My Dogs Urine Has Been Tested And They Say Its Almost Pure Water Although It Is Yellow What Could

Dog over-drinking water and the water is really foamy and thick? HELP.?

Okay so I've lately realized that my dog (4 year old German Shepherd) has been OVER-drinking water. He's constantly thirsty and I need to repeatedly refill his water bowl. He makes a MESS drinking. foamy thick saliva falls from his mouth and the water in his bowl turns almost a yellow color. The clear water suddenly turns thick, foamy and unusual. What's wrong with him?

Can I pass a home drug test with my dogs urine?

I know it sounds like a silly question but i was just wondering if i can substitute my urine with my dogs urine to pass those home drug test you can buy at CVS. Like the First Check Drug Test. Its for Marijuana by the way.

Is it normal that my urine is almost clear after drinking just water all day?

Nope.Most people who would tell you otherwise probably don’t understand the toxicity of should always have a yellowish tint to it.Being “almost clear” combined with the fact that you’ve been drinking water all day is a sign of overhydration.While you’re probably fine, be careful the next time and you might want to consider cutting down the water intake because overhydration can be quite dangerous.

Why is my urine dark yellow in the morning?

In short, the concentration of solutes (crystals, impurities, waste products, etc.) is higher after you wake up, because the urine has been building in the bladder for 8+ hours without evacuation. Normally (during waking hours) urine is diluted by water you ingest and by frequent urination (which doesn’t allow solutes to build up in any single urination). However, when sleeping, you are not consuming water (concentrating urine solutes) and you are not urinating, which builds up both the volume of urine and what’s in the urine.

My cat is throwing up foamy stuff. Some of it is yellow/white. What is this and what can I do?

Take it to the veterinarian... as in yesterday.As Catherine Spencer said it could be a hairball, but there are other (scarier) options.One of my cats got really sick, the same symptom, starting a bank holiday, I thought if it was hairball it would eventually go out.When I got my kitty to the vet she was almost dehydrated, and I was giving her water with a syringe (without needle, of course), but she vomited out more than I managed to make her drink in. So, make sure your cat is hydrated. My vet stressed it a lot.Second problem, if she has stopped eating it's a bad sign. As my vet emphasied cats should never fast, not even for 24 hours, it could damage their livers.Then, she would need high protein canned food to recover. Mine didn't like it, so I mixed it with water and I gave her with the syringe.As I found out, it is not normal for cats to vomit.The vet run blood-tests and x-rays to rule out some other disease, everything looked normal.Treatment:My kitty stayed half a day at the vet's hooked up to a drip administering intravenous fluids.She got two types of shots, one of them to make her stop vomiting, during five days in a row.The vet let me take her home with me, but we were visiting day in day out for almost a week.High protein canned food.Make her drink water.Recovery signs:When she drinks and eats by herself.We never got to know what was wrong, but she recovered just fine. My heart began to beat again, so happy ending for everyone.P.S. If you haven't got syringes, get some; they are very handy.

What causes clear urine in dogs?

Generally, clear urine is simply dilute urine. It may mean your dog has a problem concentrating urine. It may mean your dog is been drinking lots of water. It may mean your dog has medullary wash out, it could be a diabetic, there are so many options…If you are concerned that your dog’s urine is clear and / or that it is drinking a lot, I highly recommend that you capture a sample of urine and take that specimen to your regular veterinarian for evaluation. Your veterinarian will run a specific gravity test as well as potentially a diff-quick stain system and spin the urine down for sediments to observe under a microscope. Should there be bacteria at a high-level, your veterinarian may want to do a cystocentesis since in the urine out for culture and sensitivity. Your veterinarian may actually want to see your pet, they may want to run cereal urine specimens, if the urine is particularly dilute they may want the very first your end of the day or do a water deprivation test to see if your dog actually can concentrate urine. I should there be major problems, your veterinarian may want to do plain film radiographs and or an ultrasound to evaluate the kidneys further.As with human medicine, early detection is the best chance at an inexpensive and effective recovery. Good luck, don't delay! And I hope your pet is OK!

Why Does my dogs pee have such a bad smell and bight yellow color?

I've had my dog for almost 2 years, he's a lab, he's pretty old, bout 11 or 12, maybe older. His pee has the worst smell to me and my husband, and it has a bright yellow color to it. We've taken him to the vet a while back, and he had a ear infection, but it was taken care of. I don't understand it, but we can't figure out why it smells so bad. Please help me!!! It burns your nose!!!!