My Daughter Is Almost 2 Years Old She Wake Up Everyday Around 4 30am To 5 30am Crying Asking For

What time should I got to bed if I want to wake up at 5:30 everyday?

What time should I go to bed if I want to wake up everyday at 5:30 so I have more time in the morning? I am 14. I usually go to bed at 11:30 but I am usually so tired. What is a good time you would say/suggest?

My daughter (13) just started her period. She is freaked out. What to say?

I am a grown man and I am not stupid. I understand the biological basics for becoming a woman (that sounds a little strange) as my late wife made sure to educate me on the inner workings.

But my daughter woke me up (its 4:30 am here) crying because her belly hurt. She was vomiting. I thought she had the flu, but she started her period. She can't get back to sleep and I gave her some midol, but she cried herself to sleep because she thinks she is a freak (she is the first of her friends...I guess. Is this good or bad for them socially?) and wants to stay home from school tomorrow (which I have no problem with as she seems to be in pain). She wanted to talk tomorrow (we are close) but I had nothing to go off of. My mother is in the hospital for a test and while I have looked online but there is nothing really informative. It seems very impersonal. What do I say to her tomorrow? Should I take her shopping (she enjoys that) or do something special with her since her siblings will be in school?
I don't have work (my day off) and I just wondered what I can do to make this easy for her. She had been going through a lot of crap. Should I let her stay home until she is done? I am not sure. Should she go to the doctors?

My 5 year old takes forever (30min) to get out of bed and get ready for school. I put the lights on and fuss every 2-3 minutes. What else can I do somewhat peacefully?

ABCA= Action. What is it you want him to do?B= Behavior. What are they doing?C= Consequence. What is the consequence of their behavior?Does he know what the rules are? Does he understand the importance of the rules? Are there consequences for his not behaving in a way that achieves the goal?I am not talking about “jail time” or “physical” punishment. But 5 years old is not too young to start understanding how their personal actions impact other people. Does he understand how YOU have to get ready in the morning (and other people?) Does he understand how you having to come roust him every five minutes doesn’t work?My daughter, as a middle schooler did the same thing. I would not leave her room from the first call until her feet were on the floor. The floor was cold (colder than her bed) and it woke her up.We left for school at 7:45AM. I needed to drop her off on my way to work. It did not matter her state of dress, makeup (during high school) or whether or not she had done her hair. The car left at 7:45 AM and she was in it.It took about ten days for her to start getting up ten or fifteen minutes earlier.Lay out clothes the night before. Go over the “getting up process” before going to sleep. Make it a process that “everyone has to learn”. Make it part of his/her “chores” or “household tasks.” Write a chart they can check off.Reward good behavior. Punish (lightly at first) bad behavior.This is all part of parenting. Yelling and screaming is not going to work. I spent four years in a military college, screaming at me never worked. Explaining “why” always did. I’ve used that as a successful manager for 35 years. It works every time.

What time does your 3 year old wake up?

My son goes to bed at 8pm, wakes up at 615am and naps about 2 hours a day (12-2). HE IS NOW WAKING UP AT 5AM, AND WE HAVEN'T CHANGED HIS ROUTINE. Help!! Does he require less sleep now? Should I put him to bed at a later time now?

How long does your 1 year old nap during the day?

Avary is almost 13 months old and goes to sleep in her crib at 9 PM. She's gotten pretty wonderful about going right to sleep. She knows whe I lay her down it's sleepy time. I watch her on the monitor and sometimes she will lay there, quietly talking to herself or petting her "Leo" (AKA: Lamby) until she drifts off to sleep. It's great because now if she cries or wakes up fussy I know there is something wrong because it is not the norm. She's been teething lately (eye teeth and molars) so when she wakes up at 11:00 or midnight crying, I know why - which is a big comfort. There is nothing worse than your baby crying in the middle of the night and not knowing what's wrong. I'm sure you agree.

Anyway, a little off the subject there. When I go to bed, usually between midnight and 3 AM, I bring her a bottle of warm milk or formula or mixture (sometimes if I feel she didn't eat well during the day and needs the extra nutrients I'll give her a formula bottle instead of plain whole milk to make up for it). I transfer her to my bed since we have always coslept and I give her her bottle, she drifts back off to sleep in my arms - it's wonderful. She will usually sleep until about 8 AM.

Her first nap is at around 11:00 or noon then she usually takes a second around 5 PM. How long she sleeps at both naps varies pretty widely. Sometimes she will sleep for 45 minutes while other times she will sleep for 3 hours! Usually she takes the longer naps when she is going through a growth spurt. It usually coincides with when she is eating like a horse, LOL!

I know I gave you lots of extra info but your answer is in there too, LOL!

How do working couples with kids manage their daily routine?

Hi, I think I qualify as one of those parents fitting the criteria of the question.I am an Assistant Professor, leaving house at 8:30 and returning at around 5. My husband works from 12 in the noon to 8 in the evening. He is self employed. So our daughter, who is almost 3 now, is alone from 12 to 5. We put her in a creche as soon as my maternity break was over.My husband would leave her at 12, and i would pick her up by 5. But there were other kids who were there since 8 in the morning.About the household chores, we divide them. I cook two meals in the evening (5:30–7 pm). One for the night, another for next morning. We have a maid, who comes in twice a day (11 am and 7 pm) who cleans, does dishes, chops vegetables etc. Evenings are spent chilling with my daughter (7–9). She goes off to sleep sometime between 9–10, depending upon her level of tiredness. From then to 11 is our couple time. I wake up at 6, packing our lunches, making breakfast, getting ready and leaving at 8:30.Weekends are spent in stocking the kitchen and the fridge and doing the laundry. Friday or saturday night is utilized for going out or chilling at home. Sunday evenings are no cooking evenings.The most hectic time of the day is 5–7 in the evening for me. While my daughter needs attention, I need to finish cooking and tidy up the house simultaneously. Thus she has now formed a habit of sitting on the kitchen counter and chatting with me all the while.

What does it mean when a voice wakes you up in the middle of the night?

This has happened to me several times. Awake and asleep. The strangest is my children calling mom. In my head I hear one say mom and I instantly know something is wrong. First time was when my now eighteen year old daughter was three and spending the night at her dads. She woke in the middle of the night and got locked out of the apartment. I was ten miles away and sound asleep when I heard her cries of mommy in my head. I tried calling and got no answer so I drive over as fast as I could to find her sitting on the steps with some strange man. I pounded on her father's door and got no answer so I took her home. This has happened often with a voice I dont know saying my name. Kinda creeps me out.

22 month old son suddenly refusing to nap?

Push his nap up. 1 pm may be too early for him. Try 2 if you notice he is getting tired at 1, by two he should be ready.

Either remove toys from his room, or put them in something only you can open so he can't play with them at nap time.

Do you have a nap time routine to help him winddown?? Lay in bed and read a book? Cuddle on the couch and read a book??

When he does get up, don't talk to him. The second you open your mouth, he wins. Pick him up, put him back in, and silently take the toys out of the room without saying anything.

Also, sometimes kids stop napping once they're in a bed, or shortly after. He may just not need naps as bad anymore. If he won't sleep, try just having a quiet hour instead. Have him crawl into bed with you, read books, play quietly with tv no high-energy. Keep him calm and quiet, and you still get to relax a bit, too, atleast.

ADD: If he isn't getting up til 8-8:30 he almost definately needs his nap pushed up. Most kids his age are up 6-7ish and don't go down til around 1. So it only makes sense that if he's sleeping that late, that he would need a later nap by that time. The little one I watch who is nearly 20 months now, is up at 6-6:30 and doesn't go down til 12 - 12:30 most days. And he's in bed by 8 pm.

You could also try putting him down at 8, so he will get up an hour or so earlier..and you might be able to keep his nap at 1pm.