My Brother Is A Horrible Misogynist. What Should I Do To Stop Him Being So Rude To Mum And I

How do I deal with a spoiled brat of a step brother?

So, I'm 16 and my step brother is 14, and it's summer vacation and he's going to live with us and start going to my high school soon, and he bothers me so bad.
Like, yeah brothers are annoying and what not, right? No, you have no idea.

First off, he's terrified of the tiny puppy we have, so we have to keep it in the garage, and he has to beg us to go out to get a gatorade from the garage because he's so scared of him. And whatever, he's scared of the dog, that's fine. But when we bring the dog in he literally climbs on all the furniture and makes a big deal out of it.
He is so, soooo spoiled. He got a computer for his birhtday, and is literally on it 24/7. When his mom tells him to come down and spend time with us, he says"No, worry about yourself" He literally tells his mom to shutup alond with his sister, but they're just like w/e and he gets what he wants. His sister got a homemade candy bouqet for her birthday, and when she asked him to take a pic with it he was like "ok but only if you give me candy bar" so they did. And he says innappropriate things in Spanish in public and we freaking live in SOuthern California he is stupid.
And he's so rude and never wants to go anywhere and trash talks MY sister and says rude stuff to me and no one does anything.
And he's so sexist, he yells at me my step sister and my mom and always says we don't have the right to talk or do anything. And when they tell him to stop doing something he doesn't ever listen and continues to be annoying.

He's so spoiled and ignorant and rude, and it's so annoying.

And seriously he's going to start going to my school and the people at my school are not going to take it, he's going to end up getting the sh*t beat out of him.


My mom spoils my brother SO much over my sister and me and I hate men!?

Too bad your Mom was raised the way she was, it has caused her to be confused. Not her fault. Unfortunately the pattern usually continues thru the family and is passed down.
Thank goodness you are stopping the madness.

Don't hate your Mom or brother. Hopefully, he will see the real world some day and if he needs to, get some counseling to undo the damage.

But, disliking men is totally normal for most women. While men can be nice sometimes, and necessary sometimes, most are total jerks. Hard to live with, loud, obnoxious, rude. Most of the women in my family, agree.

Keep moving forward in your life and do things differently than the other women who raised you.

How to deal with a misogynist brother?

For starters, one of his favorite hobbies seems to be calling every girl he sees a slut or a whore. He even calls young girls that (10-12) who wear any kind of shorts on a hot summer day. He doesn't understand how it hurts me, my mother, and my sister because he "wasn't talking about us, duh."

One day I said something along the lines "Look, you can't keep calling girls sluts for dressing how they want and if they have sex. "

"Ugh, I hate feminist crap. I get it men and women are equal but I can have an opinion. Men can be sluts too." (He's never called out a man for what he deems 'slutty behavior.')

You can't watch TV with him without him pointing out which girls are 'ugh, so ugly' or some other disrespectful comment (slut, whore, *****, dumb *****, eww they let a fatty on tv?, et cetera) Fictional males never receive such comments.

He hates when women "invade" his 'things,' like a female reporter interviewing a band he likes. "She probably doesn't even know any of their songs."

He frequently says (because my male best friend is so nice to me) 'C'mmmooon just let him get it in.' He gets upset if I date anyone else, because he likes the guy and I "owe him."

He says he won't respect my mother until she has earned it.

When he found out my sister's best friend was raped, he said she shouldn't have gone over to that man's apartment or have been drinking. He thinks she's a slut and a bad influence on our younger sister.

Obviously he won't listen to his family, but how am I supposed to deal with this? I can't lock him out of my life physically (I can't leave home right now) and emotionally (I love him, he's my brother - and that's why his behavior hurts that much more.)

I honestly can't stand my brother .. help?

I really don't know what to say to you about your situation because from what I just read it seems like you're in a really bad situation and since you're not the parent it's even harder because you're trying your best to help but despite your bad situation I would seriously sit down with your brother and have a little talk with him and explain to him that what he's doing is not right and he's not being a good role model for your younger sister who's thirteen. If this doesn't stop or your brother refuses to listen I would highly recommend that you have a serious talk with your parent's and have them deal with the situation especially when your brother is threatening to kill your younger sister like that's very serious and it's not to be taken as a joke and your brother can get into really serious trouble if the cops got involved. In my opinion your brother should know better not to do the things he does.

My mum is so sexist and I am begining to really resent her?

I have spoken to her nicely, given her examples and explain everything logically but she is so backward!

For example, if I am in a rush and forget to do my bed she will start to curse me and say things like "God why do I have such a careless daughter" (Note - I always do my bed unless I am running late to somewhere on rare occasions) however my brother who is a 25 year old has never in his life made his bed because she does it for him. Apparently if you have a penis you have no responsabilities around the house. My brother is a computer addict and doesnt have a job wheras I go to university and have been studying all my life (Im 20)

I am so sick and tierd of this bullshit and when I try to stick up for myself she would say "Your a girl, don't talk back" etc etc I am not to go out as much because I am a "girl". I am never praised for anything I do. If I make one little mistake they will throw it in my face but my brother can do whatever he wants to do because he is male.
I try to get through to her, I try hard to not lose my temper but then I am the rebelious, rude loud mouth of the house. My brother tried to prove to me that its a womans job to do cleaning and tidying haha because apparently those kind of things are too easy for a man to do and men unlike women, can build houses and buildings. I stood there looking at him and I asked "So why don't you get a job or study? Why don't you prove how manly you are?" And he thought I was attacking him but really I was being sarcastic because its ***** ridiculous how he tries to take credit for something he is not capable of doing just because of his gender.
The only person who I have respect for in this house is my father. He is truely hard working and deserves to be looked after. But why should I have to clean up after my brothers a** because he wants to play world of warcraft all day every day for 10 years? Anyone out there who understands me? How can you get through to a sexist person?