My Dog Well Its My Aunts Dog Ive Been Watching For My Aunt His Nails Were Long

Have you ever been bit by a dog? what kind?

Oh yes... I worked part time at a groomers before Xmas and I got bitten ;
3 times by jack russels.
Once by a golden mix
Once by a border collie
2 times by a chihuahua

(Please note! I do not hate any of the breeds that NIPPED me, most did not like getting groomed and one was my fault since I startled him(Golden X)
But the worst I think was when I was on Holiday and I saw a dog sitting on our Friends stairs leading up to her flat.I thought the dog was theres so I went to stroke it, it most probably has never been touched by a Human so it it me on my finger. The dog was a street dog. I had to have a big injection because of all the deceases he might have been carrying.
Ever since That I can't pet a dog on the head without being a bit scared. (of course that too was my fault)

What is the most cruel thing you've done or seen someone do?

Until the day my mother died, she did many, many cruel things. Abusing me and my sister are top on the list. But one of the things she did to me that was physically abusive, that sticks out most (and yes, she did this one thing, two separate times), it's when she caught me smoking and put a cigarette out on the palm of my hand. Like I said, it wasn’t one time either, but twice.I was 14, and I'd just started sneaking and smoking (I know, shame on me, it's a very bad habit). The first time, I was in my room, smoking a cigarette, then I heard her coming, so I put it out under a nail polish bottle and my dresser top. She saw little tendrils of smoke, and she went into a blind rage. Literally, I could see the went into this rage where it was just her. She grabbed me by my hair and dragged me down the hallway to the bathroom, all the while she has her cigarette hanging out of her mouth.When we get in the bathroom, she slightly wets my palm, then immediately shakes off the water. Then puts her cigarette out in my palm. The whole time I'm screaming because that shit hurts. When she finished, she told me to stop it because that didn't even hurt. What the fuck?About a week later, stupid me is in her room smoking again. I don't hear her this time. She just charges in, cigarette in her hand, and yanks my hand in hers, flips my palm up, and smashed her cigarette down and I could hear my skin sizzle. Both times I immediately called my sister who lived in Texas with our grandparents. She was horrified, but she knew what the abuse was like. I also called one of my best friends to talk to him. When my mother found out he knew that she’d done that, any time he was over, she'd joke around and say how I looked like Jesus (each palm had a 1/4″ burn, so she thought it looked like the “nail markings”). Oh, Mom, you're so funny. Ha.Should I go on to the time she grabbed my sister by the hair, slammed her face down into the edge of the kitchen sink, then whipped her around to hold a knife to my sister's throat, all over my sister calling me a cow? Yeah … Mommy Dearest, anyone?I've seen some cruel things in my life. I wish I hadn't seen a lot of them.

Is it wrong to hit a parent, when they hit you?

My mother would occasionally hit me.I was really a relatively good kid and never got into any serious trouble. I wasn’t someone who would ever ‘talk back’ or argue with my parents — I knew better.I had a good mother. Mostly, she was loving and understanding. However, every now and then, she’d lose her temper and she’d ‘lash out’. When she did, it really, really hurt. She tended to punch and it didn’t matter where her punches landed. I always ended up badly bruised. This didn’t happen often; usually around once a year or so and it was always because she was unduly stressed. It was rarely about me.When I was around 15, an elderly aunt came to stay. She was very demanding and I could see my mother’s stress levels rising. One evening, after dinner, I had said I was going out to meet one of my friends. She was in a foul mood and said that I wasn’t allowed to go. I politely reminded her that I’d made this arrangement the week before and that she’d said it would be fine.I saw her fists clench and ‘that look’ on her face and she started to lunge towards me. I said very loudly, “if you hit me again, this time I’m going to hit you back”.She stopped in her tracks. Her face was red with anger. I said, “I mean it mum — I will hit you back”. She stormed out of the room.After that, she never hit me again.Is it right to hit a parent back if they hit you? I really don’t know. What I do know is that I wasn’t going to allow my mother to hit me again.

What was the thing that disturbed you most as a child?

I was 8-years-old and had finished taking a shower. It was nighttime about 8 pm. The year was 1990.My mom always laid out my PJs on her bed in her bedroom for me to change in after my shower. We always did this. It was my normal routine. Anyway, I entered my parents room after my shower and found both my mom and dad in there, usually its always just my mom.My dad pushed me against the corner of the bed, took off my towel, spread my legs open and started rubbing his penis against me (he had pants on) I remember feeling something hard, and I was unable to make out my dad’s emotion. I didn't know if I was in trouble and this was another way of punishment instead of the usual spanking I would get. I didn't know if he was mad, sad, happy, upset, angry. I couldn't make out what emotion my dad had when I looked at his face but he was breathing hard.My mom started crying and she started hitting him. He got off of me and put my mom and himself in the walk-in closet, closing the door behind them.I was disturbed. I put my PJs on and went into my room. Me and my sisters shared a queen-sized bed. I remember curling up in a hamper in sleeping in it because I didn't want my sisters to know what happened and I felt ashamed.