My Daughter Feels Invisible At School Around Her Peers How Can I Help Her

Help!!! I feel invisible at school?

I moved to a new school 2 months ago, im a 10th grader In high school and when I first moved to this school I made so many friends, everyone liked me and everyone would talk to me. I was popular. I had people to talk to at lunch, and I made a lot of friends in my classes but for about 3 weeks now everyone has been ignoring me. My lunch friends don't talk to me anymore, they walk away from me now. I go sit in the library alone at lunch now. In class everyone stopped talking to me, it's almost like I'm invisible. It's so weird how I went from being popular to being the weird loner guy. At school I don't speak a word to anyone for the entire day now. I'm lonely and I'm depressed now. I guess I just went out of style or something. What should I do though? I'm suicidal now.

My daughter feels invisible at school around her peers how can i help her?

I think the best way to help her can start at home (not saying you're not doing anything) treat her like she everything give her the attention she's not getting at school maybe you can spend time with friends who have kids & she'll meet new people or a boys and girls club. Lastly tell her to be herself