My Dog Just Had Puppies What Should I Do

My tenant just told me her dog had puppies.?

Geesh. There goes the house. Did you give her permission to breed on your property? I would be pitching a terrorizing, screaming fit. I can't even tell you how pissed I would be.

But for your questions, puppies need 6-8 weeks, depending on breed. The bigger breeds stay with mom longer.

My dog just had puppies and is very thin... what can I do to fatten her up?

1. Even with good feeding, some bitches will come off a litter rail thin - and for sure you'll notice a difference after whelping too especially if she was carrying 11 puppies.
2. You can't force this - just keep giving her small meals of good quality food - lots of protein and she should be able to provide for her puppies. If she has a big litter you may have to consider supplementing the puppies - half on, half off, using b itch replacer milk. As long as they all took mum's first milk which is vital to provide the natural immunity they need for the first weeks of life.
3. She's NOT going to need to be nursing them for 8 weeks!!! Weaning onto solids should begin by the end of week 3 going into week 4 although early on, the puppies will be taking most of their nourishment from mum. By 6 weeks weaning should be complete however.
4. Whether she's reluctant to leave them or not, she must be taken out roughly every 4 hours to attend to biz. or she'll start to feel ill! Get somebody to take her, keeping her on her lead, while you get in there and clean out the nest, check and weigh the puppies to make sure they are all gaining.

I hope you took her, with the puppies, to your vet for a shot to clear out any retained birthing material, and for the puppies to be checked for abnormalities, as soon as you felt whelping was over. If she's reluctant to eat, she may be in trouble already. Retained birthing material will make her very ill, very fast.

Again don't try to force food on her - little and often .... and yes, scrambled egg, cottage cheese, poached breast of chicken - anything that's easily digested. And fresh water must be available outside the whelping box - feed her outside the box too.

I have never used 'puppy food' - that's for puppies, believe it or not. A good quality adult food should be fine - with the add-ons above.

Don't forget to worm her at 2 weeks from giving birth, when you give the puppies their first worming - which should be done at 2 weeks and every 2 weeks up to the time they go home.

ps Good luck - but rather than listen, necessarily, to vets who may not even own a dog let alone have a b itch with a litter, get in touch with the owner of the stud dog (if she's experienced) or the person who bred your b itch - or any other experienced BREEDER.

My dog just had 12 puppies. She only has 10 nipples is it ok.......?

to buy the fake dog milk and bottle feed the ones that will take it? And if they are not hungry they wont. She has been having puppies since 6 o clock this evening it is now midnight. I have to go to bed for school and my dad leaves for work at 4 in the morning and there are no pet stores open untill 9 am will they be ok?

What should I do if my dog just had puppies?

Call your vet and ask when you should bring the puppies in for the first time. Some vets may say to bring them in and some may say to wait until it is time for their vaccinations or if you are having any problems. If any of the puppies or Mom seem ill or lethargic, take everyone to the vet at once. Make sure they all stay warm as their immune systems are going to be weak at this time.Make sure the Mom has as much food and water as she wants. Make sure she is nursing all of the puppies. If for some reason the Mom won’t nurse the puppies, you may have to bottle feed them. If one doesn’t seem to behave similar to the rest then he may have a problem which the vet needs to check out. Unless the puppies all sleep at the same time, you might try to separate the Mother from the puppies for about an hour a couple of times a day so she can get some rest.

My dog just had puppies outside and its cold. What do I do?

I cant get to them because of where she is laying and im really worried that she will become aggressive and try to bite me. I covered her and the pups with about 3 towels and put a very thick comforter on top and around her to keep her warm. Im just as outraged as everyone else. The dog really isnt my responsibity being that my mama was supposed to have been got her spayed but the vet costs so much she hasnt been able and I have a newborn so I definantly couldnt afford it. I had been telling her to only let her out to use the bathroom because she hadnt been eating so I knew it would be soon but she had a bunch of people over to the house tonight and left the dogs outside. I havent been home in 3 days. I've been over my baby's father's new apartment helping him move in. I dont appreciate the people trying to judge me or anyone else on here without knowing their situation. I am not the irresponsible one I have my own life. My mom is the one who didnt listen and cant nobody say nothin

Can i wash my dog blankets that just had puppies?

my pit bull dog had puppies 16 days ago (2 weeks and 2 days) and the blanket that the puppies are on have diarrhea all over them. they are all wet and stink horribly can i wash them and put them back on it and he not get upset an move them? she very sweet and she doesn't mind you being out there but i dont want people that come over to buy her puppies soon to think there are unclean and no proper dogs
thank you

My dog just had puppies and she won't go outside to pee is this normal?

She will when she feels it is safe to leave the "nest". Also place her food/water near the litter so she can keep watch while she eats. Make sure the pups are in a quiet location that mom feels safe to leave long enough to go potty. I would never try to force a momma dog to leave the "nest". They aren't stupid, Mother Nature teaches animals what to do.

My dog just had puppies but we can't afford to take care of them. What should I do?

Contact a local rescue group (shelter as a last resort) and ask for help to:Care for the puppiesFind the puppies new homes andSpay your dogMost rescue groups that I have worked with would be OK taking legal ownership of the puppies, letting you be the foster home, providing help in caring for the pups, and their requirement would be that your dog is sterilized so this doesn’t happen again.

My dog just had puppies outside, should i leave them there?

There is not a whole lot that you can do about reaching the mother. You can try setting her food and water a distance away from her pups, then get a leash and snag her quick when she comes out. Put her in a seperate room while you move the pups then take the mother to her babies. If she refuses to come out for the food and water, which she should come out because she needs to eat, but if some chance she does not come out for a day, then you may have to see if you can get a rope around her neck and drag her out. The pups could drown if a storm were to come like you said you were expecting. If nothing else, her mothering instincts should kick in and she should move them on her own, but some do not. You need to try your best to remove her and the pups from outside, and do not give her the chance to bring them back out.

Remember that when you move the pups inside, create a warm safe place for her to be with her pups or she will not stay there. She will move them all over the house. Be careful as she seems protective, but that is signs of a good mama dog :)

Good Luck :)

My dog just had 6 puppies 2 days ago. One just passed away. I gave CPR and tried to revive him to no avail. Am I at risk for canine herpes virus if that is the cause of death?

Not at all. It’s only spreads to other canines and if it’s only one puppy and the others are fine, it’s more than likely something puppy specific going can be from a cleft pallet, organ failure, can also be from the pup getting stuck on the backside of the momma and getting too cold. This is different though from the momma pushing it away from her litter because something is wrong with it.check your kennel, they shouldn’t be able to get stuck in a blanket or towel that will keep them away from their mommas warmth and milk.good luck with your pups