My Dog Wont Shut Up 111

How do i get my dog to shut up?!?!?!?!?

Yelling isn't going to help at all, likely will make things worse. What you need to do, is to stop reinforcing the whining.. Help build her confidence, and you need to teach her that whining will no longer get her that attention that she is craving. Don't reward her whining with attention, whether positive or negative, attention is attention and you have taught her to whine for attention.

I want to sneak out, what should I do with my dog?

Why don't you take the Tylenol PM and go to bed. You sound like a royal pain in the @$$. I bet there is a good reason your mother is so strict. What if something did happen to you and your parents think your asleep in your room? No one would know anything was wrong until they wondered why you didn't get up the next morning. Tylenol is toxic to dogs so what ever you decide to do DON'T give any to your dog. Boy I am glad your not my problem.
EDIT: I do know kids like you I have one and he is doing a little time for bad behavior. With a mouth like that what you need is a swift boot in the rear. Obviously your mother didn't so such a bad job your alive and you have a roof over your head. Sneaking out is so disrespectful. If you think your old enough to make your own decisions about your life then your old enough to support your self and pay your own way. If you and your mother can't come to an understanding then you need to go to counseling. Some day you will be sorry you disrespected your mothers wishes like this.

How can I make my dogs stop peeing in my room and bed?

Crate training.  Dogs generally do not defecate or urinate where they sleep unless under duress (they were sick or left too long).    After the dog eats, take him out on a leash at wait unil he goes.  When he goes inside, in the crate he goes.  Make sure he has had some amount of excercise such as running or fetching a ball so he is not restless.  Depending on when you go to bed, take him out for play time or pee before you go to sleep.   In the morning, take him out first thing to go potty.   Feed him then excercise him.  Take him out for potty before you go to work and put him in the crate when you go to work(no more than 8-10 hours).  When you get home, take him out to potty immediately on a leash and excercise him.   Crates are not inhumane. They give dogs boundaries.  You just can't go to breakfast before work, then a happy hour after work: that is too long and inhumane.  If this seems like alot of work, then you should consider whether you have the time to devote to having a dog.  For 3 years of my border collie's puppyhood, I ran him an hour before  AND after work with a chuck ball launcher.   Now he snoozes all day in the back yard as a more mature, older collie.Key point: 1)make sure the crate is big enough so the dog can stand up and turn around but not so big he can poop in one corner and hang out in the other.2)take him for potties on a leash so he cannot get distracted sniffing and peeing.  It is potty time, not play around time. Give him a treat after he goes potty.Also wash yiur sheets and anything he has peed on with vinegar and baking soda to neutralize the odor.

My husband won't have sex with me anymore!!!?

When we got together 2 1/2 years ago, we had sex a few times a day every day and I didn't expect that to last, but this has been a sudden, drastic decrease. I know he is stressed abou money and he has a very physical job, but I think there is something more to it than that. He says that me being a mother is "sexy" and he is very complimentary to me and he brags to his friends about me and says how lucky he is and he wants me at all his sports activities to "show me off" so idk what's going on. Sex isn't the most important thing in a marriage, but if that is missing altogether, I feel unattractive and like I'm not good enough and I feel tension between us bc of it so it is important that I get my husband to love me, lust for me, and pay attention to me. For the past month or two, I haven't complained bc I don't want him to have sex with me just bc I told him to. I have tried throwing myself at him and I've tried playing hard to get and nothing works. How do I get him to want me again?

How long will my dog's eyes be swollen after I gave her a bath with human shampoo?

St this point the type of shampoo is a moot point. No pet should come out of a bath with a swollen eye. First the easy answer… if soap got it the eye it woukdvertitaye it just as if you got soap in your eyes. Rinse the dogs face making sure ther is cotton in the ears so water does not get in the ears. Hold head down on a tilt & not up. I don’t want you to drown your pet or cause a pneumonia with water going down the nose. Hopefully the pet is in an area where it can be throughly rinsed… a glass/bucket/jar is not a good idea. Put it in the tub & turn on the shower or in utility or kitchen sink where you have a hose & not just a stand alone faucet. If that’s all you have… hold dogs head under water to make sure the water runs over the entire face. Ok this is what you should have done. Also, prior to washing use an eye ointment in the eyes… if you don’t have any… you can use vasoline to smear over eyes… this will help a little to protect the eyes. Now that the dog has been washed & eve eye is irritated… te Erin’s dogs face immediately. If a day or to… call your veterinarian &?take it to the hospital. If my chance you have eye ointment ( some people do, it won’t hurt to put an antibiotic ointment ( no steroid such as hydrocortisone should be used. This is because the pet could have a scratch or ulcer on the eye and it will make matters worse. ). The ointment wmightnmske thenpet feel better while you take it to your veterinarian.You said the eye was swollen… did you hit the dogs head/face/eye area while it was being washed. ? If this is the case… take your pet to your veterinarian to be seen… & don’t attempt to wash your dog again… take it to a professional dog washer/groomer. Hope this helps. Again, in order for certain questions to be responded to appropriately, more information needs to be provided.Sorry for typos… I’m not proofing my responses.

My Dog Is All of A Sudden Acting Lethargic (dazed and confused).cant stand straight, sways back and fo?

Unfortunately, the symptoms you have described arent good.
Please get in touch with your Vet immediately- call the after hours number if you can- even just to describe the dog to them and ask for their opinion.

You have described the symptoms of a dog going into shock- which is where the vital organs start to shut down, and the dog begins to die.
Your dog may not actually be going into shock- but the fact that he is displaying the symptoms is major cause for concern.

You need a vet ASAP- this cant wait until morning.

What happens if you feed your dog hot sauce?

They won’t like it for one.Hot sauce in large quantities can also be very bad for their digestion.I’ve used hot sauce as a chewing deterrent and ONLY a deterrent. Small amounts wont hurt them, but they heavily dislike the taste and “feeling” that spicy stuff brings. I would NEVER put hot sauce on their food or heaven forbid in their water.I also wouldn’t suggest using it as a chewing deterrent unless you know what you are doing and back up the training with positive reinforcement of what they should be chewing/. If you don’t do the other half of the training, then you’re just being mean.