My Chihuahua Weighs 1kg Sorry Not Sure In Lbs. She Has To Have Her Teeth Cleaned At The Vet Under

Can I feed boiled chicken to my dog?

Do you mean once in a while or do you mean everyday?It is ok to feed boiled chicken once in a while, but certainly not base your dog diet on boiled chicken only.If you want to stop kibble and give your dog “real food” then look into Barf and Raw feeding. And respect a balance diet so your dogs remains healthy.Also you have to switch progressivly as your dogs digestive system needs to adapt to its new diet.

What is the one life experience that made you mature significantly?

5 years ago, I went through a divorce as my wife ran away with her ex-boyfriend. I was devastated and looking for some companionship or happiness.As I was a teetotaler, I didn't have the confidence to ask women out in bars as I rarely visited them. Libraries were full of old women while I was still in late 20s.I started going to strip clubs which I had never done before. Somehow I had an idealistic view of marriage and relationships where I really agreed with “Till death do us apart" until my ex wife made me realize the brutal truth about human beings and life. However, the dark ambience of those places combined with a marketplace for flesh infested with desperate guys was never to my liking.So, I started hiring escorts. I was making pretty decent six figure salary in NYC. So, a thousand bucks a month was manageable for me. Mostly, they would come and get down straight to business. Sometimes, I tried to strike meaningful conversations with some of them but except for one nobody else was able to appreciate my thoughts.I still remember that woman. She was originally from Bulgaria and always offered to help me put on my socks even though I avoided that as I considered it demeaning to her as a human being. When I told her about my sad life and my self loathing thoughts, she told me the most important lesson in my life. She said: If you want others to like/love you, you should love yourself first. Positive people generate a positive vibe while negativity does the opposite.Honestly, I used to have a lot of meaningful conversations with her and I used to joke to her sometimes that we should live on an isolated island where I hunt for food while she manages our house in the jungle.Coming back to the point, she disappeared all of a sudden after 6 months but the lesson she taught me made me a better person.I managed to improve my health drastically, started socializing more and became more open about my shortcomings that I used to hide earlier. While Didn't remarry, I became a much more content person. Instead of spending money on carnal pleasures, I spend it on my own personal improvement.I sometimes wonder that perhaps there is a reason that many people like Buddha and Jesus had meaningful relationships with prostitutes. Probably those women have risen beyond the levels of temptation that still affects normal human beings and having met a diverse set of people can easily empathize with everyone equally.

Guinea Pig Question!?

get a girl. they are less aggresive, wont ight with eachother and are way more affectionate. my gueiea pig, poppin, warmed right up to us within a week of getting them

also when you get one, pet her every day and experiment to find out how she likes to be petted. if you do she will be much happier and love you much more.

Will a dog eat itself to death if you give it twenty pounds of food? Or will it get full and walk away at some point?

I came home from work one day to find my dogs had broken into the cabinet and eaten an entire week's worth of food in one sitting. There was a shredded bag, a couple areas covered with puked up dog food, and two dogs lying on their sides as if they were in A LOT of discomfort. I cleaned up the mess, trying not to yell because if you don't catch a dog in the act yelling at them accomplishes nothing. Then, I got my dinner and went to the living room only to hear my dogs whining and pushing their bowls around because it was almost six o'clock, their normal time for dinner. I'm speculating that it's possible for a dog to eat itself to death, but more likely it's just going to be sick and then ready to eat again after that.Edit: People have pointed out to me that it's possible for a dog to die from bloat from eating too much of something or something it shouldn't have eaten. I agree that it's NOT a good idea to give dogs free reign of food unless you're 100% sure you have a "grazer" but still think, overall, the majority of dogs will vomit as a means of self-protection than will die from overeating.

Raw diet for dogs feeding guide question!?

I follow a recipe book that I definitely recommend. It teaches you everything you need to know about raw feeding. But yes raw feeding does take a lot of research before you start. It does seem overwhelming at first. You need to choose a method and follow it. I do include veggies in my dog's diet. I feel some low carb high fiber veggies in small amounts are important for fiber. My dog does not do well on a no fiber diet. Normally they would consume fur and feathers which would act as a fiber source. Some people do feed whole prey with the fur and everything, then veggies would not be needed. But there are other methods that do not include veggies and dogs do fine on it as well. It is difficult to answer your questions without knowing what method you want to go by. Chicken bones are safe as long as they are not cooked and as long as your dog does a good job at chewing them. Some dogs like to swallow them without chewing and that can be a problem. Some smaller dogs may also have a problem with bones. If that is the case you can use a bone meal supplement or get a meat grinder and grind the meats with the bone. Or you can use a commercially prepared raw food, they are safe. Just watch the fat content on some of them and make sure they are AAFCO approved. There are some low quality commercial raw foods out there. Veggies are ok, they wont hurt your dogs in small amounts. Just stay away from grains, soy, potatoes, and legumes as they are the most damaging, although on occasion they wont hurt either unless your dog has food intolerances/allergies.

This book is more of a barfish style of raw feeding. It will teach you how to prepare, how much to feed, pretty much covers everything including omega fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, glandulars etc. Following it helped my dog overcome some horrible skin and allergy problems as well as some chronic digestive issues.