My Child Cries Every Time I Put Him In His Bed

Why does my Newborn cry every time I put him down...he will not sleep in his crib?

I am a Midwife and Mother and COMPLETELY DISAGREE with the 'self-soothing' advice that just gives us a rationale for ignoring a crying baby and 'soothes' our guilt. Your body is your newborns natural environment he has been cocooned safely inside you for his entire existence, it takes time for a little fella to get used to being uncontained and alone. He is being a clever human infant by making sure his main caregiver is as close as possible to him at all time and is vigillant about this even when he is almost asleep. Your Mother is from the generation that were taught about spoiling the child, believe me a newborn does not have that much cognitive ability he just wants to be close to you.

My eldest is now five. I breastfed him until 18 months and co-slept with him and he moved quite happily at age three to his own bed in his own room and sleeps there all night on his own. No screaming, no tears and no guilt.

Don't let others tell you what to do. You are the expert on your child (even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment). Try to do what comes instinctively and don't question it too much in more 'primitive' cultures around the globe a child would never be expected to sleep on their own and a crying baby would immediately be picked-up and comforted.

Try reading the 'Continuum Concept' by Jean Liedloff and La Leche League are a fantastic charity they should have a group near you.

Your day five, things will be rough and then one day around three months you will say 'hey it is not that rough and I actually know why he is crying' your getting to know eachother.

Big love to you and I wish you strength and SLEEP one day :)

Help! My month old baby cries everytime I put her down to sleep at night!?

Wait until she is out cold, it may take about 20-30 mintues. I wouldnt suggest letting her cry at 4 months, doctors and nurses usually say around 6 months for that. 4 months is still really young and she just needs to know that you are there and reassure her. It will get better though, I went through the same thing for about a month at 4 months as well. its just soemthing you have to deal with, I was worried it would become a habit on my sons part but babies surprise you. He came right out of it and just started sleeping when I put him down. By four months the baby should be sleeping in her crib by now, and start a bed time routine, bath, book, bottle, bed. it works and the baby knows its bed time.

My 5 month old screams and cries every time I put him down?

Up until about 4 weeks ago my son was perfectly fine with playing on his own. I could lay him in his play area while I was doing the household chores and he would talk and play. He never got fussy until he was hungry or tired. He was on a schedule. He woke up at 6am and took naps throughout the day and then was in bed by 10 every night.

Four weeks ago he got sick and was sick for about a week. He had a cold and it was affecting his sleep because he was having trouble breathing. Then as soon as he was better, we went on vacation for 2 weeks. While on vacation he was held a lot because we didn't have many of his toys with us and we were outdoors a lot.

We have been back now for a week and ever since getting back, he has not let me put him down without crying and screaming. I've tried his jumper, his swing, laying him on his back under hanging toys, laying him on his tummy with toys, I've bought him new toys, I've done just abut everything I can think of but he is not satisfied until he is being held. He wants to be carried around so he can look at things. And on top of that, he hasn't been going to sleep until around midnight every night and still waking up at 6am but not taking any good naps throughout the day.

When he cries it is such a tantrum. He turns red, tears roll down his face, he starts choking on his tears, and he gets really sweaty. The crying doesn't stop. He would sit there crying for hours if I would let him.

Would his teething make him want to be held all the time? Has anyone else had a problem like this? How did you fix it?

I'm really torn. On one hand I feel like I should just let him cry it out because I know all of his needs are met, but on the other hand he is still just a little baby. What's your opinion on this and why?


My 3 month old cries if I put her down. Of course she has been fed, cleaned, etc. How can I teach her to be happy while lying down?

Unfortunately, or perhaps it's fortunately depends on how you look at it, some babies need their parents more than others. It is inconvenient at times, I know. You have millions other things to do but you can't put the baby down to do it, that's frustrating. I am, however, not going to tell you to put that baby down and let her cry for long period of time to “fix” her behaviour. No, that shouldn't be done to any babies. Your baby need you to thrive. Even more so with the clingy type. They need you to feel secure because the world is a scary place and they have yet to learn how to navigate through. There will be a time when they stop needing you but now, be there for them. Here are things that may help you to get through.Babywearing: I can stress enough how wonderful this is. It helps your baby to stay calm and feel secure while giving you the freedom to do something else. Throw away the pram. If you want to go out: Babywear. If you want baby to fall asleep: Babywear! Best thing invented in human history.Set up safe co-sleep. If you absolutely cannot put her down to her cot so you can sleep, then let her sleep with you. You need enough sleep in order to take care of your baby.A good daily schedule by the professional. I would recommend a paid one because they have policy to make sure the schedule worth your money. It helps making nap time and bed time easier without the sleep train.Don't worry about housework. Unless it drives you nut to see a messy house, housework is not as important as spending time with your baby before the age of 1. If you're a clean freak then practice Babywearing.A tiny bit of crying is okay. If you have to make a run to the toilet and do not wish to bring baby with you, put her into a safe place without any choking or strangling hazard and make a run. Do what you needs to do as fast as possible and come back. She will be scared for a little bit but if you always come back fast, she won't feel abandoned.Enjoy the cuddle. My son wasn't a clingy baby, in fact he doesn't like cuddle much. He only cuddle when he's sick or feel uncomfortable. When you have a baby like mine, you yearn for a bit of cuddle and learn to enjoy every moment of it. Enjoy your baby, sniffs her hair, remember that sweet baby smell and the soft baby fat, it will be gone all too soon.

Have you tried the "Ferber Method"?

So okay - After reading about how i'm such an AWFUL mom to do this (LOL) and also getting a very valid email from someone - I will be testing out a MODIFIED version of the Ferber Method.

Since my son is mostly co-sleeping with us, putting him directly into his own room may be a bit harder (for both him and my husband and I). So this is what we are going to try. No more sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed, but sleeping in his bassinet that is setup next to our bed. So he will still be able to see us and hear us... but we will not run and pick him up at every cry. We may let him cry for a min or so, then go and rub his head (he likes that) hold his hands or just do the *shush shush* thing until he calms down, and then do it all over again! :)

If you'd like an update as to if it works or not, shoot me an email and I will update you in the next couple of days!

Thanks to everyone for all there opinions — even the ones telling me what a bad parent I am! :)

Why would my son cry hysterically every time its nap time?

for the last few weeks my son has refused nap time...i put him down the same time everyday and say its nap time grab your blankey and anything else you want and he just shakes his head no and starts screaming hysterically like something horribly is happening to him...i ignore it and put him in his bed and say sweet dreams take a nap and the screaming and crying begin and this isn't normal crying, he is hyperventilating and hysterical its nuts..ive never seen anything like it...i close the door and hes banging on the walls and doors screaming his head off and he refuses to go lay down and comes out of his room and he instantly stops crying...i try to put him back in and it starts all over again...bed time is the same way...his behavior seems to be unhealthy and its getting ridiculous that he is behaving this way he has never been like this before...i cant take him anywheres with me especially a store...he throws nasty fits and breaks things, i have to wait until midnight when his father gets home just so i can go shopping in peace...i am at my wits end with him i just don't know where the screaming and fits are coming from its very embarrassing to go anywhere i look like the worse parent in the world when i have to drag him out of a store for breaking things and running all over and bumping in to people, i have tried every idea and suggestion people are giving me and nothing is working! the Dr's say its normal, but he is not acting normal, hes 2 years old and im thinking of taking him to a psychiatrist to see if theres a real problem...any suggestions would be appreciated

Baby wakes up crying every 15 min all night.?

At 8 months he's either crying because he has a reason or simply because he can.

If you've troubleshooted everything to no avail and the DR says everything is fine assume its the latter. Get him on a schedule during the day and makes sure all his needs are met then give him a little tough love during the night. He needs to learn to get himself asleep. Make sure you put him to bed drowsy but still awake. Let him sooth himself back to sleep, don't run to his crib. It's fine for him to fuss 20 minutes before falling back asleep.

Also make sure you don't let him sleep too much during the day. You don't want anything to interfere with night time sleep!