My Dog Falled Help From Chair 10-15 Cm

How do I toilet train my adult dog?

Thank you for the A2A.One answer would be to not skip his walks! Getting outside to enjoy the weather and read the pee-mail is a bright spot in the day for many dogs.Your dog hasn't made the connection between newspapers and elimination. This isn't surprising because many dogs are not at all conscious of what is under their feet unless it is markedly lumpy or sharp. The difference between tile and newspaper would not register with these dogs. Another possibility is that he has chosen the newspapers to sleep on, to insulate himself from the chill of the tile floor. Yet another possibility is that your dog is not comfortable with the placement of the newspaper; maybe it is too close to the wall or forces him to have to duck his head under a shelf or the toilet to use them.You can get more information by putting down a thick layer of newspaper all over the bathroom and then observing where he chooses to pee and poop when it is a free choice. Once you discover his favoured location, slowly start uncovering the floor, starting with the area furthest away from where he chooses to eliminate. Don't uncover a lot of area at a time! Uncovering one 4 inch by 4 inch (10 cm x 10 cm) square at a time is plenty.He should have access to a comfortable bed when he is confined to the bathroom. Again, wait until you see where he prefers to pee and poop, then put the comfy bed in an area he doesn't use for elimination.Really, though, the best option is not to skip taking him out. I wouldn't want to be confined to the bathroom and I doubt your dog really enjoys it either.

How can I reduce my belly and hips fat without doing exercise?

Diet is the most important factor here. Increase your protein intake i.e consume 100+ gram of protein daily or 25–30g of protein per meal. Eat small meal often.Cut out: junk food, burgers / pizza, anything with high fat content, sugary drinks, white bread, greasy / oily foodTake more: green veg and fruits, lean meat like chicken breasts, turkey, fish, egg white, drink 3–4L of water per day, almond, use coconut oil in cooking.Be patient and consistent. You will see results but exercise makes the process more effective. But it is down to how motivated you are. Seems like you are not serious enough your health if just want a quick fix it’s not going to work

There are 40 students in a class. 20 students take chemistry, 25 take French, and 8 take both. How many students take none of these classes?

This problem can be solved using Set Concept and Venn diagram.First of all, consider a rectangular (T) that represents the total number of students (40).Now consider, two circle C and F referring the students who took Chemistry (20) and French (25) respectively.Those 2 circles will intersect and create a common area that is the number of students who took Both Classes (8)Now, think about it.This 2 circles are all about students who took: Only Chemistry, Only French and Both of them.Let’s find there corresponding number.As 8 students took both of them, if you deduct this number from C (Chemistry), you will get the students who took Only Chemistry.Similarly, deducting ‘8’ from F will give you the students who took Only French.Then,Only Chemistry = 20–8 = 12Only French = 25 - 8 = 17Both of them = 8So, total number of students who took at least one of these two classes becomes (12+17+8) or 37Now, out of these two circles another region remains from the total area, T (40). This remaining area (N) is the number of students who didn’t take any of these classes.N = T - (Number of students who took at least one class)or, N = (40 - 37) = 3So, 3 students took none of these two classes.

My 9 month old ball python is very inactive, is this normal?

Last summer when I got my ball python he was very active. Ever since about November he started just hiding in his spot - (a toilet paper roll). I have to force him out of it for him to eat - which he does. Do ball pythons hybernate? Should I expect him to get more active as it gets warmer. Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.