My Dad Wont Let Me Go To The Dentist

My parents wont take me to the dentist?

Well, Tell your parents that my teeth are really bad. I do need to go to the dentist. Any way you are supposed to go the dentist every 6 months. If your mom does not want your teeth to be healthy, That's her problem. You need to go to the dentist. Hope I helped!

My mom wont take me to the dentist?

I'd freakin run away dude. That's terrible that she won't take you.
I hope to hell you're trolling.

Please help! My parents wont let me go to the dentist...?

Many people don't have dental insurance, so perhaps a bit why she is brushing it off. Besides, how long since you have started having the pain? Getting your wisdom teeth in is natural and it will hurt periodically while working it's way to the surface. Try using orajel on it and take tylenol. Mine were working their way up and down for quite awhile. I think I was around 18. By the time I was 24, I had them taken out. They had broken the surface but were rotting when they would go up and down. I also had one that was growing sideways and putting pressure onto the other teeth. They finally had to do oral surgery and put me under to get them out. I was totally miserable for 2 weeks straight and in alot of pain. I had lots of good pain killers though that knocked me out. If the pain keeps getting worse I would certainly be persistant about going to the dentist. You should be going to one any way. Offer to get a job to pay for it if they seem to be worried about the money. Your health is just as important for your teeth, so I am surprised the way your mother is since she is a nurse.

My dad does not let me go to the dentist?

wtf your dad is a dumbass n should get his *** beat like really. Go to another family member n tell them your situation... I hope u get help :(

Parents won't make me a dentist appointment?

I know it's the summer time so you can't consult your school but if this continues for much longer you could die or have your mouth permanently damaged from infection. This is not good at all and if your parents continue to ignore your medical need you need to discretely contact a family member imediately or a close friend. Call someone who can help you, there's a possibility that your parents may not be able to afford it but if they don't try that is deliberate neglect to your health and serious consequences could befall them.

Please help! My parents wont let me go to the dentist...?

Ok, I have this pain in the back of my mouth and it hurts alot, i think i might have my wisdom teeth growing i can see a tiny bit of the top of a tooth, but i'm not sure i told my friend about it and she said it might be my wisdom teeth and that she had hers taken out and all she could eat for three days was shakes. when i told my mom about it she said its fine it just means i have new teeth growing, how can i convince them to let me see the dentist, i've never been to one and i'm really concerned my mom is a nurser so i guess she knows about health, but i'm worried. my parents are from nigeria and dont believe in going to the dentist and stuff, but my mom is a nurse and she told me she pays for doctor, dental and the eye care insurance, so why not use it?
how can i convince my parents to take me to a dentist?
and if it my wisdom teeth, how long will it be until they've grown and the pain will stop and do i have to get them taken out?
would now be a good time to take them out or do i have to wait until you can see more of the tooth?
thanks ahead

Is it bad that my parents never took me to the doctor or dentist?

I didn't get taken to the doctor after I was 2 or 3. I got my shots for school at the health department but they didn't actually do a check up or anything - the nurse came out in the waiting room and went around giving shots. I never went to the dentist at all until I was 17 and in college and I had this horrible toothache that ended up needing a root canal.

My parents won't take me to the dentist? I need help though?

My gums, right behind my top front teeth, are swollen and white.
I can't even close my mouth without biting into my gums and feeling pain.
It's been like this for about 5 or 6 days now.
Every time I ask my mom about calling the dentist,
she gets really angry and says shes too busy and
"its not on her priority this week"
She's yelling at me now about it and I just
heard my dad talking about me saying,
"Sooner or later she's going to have to learn the reality of life."
I mean..did I do something wrong?!
I'm just sick of this pain, I can't even close my mouth or eat normally.
Any way, I can't seem to rely on my parents,
so what do I do??

How do I tell my parents that I REALLY need to go to the dentist?

Well, it obviously is VERY important to get your teeth checked if you feel there're something wrong.

So, go my way... Go to you mom and get a very serious look on your face. PS: Make your eyes big and bulging... It really really helps.

Then sweetly say,"Mom Dentists say that we NEED to get our oral check up every month. And as far as I am concerned, my teeth are getting worse. I just feel that a check up then and now will only benefit me and I can get some useful tips to help me in the later future,"

Hope this helps!