My Dogs Fecal Matter Is Runny Black And Smells So Awful. What Can This Be

My dog has a soft pale foul smelling stool with some mucus.?

It sounds like her anal glands are impacted and need to be expressed. Anal glad secretions smells God awful! You can either have your vet or a groomer do it for the first time and they will show you how to do it at home.

If you're sure it's not anal glands, bring a fresh stool sample in to your vet so they can analyze it. It is possible it's Giardia or Coccidia.

What food will help my dogs poop be less smelly?

i have a 6 month old black lab, his poop smells so bad i cant even go into my own backyard. i go into my friends backyard and they have dogs and it doesnt smell nearly as bad as mine.
i feed my dog natural balance because he has a grain allergy. but it has made his poop smell horrible. i had him on BLUE buffalo but he almost died on that (look at my past questions/answers and youll know what im talking about) so that is out of the question.
is there any food that will make his poop smell better? and less mushy.

Dr. Google says black speck(s) in stools are surely blood. My physicians say it's a myth, blood is either liquid and red in water or it turns stools all black. Where is the truth?

It’s interesting that you believe “Dr” Google, but your doctors are right. Blood is liquid and mixes with the food and contents of digestion. Those contents are churned together and mixed thoroughly in the gut. Blood really has no way to form “specks” in the GI tract; mucous goblet cells that line the gut push bits of liquid into its contents throughout the GI tract. That and the constant movement of contents through its entire length keeps clots and scabs from forming in the stomach and small intestine. If you see dark specks in stool, it’s much more likely some black food, like poppy seeds, that didn’t break down completely in the gut.Red blood in stool is due to bleeding near the rectum or anus, and you can see it on the outside of the stool because it shows up after the gut contents are mostly solid and the liquid blood can no longer mix in. In that case, you might actually see clots, but they won’t look like specks. That can be a danger signal that something is wrong, but it may also be hemorrhoids or a small fissure in the mucosa.Black stools can be but are not always caused by bleeding; there are medicines that can cause it (read the labels or talk to a pharmacist/chemist). When the entire stool is black, it can mean that the person is bleeding from somewhere in the upper GI tract, where the blood is subject to digestion along with the food the person has eaten. Bleeding from the upper GI tract is a sign that something serious is wrong and always requires treatment. At the very least, that can cause anemia over time, and at worst it can cause death as a person slowly bleeds out.If you’re still feeling uncertain, there is a simple in-office test that can be done to determine whether or not the specks are blood.

Why is my dog's poop suddenly jet black?

The worming medication may have had that effect. I would watch the puppy closely. Watch for signs of depression, lack of appetite, soft or runny stools and vomiting. If she's active happy and eating well I would just keep a close eye on her. Any of the above symptoms would indicate a visit to the vets office. There are a couple of not nice diseases that can cause blackened stools...parvo and corona viruses to name a these cases the stool ins very soft and tar like and there is a very bad odor. (worse than normal smell that is!) so any change in your puppies behavior mean a trip to the vet for sure.

Why would my stool smell like earth, literally the smell of dirt?

The smell of dirt is actually from a molecule called 'geosmin' that is produced by a strain of bacteria.   At a guess, what is the most likely cause is this bacteria has managed to become a part of your bowel biome.GeosminMight also be directly from food (such as fresh beets).It is a powerful odorant at even low concentrations.It is also possible that you are mistaking an iron rich smell with dirt smell - in which case it could be something quite serious (if your stool color is black or tarry - definitely see a doctor).

Why does my poop not smell?

Maybe you just have excellent pooping technique, poop into a modern toilet water bowl so swiftly it goes under water like a penguin.But more likely your nose has just acclimated so you think theres no smell - go away for five minutes, smell the roses, coffee or anything else really to reset your nose. I'd lay money that when you reenter the bathroom afterwards that the smell becomes noticable.