My Dogs Choke Collar Squeezed His Neck A Little Hard And He Started To Breathe Funny

What does a heart attack feel like?

I had a major heart attack in 2014, and here is my story:I woke up not feeling well - I couldn’t explain it… I just didn’t feel well.Around 9am, my mother and father stopped by; they had gone to the stations of the cross at the church right down the road. I began feeling a pain in my right arm, but I tried to ignore it. My mother looked at me and said that I didn’t look well, but I told her I was fine, so her and my father left.So, it was just me and my 23 year old son. He saw me rubbing my arm and asked me what was wrong. I told him I wasn’t sure - that it was like a pressure pain that was moving up my arm. He said it sounded like a heart attack, and I laughed because I thought that I was too young for a heart attack. In 2014 I was going to be 43, I believe.Anyhow, I told him that I was going to take a hot shower and put the water on my arm but that I was going to leave the door open in case I needed him to call someone. I got in the shower. At that point, the pain was in my upper arm and neck. I stood under the hot water and aimed on my neck, but it did not help. I was uncomfortable, but I managed to get out and get dressed.I then told my son that maybe a nap would make me feel better, but after just two minutes of lying down, I was too uncomfortable to bear it. I thought that I would do a breathing treatment to make myself feel better. To this day, I still wonder why in the world I thought that a breathing treatment would be effective even though I was breathing just fine and the pain was in my arm and neck.Anyway, I took out my nebulizer and albuterol and started the machine. I took one deep breath and the pain shot up from about a 5 to past a 10. I cried for my son to call 911.I made it to the local hospital, and they performed many tests and gave by nitro glycerin four times. They then stabilized me so that I could fly in the Flight for Life helicopter into the city for emergency surgery. In the city, I had a stent put in. That night, the nurse accidentally opened up my surgical site and blood splattered everywhere, making me lose so much blood that I needed two transfusions.I was told that I was lucky to be alive, and that I should have come in to the hospital when I first felt the pain in my arm and neck, and that that would have saved me a lot of trouble. I also suffered a mild brain injury because I didn’t have enough oxygen going to my head.

My dog is putting his tongue out and breathing heavily. Is he choking? What should I do?

Could My Dog Be Choking?- Banfield Pet Hospital® :If your pet is unconscious: Perform a finger sweep. Open your pet’s mouth and place your finger along the inside of the mouth, sliding it down toward the center of the throat over the base of the tongue, gently sweeping toward the center to remove any foreign material. Note: If you touch something that feels like a smooth bone deep in the throat, there’s no need to be alarmed—this is Adam’s Apple.Begin rescue breathing (CPR). It is performed by placing your mouth over your dog’s nose with his mouth closed. Breathe into the dog’s nose until you see the chest rise. If air is not entering the lungs, slap the chest wall firmly or perform the dog Heimlich maneuver by putting your pet on his back, placing your hands over the abdomen near the bottom of the rib cage and gently, but firmly, thrusting toward the spine. Perform a finger sweep and begin rescue breathing again. Repeat until the foreign object is out and the lungs can be inflated. Then get your dog to the veterinarian immediately.If your pet is conscious: Stay calm and try to keep your dog calm. If your dog is overheated, you can lower your pet’s temperature with cool water applied to the ears, feet and belly, and then head to your veterinarian’s office. Only perform a finger sweep if this doesn’t upset your dog; otherwise, you might get http://bitten.Be aware that difficulty breathing, medically known as dyspnea, is a medical emergency. Your dog may be making increased efforts to breathe and it may sound noisy or squeaky. A bluish shade to the lips or an inability to inhale or exhale are signs of severe distress and you should get your pet to the veterinarian immediately.Your dog isn't choking: Know the signs of reverse sneezing

My dogs choke collar squeezed his neck a little hard and he started to breathe funny?

I take my dog trail walking through the woods on hour and a half long walks, and to keep better control of him I walk him on a choke collar, but he never really pulls horribly hard, and he walks on an extendable. Only time he actually pulls is when he gets the scent of a rabbit or rodent, and all I do is say "stop pulling" and he's good. Also when he sees another dog, I just pull him close to me, make him sit and keep a grip on is chain, but not tightly. Anyways, today after our walk we got to my car and he started breathing funny? Idk how to really explain? I do work at a kennel so I had some knowledge on what to do -- hold my hand over his nose, and so I did and when I let go he only did it for maybe a few seconds more and was fine. Just wanted a second opinion on this?? I think just from the long walk and pulling a little just messed with is airway. Fist time I've ever had an issue and like I said after I put my hand over his nose he was fine.

How effective is a throat punch in a street fight?

I’m one of those people who’ve actually done it. It was a three against one scenario, where two of his buddies had grabbed my arms (it happened when I was a teenager). The mouth of the group started his monologue about how he and his friends were going to teach me a lesson by daring to speak to my betters (he honestly said this).I used an escape I’d learned in a martial arts class and promptly spear handed (think “jam all your fingers, tips first with fingers straightened”) him in the Adam’s Apple. I then kept moving. He immediately hit the ground on all fours, puking all sorts of fun liquids. His buddies went to his aid and I went inside the school.To this day, some 38 years later, the guy still gags every time he swallows anything, food or fluid alike- we see each other at class reunions and- get this- he doesn’t remember who did it to him, or why. “Don’t bully weaker kids and and don’t start mass attack scenarios” would probably be my advice to him.I’m sad it happened, but I have no love for bullies. My crime toward them? They’d been calling me names as I walked by, so I said “Leave me alone.” That was it. Amazing what an overblown ego can do, isn’t it?In retrospect, I can say that- if you’re going to do something like that, you’d better be able to explain in a court of law how what you did was justified and how that was about your only option. Me, I was a skinny, undersized kid for my age with a broken left humerus immobilized by a sling and an elastic bandage (something they knew about), facing three larger boys who knew about the break and who were going to rebreak my arm (possibly maiming me for life) for having had the balls to say “leave me alone” to a trio of pricks who were picking on a weaker kid. I’d like to think a judge would have said “nice work, kid” to me, and “shame on you, you got what you had coming” to the bully in question, along with his parents.In a one on one confrontation? You’d best be able to show there was NO other way… or get ready to get all sorts of loving you don’t want behind bars.

Heres a riddel do u like?

Early in the morning middle of the night. 2 dead boys went out 2 fight. back 2 back they faced each other. drew their swords and shot each other. a deaf policeman heard the noise, and then he shot the 2 dead boys. if you don't believe this lie is true. Ask the blind man he saw it 2!!!

lol! my friend told me this one! i thought it was cool! thnkxs bye!