My Eye Is Swollen For No Reason

I have a swollen eye lid. What do I do?

Check for an area redder than the rest. Look for a "head" where there's a little white spot on top of a sore raised area. If none is present, look underneath the eyelid. In either case, wash the area with soap and water (not inside the eyelid fer cryin' the hell out loud, just the outside!). Keep it clean until a "head" develops. Try to get the "head" to erupt with a little pressure, and then clean with soap and warm water again. If the "head" won't erupt with mild pressure, cease and try again the next day.If there is no "head" or specific red area, place a cold, wet compress (damp cloth with an ice cube inside will do fine) on the eyelid until it's uncomfortable. Repeat as often as possible until the swelling goes down. If there's pain under the eyelid, then, while standing in front of a mirror, grab the eyelashes of the lid that hurts (top or bottom) and lift looking underneath for foreign matter, specks or eyelashes that may be irritating the mucous lining of the eyelid and/or scoring or irritating the conjunctiva of the eye itself.If there's excessive or uncontrollable itching along with the swelling, you should probably see your doctor for examination and treatment as that's a sign of an allergic reaction as well as other things!If the swelling doesn't reduce or decline after a day or so of treating with a cold compress. See your doctor. If the "head" keeps growing. See your doctor.

My eye got all swollen for no reason...?

Hey, there's been a few q's like this lately.
You say you have no allergies, but could it be hay fever?

One time I had Thai sweet Chili crisps and rubbed it in my eye - woke up and yeah...
Could this have happened to you? Either with shampoo or anything else.

Have you had any sleepy dust in your eye recently? If you have it may have been the sign of an eye infection which can come on just like that. In this case you need to go doc's so they can give you some eye drops.

Lastly, it could be conjunctivitis which really does come on fast. It is contagious so you may of caught it off a friend or someone in the street. You will also need to go doctors for this as well, and try to avoid contact with family because thy could catch it too. It is not serious but can be a right pain.
Good Luck :)

What may be the reason why I woke up with a swollen eye?

check these linksHow to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles for Good8 Reasons for Your Swollen Eye or EyelidWoke Up with Swollen Eyes, What to Do?Swollen Eyes: Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentsLIVESTRONG.COM - Simple Healthy Living › Fashion, Style and Personal Care › home › eyesight center › eyesight az list › symptom checkerSwollen eyelid: Twelve causes and treatments

Why are my dogs eyes swollen?

Last week my dog began itching her right eye for no apparent reason. It swelled up , became puffy, and irritated. It was so itchy and she scratched so much she cut her head with her claw. I took her to the vet the next day and she was diagnosed w/ a scratched cornea. He prescribed some oral antibiotics and some ointment for here eyes. Less than 36 hours later, her eye appeared to be back to normal.

Three days later, I noticed her left eye was swollen in the brow area, just above the eye. It continued to swell so fast that it turned purple and it looked like she'd been punched. I took her in again and the vet stained both eyes but said neither eye had an abrasion. He admitted he did not know exactly what was wrong but said it appeared to be an allergic reaction. He prescribed new eye drops that contained cortisone and said to administer them frequently and that if she wasn't improved within 24 hours to bring her back in.

After about 20 hours of the cortisone drops, the left eye showed significant improvement. There was still slight swelling but it appeared about 95% better.

Then this morning (about 48 hours after the left eye was swollen) she began to obsessively shake her head and scratch her ears as she has in the past when she had an ear infection (she's a lab and is prone to ear infections after she's been in water). My husband cleaned both ears with OthiSooth and administered some ointment we had from her last ear infection. This is been a few hours ago and she has seemed leave her ears alone.

Other than these symptoms, she seems completely normal in her eating, play, and bathroom habits. Does anyone know what these symptoms may add up to? We have not changed her routine in any way....have not changed food recently and she does not get any human food. She's in the house all day while we're at work and is supervised in our fenced yard when let out to potty. We live in the mid-west and it has been in the sub-zero temperatures lately, which makes me question an allergic reaction to anything in the environment.

I think my eyeliner has swollen my eye?

So my good eyeliner ran out, and ive been using this cheap thing that my little sister got in those make-up packs that young girls always get. I can tell its really crap, but i use it anyway cause i have nothing else, and i look horrible without eyeliner.
Ive noticed that my eyelids are like more kinda puffed up, not like hard out puffed up, but they're like bigger or something. I'm not sure how to describe it. But i know they're different because when they feel very hard, and it kinda hurts my eyelids when i touch them. When I apply the eyeliner it doesn't go on smoothly because my eyelids have messed up.
And tonight, I've noticed that my left eyelid is red. It stings when I remove my eye make up too.
Does anyone have any comments or helpful advice on what has happened to my eye? I'm really worried about it, do you think it will be permanent? I was thinking of seeing my doctor but I wasn't sure if he would be able to help me or not.

DID I BLOW MY EYE UP?! Swollen eye after blowing nose too hard?

Last night I blew my nose cause it felt clogged, but no mucus came out so I blew harder but nothing came out but a drop of blood. But I felt my eye pop as I blew the second time and within 1 minute my eyelid swell up and became lazy-looking.

It's a little itchy, has some mucus on the side of it earlier that I wiped out, and the upper eyelid is a little bit red. But the whites of my eyes are regular white. I went to THREE doctors and none of them knew what it was.

One gave me an ointment for pink eye, but it's not pink eye so I didn't take it.
The other told me it was allergies when I know for a fact it isn't. I NEVER get allergies in my whole 18 years.
And the third said I must of put too much pressure on my nasal passages or something like that. And he gave me eyedrops and ice.
It's not working!

And I have a job interview on FRIDAY. And I look like a monster.

Any idea what it is?

What causes swollen eyes and lips?

When your eyes swell and your lips swell and tingle, you are experiencing angioedema. When this happens, deeper layers just under the skin begin swelling as blood plasma oozes out of tiny blood vessels.You may experience both hives and angioedema as your body reacts to an allergen, or they develop separately. The puffiness can last for up to two days - it may redevelop, with or without hives.If your airways begin swelling, your ability to breathe is restricted, causing a medical emergency. An angioedema that develops in your throat usually develops with strong allergic reactions.What causes it?Chemicals in your foods or medications cause allergic reactions, leading to the release of histamine into your system. If your swelling and hives last less than six weeks, you are experiencing acute urticaria.Foods, including shellfish, nuts, eggs, milk or peanuts, internal illnesses and insect bites can contribute to the development of angioedema. Medications such as ibuprofen, sulfa drugs, penicillin, laxatives, ear drops and eye drops can also cause angioedema. Your swelling may come and go unexpectedly and repeatedly, making it difficult to find the cause.Here's a simple home remedy that you can try (you should still seek a doctor as soon as possible).Treat your skin as gently as you can - don't scratch the swelling or hives. Use a gentle cleanser instead of your usual soap. When you bathe or shower, use warm, not hot water. As you dry your skin, pat it. Stay away cosmetic products or ointments and stop using any cosmetics you have never used before.Gently massage hydrocortisone cream onto your hives or swelling and allow the rash to come into contact with open air as much as you can.Hope this helps! If you like this or have a health question you'd like us to answer, feel free to check out our Facebook group. We provide useful and practical answers for our members every day.

What might be some reasons the back of my eye hurts?

May be due to intraocular hypertension. It's continues you should see ophthalmologist.The Link below contains some tips to reduce intraocular pressure.

My eyelid is swollen..... is it due to tooth abscess?

John R is wrong, an abscessed tooth can cause your eye to swell, I know this from personal experience. My sister had bad teeth, abscesses, decalcification and woke up one morning with the left side of her face swollen, eye was swollen shut. She went to her family doctor and when he learned of her dental problems gave her antibiotics and told her she needed to go to the dentist immediately, that infection in the teeth can actually go to the brain and cause serious problems. She went to the dental college, and they pulled two teeth and drained the abscesses. The swelling went away.

Swollen eye- allergies- how to reduce swelling?

For no apparent reason, my eyes started swelling up earlier tonight. I'm allergic to a lot of things, so this isn't particularly surprising. I took my antihistamine, held some frozen peas to it (a healthy snack and ice pack- ingenious!), washed my face with cold water and put some antihistamine cream on it.

It's now 5 hours after it started, and the swelling is going down, just not fast enough! What else can I do to help it?

Please don't suggest going to my doctor's- it's 4.30am here! Not feasible!