

Orange urine is hard to miss. Blame it on:

Foods and supplements. Leading food culprits include vitamin C and carrots and carrot juice. Large amounts of carotene, the orange pigment in carrots, winter squash and other vegetables, can also discolor the palms of your hands and soles of your feet.

Medications. Medications that can turn urine orange include the antibiotic rifampin (Rifadin); the blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin); phenazopyridine (Pyridium), which treats urinary tract discomfort; some laxatives and certain chemotherapy drugs.

Dehydration. Drinking too few fluids can concentrate urochrome, making urine much deeper in color.

Why does my back feel warm?

Feeling warm is a hypothalamic (brain) effect and can be caused by a large variety of factors. In simple terms, your body never know the true temperature, it only knows the temperature relatively to how the body should feel to maintain normal bodily function. For example, you feel cold during a flu, this is because your body its internal thermostat to a higher temperature that is just right for producing antibodies to combat the flu. You feel cold because you are cold relative to how the brain wants the body to function. When you are healthy again, the brain sets the temperature threshold lower, so you do not feel as cold. So at room temperature, you sometimes feel it is hot, sometimes feel it is cold, it all depends on how your brain wants the body to function.When you listen to music, you are most likely in a relaxed state. In scientific terms, you are in a parasympathetic state. The body has evolved to have two states, sympathetic and parasympathetic state. The sympathetic state is the flight or flight response used by our ancestors to flee from predators and danger, the parasympathetic state is the relaxed state. One of the effects that happens is vasodilation, which is the opening of the blood vessel to release heat. This way you feel warmer because your skin receptors are feeling the heat that is coming out of your skin due to vasodilation effect. Of course there is also release of various hormones that controls how much this dilation occurs. For example, dopamine (the feel good hormone) is produced at the brain and the adrenal gland also causes vasodilation.On Wikipedia it says: "vasodilation occurs warm blooded animals....diverts flow of heated blood to skin of animal...heat can be more easily released to atomsphere". The opposite to this effect is vasoconstriction. "Vaso" are the veins in your body.Some more interesting effects of parasympathetic response includes: salivation, decreased heart rate, and erection. That's why you get a hard on during a boring school lecture you are falling asleep in.Magic of science!

What causes the warm, fuzzy feeling?

dopamine levels in your brain rising or serotonin rising. although i could be wrong, i think it may come from the resting period after your brain releases the pleasure neurotransmitters and when re-uptake of those extra transmitters in the synaptic gaps between neurons occurs causing the finish of the depolarization cycle. i could be wrong so don't quote me on this. also could be when your body feels the resting or inhibitory effects after the cycle.

Possible brain tumor, headaches everyday and now tingling feeling in right side fingers and toes?

It's possible, however, most of us were diagnosed after a seizure. And if somebody answers with, it would be nonstop screaming pain puking falling over, etc, they would be a big fat incorrect.

It certainly is unlikely but tingling in my neck and fingers was one of the 1st of many more symptoms to come. I also put it off to a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder area.

That website uses, can, may, often, nothing concrete. Everybody is different. Perfect example: I read the symptoms pertaining to where my pretty decent sized tumor was and I didn't have those symptoms: Temporal lobe:
- Hearing - Speaking
- Identifying and categorising objects - Learning new information
- Correctly identifying emotions in others.
It can also cause memory loss, seizures or blackouts and sensations of strange smells.

A weird tingling feeling INSIDE part of my head?

For the past few months, every so often the upper-left side of my head will start tingling. After about twenty seconds or so it would stop and sometimes be replaced by a headache in the same area, which I almost never have in any other circumstances.
The tingling feeling isn't on my scalp our anything; it's literally in my head, like a headache. It's sort of like the feeling you get when a limb falls asleep, just less intense. The headaches I feel afterward don't pulse, either; they just feel...warm, almost. After a few minutes they get a lot worse. It's hard to describe the feeling.
This only happens every two or three days, but it always happens more than once - usually every few hours. It's always in the same place: the left area of my head, with the headaches a little farther toward the back of my head.

I told my dad about this and he thinks I should see a doctor about it. Does anyone have any insight about what it could be?
Thank you in advance. :]

What should I do if I feel heaviness in my head?

If anxiety interferes with your daily life, you may have an anxiety disorder.Anxiety can cause a heavy head feeling because of a type headache known as a tension headache that is common in people with anxiety disorders.These headaches are often described as feeling like there's a tight band wrapped around your head.Note: If all else fails, see or speak with your DoctorHow to Relieve Head Pressure:Head pressure can be debilitating and highly unpleasant when you need to focus and be productive. Stress, tension, changes in air pressure or sinus problems can all cause head pressure. No matter the cause, if you experience it, you want relief fast.Step 1Use your middle and pointer fingers to gently massage your temples, forehead, the area in front of your ears and the base of your neck. Muscle tension in the head can cause head pressure.Step 2Drink warm liquids such as tea, coffee or warm water. Changes in air pressure or sitting in cold air can cause head pressure. The warm liquids help to regulate your body temperature.Step 3Heat a wet towel in the microwave for one minute, and place it on your forehead.Step 4Inhale steam from hot water scented with peppermint oil or lavender oil as aromatherapy.Step 5Take an over-the-counter decongestant. If you suffer from sinus or allergy problems, head congestion can cause head pressure. A decongestant helps to clear the nasal passages, thereby alleviating the head pressure.Things You'll NeedTea or coffeeOver-the-counter decongestantPeppermint oil or lavender oilClean towelHead Pressure in the Back of the Head Brought on by Exercise

What does it feel like to get shot in the head?

Initially, their is this very loud buzzing, almost a sort of "ringing" type sound as to when it happens. Surprisingly it is very loud, like two bees inside of your ears, but sounds more like how your ears would normally ring, just uncomfortably loud. The initial "ping" as I call it, can be heard before the ringing commences, like someone hitting metal on metal, but it's high-pitched. After that, very loud and scary ringing commences, but no pain is registered at that moment. You feel very very tight pressure where you were shot, and you can feel warm blood seeping out, regardless of what people tell you. Your vision is blurred too, instantly, so as soon as you get shot imagine your vision like a light switch, going from perfectly normal to blurry. You also see these very dark red/black "lines" that are in your eyeball, like blood vessels that are actually there on your pupil. Every step you take you fumble around, like a drunk. You usually either don't know what has happened, or you're too scared to reach your hand around your head and see your fingers stained with blood. Usually after you black out, you're either in a hospital, or you don't wake up. If you don't pass out the pain will set in once the first "round" of adrenaline subsides. The pain is unbearable, like someone cut a hole into your skin, drilled a hole through your skull and is burning your scalp and brain. It can't be described, that's how awful it is. It is so unbearably painful, you think about every second that goes by, days feel like years until the pain completely diminishes. It is also very traumatic, thankfully the bullet didn't hit my brain or anything, it entered but thankfully I'm not screwed up or nothing. Perfectly okay :). Oh and with each heartbeat, it throbs like no other, and stings with each one. If you're considering testing this on yourself, do not, it sucks. Period. :) hope this helped!

Persistent headache with warm sensation on right side of head?

in the past few days ive been having a headache on the right side of my head that starts at the top right of my head and can go down as far as my ear eyes and nose. it comes at random times during the day and usually cases a moderate pain about once a day lasting for at least an hour but as long as 4 hours. i get a few small pains throughout the day. i normally wake up around 12pm-2pm and go to sleep around 3am-5am. around 12:00 am i usually get the bad headache. a few times when this has happened the right side of my face becomes extremely warm. i haven't felt very dizzy or like i was gonna pass out save for once but i chalk that up to stress i think. im concerned it could be a tumor or other serious condition. no seizures no loss of vision though my right eye does tend to be weaker(i wear glasses,but my current prescription broke so im using the previous prescription, maybe that's a cause?) any ideas here guys? im scared because it came on all of a sudden a few days ago and has been going since.(bout a week after wearing the old prescription). Also i went to the doctor and she said it was either sinuses, migraines or the glasses but im not so sure. please if your a nurse a doctor or just someone with experience in this type of thing please help. i have no insurance starting tomorrow so i cant go get a CT scan or MRI. thnks for your help.

Why does my head feel hot?

There can be a few causes of that.So I will recommend that if that hotness is frequent and plus there's a headache with that, you should go to a hospital immediately.I hope this helps