My Dad Is Disabled And He Said That In The State Of Nevada I Can Drive At 14 Is It True

Can a minor who is 17 drive across state lines alone?

Check with State a local law along your route. Since the laws have changed for teenage drivers you will be bound by local age restrictions whereever you go. For example, a Nassau County teenager who drove to NYC to pick up a relative due to a serious illness in the family and had an accident in which the passenger was seriously injured, is facing jail time because the teenager violated NYC age restrictions,

Is it illegal to drive with the tailgate down on a pickup truck? A cop told me to put it up at a check point.?

Because the door goes beyond the bumper, it is.

If you have the gate down, you need to put a flag (red rag etc.) on the end of the tailgate to warn other drivers.

I am not looking for just answers, I need assistance. What other forms do I use? Are there any calculations?

Taxation homework problem yes tax forms and instruction are available for you to use for this purpose by going to the website and by using the search box you can start with the Publication 17 first and then proceed on through each line of the 1040 income tax return form to the last chapter and page of the Publication 17.
Publication 17 (2012), Your Federal Income Tax…

Each chapter covers different subjects and things OK.
Has 36 chapters covering the 1040 tax form and schedules and other forms that will have to be used for this purpose along with the 1040 during each tax filing season for the past tax year.
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 09/30/2013

Can someone give me a biography of Muhammad Ali?

Its for a sixth grade reaserch project. I need stuff on his career and after he retired. Erm... No Wikipidia please. I tried it already. There are some truly stupid people out there....