My Dad Is Broke And He Continues To Buy Me Things

My parents make me buy everything?

It's my birthday. Guess what I got? 50 bucks. Yep that's it. Same as every year. My parents are not broke they have money, my brother (18) gives his whole 500 dollar a week salary to my dad every single week. On top of that my mom and dad work. I turned 15 today. They make me buy everything on my own even though I have no job. I have a computer (brought myself) a old flip phone (brought myself) clothing (brought myself) and that's about it. All of those things took me months or even years to save up to buy. They didn't chip in a dime. For a birthday present today I wanted parakeet. I already have a cage but they said no. I have no other pets besides a fish (brought the tank,gravel and all supplies including fish myself) and they still said no. They expect me to get a job too. Which I will. They said I have to give them all of my salary of the week too (which I will). I live under their roof which I'm grateful for but I get depressed when I see my friends with all these cool electronics and then I see what I have and it's nothing even though I worked my *** for it. I have the money for the bird and cage and everything but they still say no. I have to buy EVERYTHING myself and they don't really care for me. How can I convince them to let me by the bird with MY own money? How to tell them that I need some money too. I haven't asked for anything ever. Not even school supplies (I also buy those myself). I just don't get why I get treated like dirt when I'm only 15. And lets face it I will probably get kicked out at 16 because they said they will and that I'm a stupid ***** and a ******* ********. I get tired of hearing this so next year when I get my car and job I will just go to work 24/7 just to get away from them. How should I handle this?

My dad throws things... what should I do?

People/parents tear you down to build themselves up- Think about this for awhile. Words are not said to help you at all. Its only a trick to make abusers/parents feel good. When people are sick they say mean things to feel better. This goes for people at school as well.

Abusers use put downs, ignoring or hitting. You are tricked and thats why you feel bad. Abusers lie and have lies mixed with past truths other times. They have problems so its not your fault. Hurting people hurt others and were abused themselves. You are being abused.

Divorce, father gone, abuse, ignoring can make children grow up with all types of so called "Mental Problems" or turn them into abusers. Know mean people often are calling you names of mental disorders to abuse you. The "Chemical Imbalance" claim is false. It has been thoroughly discredited by researchers. There is No test for imbalances..-Quakery exposed. " Its total fraud" -- Dr. Fred Baughman Neurologist.

Live away from all abusers verbal or physical and never go back. Dont speak to them. They will never change unless forced.

Remember- Read 20 sites daily on Emotional Abuse- also Tell your teacher.

God wants you to Forgive- which does not require talking to them again- Call Child Protective Services transitional housing to age 21.

Experience seeing this work.. Contact me I have questions for you.

How do i tell my dad i broke his phone?

"Dad.. I smashed your phone"

Dad only calls when he wants something?

I'm 23 and hate answering my dad's calls because I know he wants something. He and my mom had me in high school (never married). I grew up with my Mom and Step-dad; had an amazing childhood. She never asked for child support because he had 7 other children by different women. He was rarely in my life.

The calls started when he wanted a dog that was trained, so I got him a dog and trained it myself. Now he's always calling me to pay for things for the dog and to come pick the dog up when he needs a break (2 hours away), knowing gas prices are ridiculous. He's not willing to make the trip himself.

He asks for money to see his family, bills, etc, (always insisting he'll pay me back but never does). He's even asked to use my SS# to co-sign on things. I found out he's used my sister's SS# for his phone bills and she's only 16. Now I've noticed my uncles/aunts (his brothers/sisters), are calling me for money.

Now I lie and tell him I'm broke, but I always feel bad. Am I wrong?

My dad broke my phone, and refuses to replace it, what should i do?

My dad broke my phone, and refuses to replace it, what should i do?
about a week ago, my dad and i got into an argument and he took my phone. i persisted to ask for it back and he refused, he pushed me out of the way and told me that the only way i would get it back was broken. i said you better no do that, and he went outside and broke it on the porch. and threw it as far as he could. he then attempted to push me off the porch and told me to leave the house. im 16 and didnt have anywhere to go so i left and walked around the town for multiple hours. sneaking into the house early in the morning so he didny know i was there, and leaving for school before he woke up.
the phone he broke was given to me as a birthday/good grades gift by my aunt in june (end of the school year) she pays for my phone bill (as my dad is out of work). my dad has no ownership of the phone.
previous to the arguement, we hadnt spoke to eachother in 2 weeks. (he canceled my car insurance and has been verbally combative and confrontational lately)

i want my phone replaced, it was the iphone 4 and since he threw it and it cannot be found its going to cost 600$ to replace. he says he isnt going to pay a penny, and that it was my fault. i am very frustrated at this point, i have had little communication, transportation and parental interaction. my mother lives in another state.
i do not know what to do. im not sure who to talk to, or if i should seek assistance from the police? i just want my phone back and to be able to live my remaining HS life in peace. iv had multiple friends offer me a place to stay, and i am seriously considering it.
i dont really have a lot of adults to seek if in need of advice. but i really need some.
i am very independent, iv been living the past 3 weeks financially on my own: pay for my own food, and transportation, and iv been going to school. i just want him to replace what he broke. and hopefully get him and i the help each of us need. i dont know that i even want to live with him anymore.
thanks in advance for any help given.