My Canary Is Fluffed Into A Ball Is He Sick.

Why do birds fluff up their feathers?

There are several reasons. Wild, healthy birds whose entire flock are fluffing their feathers are attempting to stay warm by trapping their body heat. If this is the behavior of a lone bird, then it indicates that they are weakened and ill. There is generally a discharge from their cere, (nostrils above their beak) and lethargy.Domesticated birds with fluffed feathers in the company of others without this behavior is a sign of illness. It also needs the warmth, but remains listless, and often buries it’s head into it’s wing. This is the behavior of ‘fluffed up’ birds that need to go to an avian vet ASAP. They can expire quickly.

Why do parakeets puff up? What does this behavior mean?

The most common reasons are:After preening to settle their feathers.Before going to sleep, to increase insulation.If the parakeet is sitting in one place fluffed up all the time with half-closed eyes, not moving, he is sick and you should take him to a vet.

Canary hen acting weird- nesting, egg bound,or sick?

Does sound like she is in breeding mode. Sounds like eggs are on the way soon. Watch her close for straining and signs of distress. When they are going to lay they are much less apt to fly, and they eat less. The vent will look a bit different then normal. If you think she is egg bound I would get to the vet sooner than later. You can also add some humidity to the room she is in as this helps the eggs pass easier. Good luck

What is the price of a parakeet at Petsmart?

i just got one from there it was $14.99

Why do some budgies like being petted? How do I pet a budgie and without leting it snap my finger off? Do budgies like human touch?

Most budgies do not like being petted. Unlike cats and dogs, whose mothers were constantly cuddling them from the moment they were born, baby budgies grew up with minimal touch from their mothers. Therefore, they view touch as “scary” and try to defend themselves with the only weapon they have—their beak. In the wild, the only time budgies would be touched by an animal much bigger than them would be if a predator got them. So it is realistic to expect budgies to freak out when petted by humans.There are exceptions, however, such as when a budgie is sexually aroused. Then, they will allow their “mate” to pet them, whether it be another bird or their favorite human. My female budgie arches herself when she wants to be “petted” (she is sexually excited) and she then allows me to pet her on her back.If your budgie won't allow you to pet her, there are other ways to show your affection. Talk to your budgie in a happy, excited voice. Sing to her. Whistle to her. Let her ride around on your shoulder as you go about your business. Blow kisses at her. Tell her she is a pretty bird. Let her perch on your finger. Roll around a ball on the floor for her to chase. Let her play with your finger. Let her sit on your head. If you play an instrument, play her a song. There are many other ways to bond with your budgie and show her that you love her if she prefers not to be petted.