My Daughter Is Overweight And I Don

Is my daughter overweight?

With those statistics your daughter has a BMI of 23.6.

The BMI range for normal weight range is 18.5 to 24.9.

So no, she is not considered overweight, but she is higher on the normal weight range.

She should just take steps to maintain her weight.

Should I enroll my overweight daughter in gymnastics?

My 8 year old daughter wants to take gymnastics with one of her friends. My daugher is overweight (not obese but definitely beyond chubby). My husband and I are normal weight and we eat healthy and exercise. Our daughter was thin until about a year or so ago when she started hanging out at her friend's places and getting lots of unhealthy snacks there. I feel very guiltly about having an overweight child and I feel bad about how I used to judge the parents of overweight children. It can happen even if mom and dad do their best.

The girl who she wants to take gymnastics is very thin and is definitely the aplha girl/leader of the two. I am a little concerned about it because I am not sure how it will work out. It may just upset my daughter and I am not sure if she can actually do any gymnastics at her weight. I think her friend wants her to enroll to controll her and to always have someone around who she is better than. Should I enroll her?

My teenaged daughter is overweight. Would it be feasible as motivation to get her to agree to wearing a size medium all summer until she fits into it without looking ridiculous? She thinks this could work, as do I.

This is a terrible idea.In the first place, the two of you should be focusing on her health, not her clothing size.In the second place, forcing her to wear clothing that does not fit her properly will accomplish nothing beyond making her uncomfortable, both physically and psychologically. You are also creating a situation that significantly increases the risk your daughter could become a target of bullying. That’s not motivation; it’s torment.Come up with a carrot instead of a stick.Sit down with her and help her to establish a series of small, stepwise, health-related goals that she can achieve over the next few months.“I’m going to shrink myself from a Size 18 to a Size 6” is NOT a small, stepwise, short-term, health-related goal. It’s a recipe for failure.“I’m going to replace one soft drink a day with a glass of water” is a small, stepwise, health-related goal.“I’m going to have a bowl of strawberries for dessert instead of eating a bowl of ice cream” is a small, stepwise, health-related goal.“I’m going to ride my bike to the mall instead of taking the car” is a small, stepwise, health-related goal.If she focuses on healthy living instead of her clothing size, the weight will come off naturally.If you want to use clothing as a motivator, I can offer a suggestion. I don’t know whether this will work for you or not, but if you like the idea you can adapt it to your needs.The way to use clothing as a motivator is by using it as a reward for after a stepwise, health-related goal has been met.If she meets a stepwise, health-related goal without losing any weight, she still gets the reward. Make the reward an item she can enjoy regardless of her weight, like a jewelry, a scarf, or cool socks.If she meets a stepwise, health-related goal and her clothing size goes down as a consequence, she gets a casual shirt or shorts in the new size.

My 9 year old daughter weighs 94 lbs.?

She is 4'6" tall and 94 lbs. Is this bad, I don't want to push anything on her, but I don't want her to be unheathly, I also don't want her to be obsesses with dieting either, She have Never been over weight, And she doesn't look overweight, except her belly. Accually she is beutiful, How can I get her to eat healthy without pushing the diet thing? Is 94 lbs. ok? Help