My Diamondback Terrapin Is A Baby And I Need Help

What to feed a baby diamondback terrapin?

You need 8-10 gallons of water for every inch of carapace(topshell) length. For diamond back terrapins they are brack is. I would set up an enclouser that has a middle land section and water space on each side. I would do 6 gallons per inch each side. One side brackish one side fresh. (You can use salt sold for salt water fish to make brackis). You need to heat the water 78 degrees. You need a heat lamp and UV light that aims to the land and makes a basking space around 92 degrees. You need filters.

For food they are mainly carnivourous and should eat a variety of protiens. The crabs are good when big enough but should not be only food source also feed fish(not gold), krill, shrimp, chicken, insects, worms, etc. Also as it grows start offer some veggitation as well like duckweed, dandilion greens, bok choy, kale, etc. also add a calcium source.

Good luck.

WHY does my Diamondback Terrapin bite the other?

First off, turtles are not social animals (i'm just going to assume you own these legally, they are protected/endangered species through most of their range... I could go on with this for several paragraphs... if you don't own them legally {check your state's DNR or FWC website} please look into giving them to a zoo or someone who is licensed to keep them), other than during breeding season they do not seek out the company of their fellow turtles.

You should have 10 gallons of water per inch of carapace length... you 90 gallon won't be enough when they're full grown. Also, with multiple turtles, you will want MORE than 10 gallons per inch of carapace and hiding places.

Remember, these are NOT FRESH WATER TURTLES, they are brackish water turtles. For a nice treat from time to time, if you live near salt water visit a bait store, of if you have a seafood market that can supply live, the occasional small live blue crab or live shrimp will be a welcome addition to their diet.

Even if you put them in the larger tank they may still not be happy with each other's company... be prepared to separate them for good if the aggression continues.

Terrapin VS turtle...?

In addition to what Dion said, it really depends where in the world you live, as the vernacular is different in different places, using the words "tortoise", "terrapin", and "turtle".

If you want to try to be scientific, "Tortoise" generally refers to members of the family Testudinidae, which are also sometimes called "True Tortoises". That is probably the only term that has any real scientific meaning, although if you go to other parts of the world people will call aquatic turtles "tortoises" too.

This is the problem with common names. The change in different areas. Here is the US, people think of terrapins as brackish water turtles mostly, that live in bays, marshes and estuaries, mostly because of the diamondback terrapin. From your wording, it sounds like you are possibly in the UK, or Europe? That is the common use of the word terrapin there. And again it is different in Australia.

What kind of turtle is it that has 3 to 4 humps on it's back, freshwater,sea turtle type face?

Sorry guys ,but I don't think it's a snapping turtle,the fetures were softer.The turtle was a baby,about 1 inch in diamenter.We saw it in canals that run into the Gulf from a freshwater spring in Midwest Florida,very close to the spring,not so brakish(salt & fresh mixed)

Can I get some help here? My turtle bit me!!!?

If it broke skin and is continuing to get redder and more swollen I would suggest going to your doctor. If it didn't break the skin and it didn't bite over an open wound then you should be okay since there was no opening for anything to get in you. I have a friend who got blood poisoning when he was bit on the finger by his pig. I've been bitten by my Sulcata and she didn't break skin and it only hurt a little and got slightly red. If it gets worse, go to a doctor quickly.

Is it ok to feed a turtle cereal?

I would say no. I've never seen on any websites that you should feed it cereal so I wouldn't do it again. If she stops eating again maybe give her a piece but if she continues to stop eating take her to a vet or go to a pet store and explain to them whats wrong. It could have been worse though, at least you didn't feed it something like cheese or ham.

What can I do if I found a baby turtle?

You can either let it go, or, if you are up for the responsibility and are willing to give it the care it needs, keep it! My dad found a baby turtle about a year ago, and now she is part of our family. This is my turtle:You might need to talk to someone about food and other things it needs to stay healthy but other than that, they are pretty chill creatures.If you find one while it’s still a baby, they won’t be as afraid of you as older turtles. My turtle likes to come out of her shell a lot and explore, but she also likes to hide in dark places, like hoodie pockets, to nap. ^-^ They do hibernate during winter, so you would have to be sure to take them out of their tank every now and then to make sure they have food and water and are doing good. Because they are babies, they won’t really do this on their own.They also like a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and will sometimes eat small bugs like grasshoppers, crickets and sometimes even earthworms. But it all depends on what type of turtle it is. Here is a turtle enjoying an apple:If you do plan on taking on this responsibility, you will definitely need to talk to an experienced pet owner or do research on it. I would say you would probably want to find out the type of turtle it is first because all turtles are different.Hope this helps :)

How long can small turtles go without food or water?

A normal healthy, adult turtle that has been fed properly during it's life will be able to survive for months without eating anything. baby turtles, will not be able to survive for quite as long as they need protein and food a lot more frequently than adult turtles do. Small adult turtles (juvenile ones) can go longer, especially if they are in a state of brumation Water is still needed to prevent dehydration. They may lose their weight and their growth rate will be reduced too.Usually turtles depend on temperature In climates with winter temperatures or low humid temperatures that go below freezing, most turtles of all types survive the climate without eating for as long as 5 months or more(during winter and rainy seasons). since they are cold-blooded(poikilothermic), their body temperature) drops below 7°C (about 45°F), turtles enter a state of inactivity called brumation. They become active as usual when there is a rise in temperature and the turtles turn comfortable. If they are living in a place with soil, plants with insects they may feed on them and survive for days. The situations will be a bit different during summer.My pet turtle went missing on August 24 and since then I used to search for him daily and finally found him on November 17. He survived for almost 85 days without food ( he might have eaten something as he was on my terrace...he may not have eaten too he is just 10 days old when he went on this adventure) he survived from cats, rains, birds and without food. I still can't believe I found him!!! He didn't grow in size. He became weak and he didn't eat for the next 3 days perhaps because of the new environment, now he is perfectly fine and enjoying with his two other friends ! (I named him Karna! Other turtles are Arjun and Krishna)The day when I found him ( after 85 days)Now he is enjoying with Arjun and Krishna  he became normal within 5 days.Image source: my gallery