My Dreams Predict The Future

My Dreams Predict the Future?

Your dreams are not the cause of the happenings. Your dreams happen to predict future events. You have been blessed because one day it could benefit you. A dream journal is good but there are websites dedicated to prophetic dreams. The one site in particular of which the founder happens to dream of the locations of missing people. Other on the site have disaster/event dreams. You might want to join up with your type of dreamers.

You are not alone.

Do dreams predict the future?

I have been thinking about moving for awhile to California but I was so undecisive about where. Finally, last night I had a dream in which I lived in San Diego and I had the time of my life and this was the definite place for me. Could my dream be predicting my future?

My dreams predict the future?

Well the human mind is not used to its full capacity, so you could possibly be predicting the future (using a part of the brain that most people do not). You always dream, but depending on the night you might not remember them.
The human race has progressively been losing touch with their instinct and ability, however some are still in strong contact with it.
So–based on this, your predictions are caused by many things.

First of all, Rosicrucians held a doctrine "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm. " The essence of your grandfathers religion might have rubbed off on you.

Second of all, your mind is sensing a change, or event and is translating it into your dreams, because dreams are the way things that cannot be talked to or seen communicate with you.

Thirdly, it could be fate. If you are already aware of an event coming up (Party, election, a class) your dreams are playing the possible outcomes based on the one with the highest probability. For example, the early election was between John McCain, Mit Romney, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama. Based on your opinion and the sensing of others opinion you might have a dream that tells you Obama will win.

I never wake up from a sleep, and I rarely move either. But when I wake up it is always because of a nightmare (a typical one) and its always for a good reason. One time I was sleeping in my dorm and I had this dream about jumping off a building, I woke up, looked out my window and a parade of hot air balloons was moving across the sky. Most magnificent scene i've ever experienced. Another time a dream about a skeleton woke me up, I went to go get a drink of water and I found that my little cousin was on the floor suffering of an asthma attack, and I got there in time to grab an epi pen and inject her.

So it all works around the same theory
Hope that helped :)

How come I have predicted the future in my dreams.?

my answer is:

because half of your brain cells aren't "sleep" when you r sleeping, they do work as well. They pre-judge things for you. we know the world is constituted by inevitability and chanciness. so the brain tells you the inevitable things,which will happen several days later, in the form of "dream" ,basing on the materials store in the subconscious.

My dreams predict events in my future?

I hardly ever remember my dreams, but the dreams that I do remember seem to foreshadow a part of my life. For example, I dreamed a couple weeks ago that my ex boyfriend (boyfriend at the time) was hanging around his ex girlfriend again and it appeared to be true. (We actually broke up because of her). My other dreams in the past that I've remembered have somehow predicted a future event to happen too.

So last night, I had a dream that my ex and I were cuddling on my bed and talking again. We've been broken up for a couple weeks and came to a decision that we were done for good. But now that I had this dream, it makes me wonder.

What's it mean and is it even possible for dreams to predict the future or is it just coincidence?

I can sometimes predict the future in my dreams?

Betty Boo, you are neither mad nor crazy. You seem to be highly intuitive as well as quite imaginative.

From this information, it is not really possible to tell whether you are psychic or merely perceptive. It is usually not difficult to detect peoples' feelings or whether or not one's parents are approaching an argument. The difference between you and others may simply be that you notice subtle nuances in what is happening around you.

There is a very simple way to determine whether or not your dreams foretell the future, as opposed to experiencing deja vu. Keep a notebook and pen beside your bed, and record your dreams the moment you awaken. It is also very important to note the date of each dream, so that when it does come true, you will have evidence that your dream occurred before the event.