My Eyes Constantly Turn Red

Why do our eyes turn red when we want to sleep?

Watching a movie or playing games are obviously fun things to do but the next morning you will end up complaining about the bloodshot eyes.Lack of sleep can bring down the level of oxygen in our body making us tired, drowsy and fatigued. At the same time, it also decreases the level of oxygen reaching the eyes, causing the blood vessels in them to dilate and appear red.The only way to get rid of our bloodshot eyes is to take power naps or sleep peacefully at least for 7–8 hours.In any case, if we are unable to get sleep properly, it might be a sign of serious sleep disorders like Insomnia

My eyes itch and burn and I constantly pull strings from them?

My eyes itch and burn whenever I wear my contacts, when I take them out they still itch and burn for a few hours after wards. At least twice a day I pull strings from them, the same strings that you get after a nights sleep or even a nap. Some refer to them as "eye boogers", or "sleep in your eyes". Can someone tell me what's wrong? Why am I having all these eye issues?

What are the best eye drops for red eyes while wearing contacts?

If your eyes are red while you are wearing your contacts, that is usually an indication that something is wrong.

How old are these lenses?

It is possible that you have a protein build-up on them. Try cleaning them, and inspect them by holding each one up to the light to see if there are tiny white specks on them. If you notice anything on them, then you will have to use an enzymatic cleaner which are tablets that work overnight to remove the protein.

It is also possible that you can be sensitive to the solutions that you are currently using, so if protein is not the problem, try switching solutions.

Your eyes could also be too dry, in which case Blink Tears or a similar lubricating drop might help.

Explore the various options listed, but don't use anything that claims to get the red out.

Reasons for red eyes?

What could it be when your eyes turn red?
1st day only 1 corner of 1 of my eyes were red
2nd day both eyes had 1 corner that was red
then the 3rd day the outer corners were red too
then last night the top part of my eye is red now too.

I used eye drops to cover the red, but it didnt help as much as I'd like. and I've never had a problem like this before. Why would they even be turning red? I havent had a cold, I've never had allergys or whatever. I mean what could it even be? should I try to go to the doctors for it?

My eyes get red too fast and they stay red all day. What should I do to keep them fresh?

Eye redness is due to swollen or dilated blood vessels, which cause the surface of the eye to look red, or bloodshot.This may result from dry air, too much sun, dust, something in the eye, allergies, infection, or injury.Treatment for red eyes varies, depending on its cause. Contact your eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment anytime you develop red, irritated eyes.If you wear contact lenses, always remove them if you are experiencing bloodshot or irritated eyes.Remedies for red eyes range from rest, cool compresses over your eyes and over-the-counter eye drops to more aggressive treatment such as antibiotics or even surgery.Remember, if red eyes are accompanied by eye pain, light sensitivity, swelling or blurry vision, see your eye doctor immediately for urgent treatment.Consider the following home remedies to help remove red eye: 1.)    An easy home remedy to soothe red eyes is a ice pack. Use it as a cold compress for 5 minutes on each eye, twice a day.   2. ) Another natural cure for red and itchy eyes is a simple splash of cold water. This can be done many times a day whenever relief is needed from red eye.    3.) Rosewater is a gentle home remedy that takes away bloodshot eyes. Soak 2 sterile cotton balls with rose water, close the eyes and place a cotton ball on each eye. Leave this on for 15 minutes, twice a day.   4.)  If you are wondering how to remove red eyes with a safe and natural cure, a time-tested way to soothe sire eyes is to place a slice of cold cucumber over each closed eye and leave it on for 15 minutes.    5.) Steep 2 bags of green tea for 2 minutes in hot water and remove. Put the teabags in the fridge and when they are cool, place them on the closed eyes and leave it for 15 minutes. This will reduce signs of fatigue and swelling.    6.)   Homeopathic natural eye drops are available from health food stores that mimic natural tears. This is a great alternative to regular eye drops.    7.) Sleep is probably the best home remedy for red eyes.

If you get paint thinner in your eyes, will you instantly be blind?

It will not take long for the chemicals to begin damaging the eye...if you have not done so:


Chemicals can cause serious imbalance in the eye and can 'burn' the outside portions of your eyes. This is serious.


My eyes are really red?

i woke up this morning and i saw tht my eyes are really bloodshott looking.. my mom evn asked if i had ben smoking pot?!? what could be some reasons for this n how can i make em go away?? :P

Why do my eyes turn red during workout?

Its because you are holding your breath while lifting or excercising.Most important thing during workoout is to maintain a proper breathing, helps in blood circulation in that particular muscle which you are excercising and results you with proper pump.Please know how to inhale and exhale during workout. If you dont follow proper procedure during excercise you may end up with injuries.If you are maintaining proper breath and still having the issue please consult and doctor and get a checkup for your issue.ThanksHARSHA