My Cousin Is Really Worrying Me

Worried about cousin who has no friends.?

Have you thought about mentioning this to her mother (your aunt)? I think it's really admirable that you care so much about your cousin and are trying to devote time to spend with her. 12 can be a really transitional are changing from elementary to middle schools, and often change friends or find new friends when that happens. She probably considers you a really important part of her life, so if you can continue to find time to spend with her, even if it's a phone call or email, just so that she keeps getting that positive attention, I think that would be great for her.

Her mom may consider having her see a therapist if she feels it's an issue that needs to be dealt with (it sounds like she could use some help dealing with the fact that her father is absent in her life). If I were her mother and saw her struggling socially, I would also consider getting her involved in either extracurricular activities, or activities independent (outside) of school. Find out what she's interested in and try to help her explore those interests more...

Other than that, school and teen years can be really tough... You just have to pull through the best you can and if you can help others, like your cousin, that just makes you even more special for caring so much.

I'm really worried about my cousin?

My cousin is turning 13 in a month or so and she really scares me. She should be in grade 7 this year but she started school early. So she's in grade 8. She's had many boyfriend aged 13-16. Her recent boyfriend was 16 and he smoked and injected himself with drugs and stuff. She doesn't have the best role models, she has a 17 year old sister with a 2 year old baby. And a 20 year old drug smoking sister. Both of these girls boyfriends are in jail for abuse. And my cousin recently told me that she came very close to having sex with a 15 year old boy but the only thing stopping her was because 'it' wouldn't fit. And also, she gave oral to a 16 year old boy and let him finger her. This makes me really sick. I don't see her much so I can't do enough, her mum had told her off but she just lies and goes and does other things. I've told her mum but she just says "my little girl wouldn't do that".

Any advice that might change her mind?
She's only 12.

My aunt and uncle are getting a divorce? What about my cousins?

So my father's sister is getting a divorcing her husband. I'm not really worried or thinking about what this means for my relationship with my uncle, but I am worried about my cousins. They live a few states away and are quite a few years younger than me and I want to be able to support them through this but I just don't know how. All of the kids of divorced couples I know have grown up that way, so I've never had someone remotely close to me go through what my cousins are going through right now. How do I be the great and supportive older cousin I've always been while they go through this? I don't have much contact with them because they're too young for the internet, so most of our relationship is centered around seeing each other in person a handful of times a year, and I'll probably see them less now with the divorce. I don't know..

I had a dream of my cousins ex boyfriend?

So my cousin broke up with her boy friend yesterday. Then last night I had a dream that me and her ex started flirting and hanging out, then hooked up. What is this supposed to mean?

Me and my cousin are really close like sisters, and I
would never do any thing bad to her like date her ex. I used to have a Chrush on him but now I don't care much for him


14 year old cousin lost her virginity?

You should try to talk to her. Her parents, depending on how they are, won't do anything but yell at her and tell her not to. Perhaps since she trusts you enough to tell you, you can explain to her the concepts of save and LEGAL sex. She at 14 is now allowed to have sex AT ALL. Depending on where you live the age of consent is different but usually it's 16. Don't confront her, and don't be upset with her. Just remember, she might've been pressured, she might be too young to understand the consequences. Just tell her that you're not here to yell or tell her what to do, but (now if you're okay with doing these kinds of things) you'll be there for her if she needs to go to the doctor or needs to go shopping for condoms or things like that. Girls SHOULD visit a doctor once they become sexually active for a pap smear.. so just keep these things in mind.

If you believe that your aunt and uncle will be understanding and won't punish or ground her (these things won't stop her from having sex) then you can go ahead and tell her for her own good. But like I said, it's really up to you.