My Eyes Feels Swollen

How do I get rid of swollen eyes?

Treatment of swollen eyelids depends on the underlying cause. Your optometrist or ophthalmologist may prescribe medication or recommend over-the-counter remedies such as eye drops.Generally, if your swollen eyes are due to allergies, antihistamine eye drops or oral allergy medication, as well as lubricating "artificial tears" will help relieve symptoms. Your eye doctor also may recommend mild steroid drops for more severe allergic reactions.Other causes, such as infection like conjunctivitis or ocular herpes, respond well to anti-viral or anti-inflammatory eye drops or ointments, or antibiotics.Minor bouts of swollen eyelids can be eased with home remedies. First and foremost, avoid rubbing your eyes as this will only aggravate your condition.If you have photophobia associated with chronic eyelid inflammation, photochromic lenses can help reduce light sensitivity. Also, if you wear contact lenses, remove them until the eyelid swelling resolves.Applying a cool compress sometimes can reduce eyelid swelling, as well as splashes of cold water to your closed lids.If symptoms continue or worsen, or if you experience any pain in your eye, see your eye doctor immediately to rule out a more sinister cause of your swollen eyes.

I have a swollen eye lid. What do I do?

Check for an area redder than the rest. Look for a "head" where there's a little white spot on top of a sore raised area. If none is present, look underneath the eyelid. In either case, wash the area with soap and water (not inside the eyelid fer cryin' the hell out loud, just the outside!). Keep it clean until a "head" develops. Try to get the "head" to erupt with a little pressure, and then clean with soap and warm water again. If the "head" won't erupt with mild pressure, cease and try again the next day.If there is no "head" or specific red area, place a cold, wet compress (damp cloth with an ice cube inside will do fine) on the eyelid until it's uncomfortable. Repeat as often as possible until the swelling goes down. If there's pain under the eyelid, then, while standing in front of a mirror, grab the eyelashes of the lid that hurts (top or bottom) and lift looking underneath for foreign matter, specks or eyelashes that may be irritating the mucous lining of the eyelid and/or scoring or irritating the conjunctiva of the eye itself.If there's excessive or uncontrollable itching along with the swelling, you should probably see your doctor for examination and treatment as that's a sign of an allergic reaction as well as other things!If the swelling doesn't reduce or decline after a day or so of treating with a cold compress. See your doctor. If the "head" keeps growing. See your doctor.

My left eye feels swollen?

like the other answer, maybe you slept on it the wrong way, one time i had that happen and i was having sinus problems, so i took a sinus pill and some ibuprofen and it helped(but thats just me) if it keeps up then see an eye dr or just a regular dr.

Eyes feel swollen and heavy, what could this be?

Hello. A few hours ago, I got a headache, and I've had it sense. Recently, My eyes started feeling swollen and heavy, and it also feels like sort of a pressure behind them. I was just wondering what could be causing this? Lately, I've been sneezing a lot, and my nose has been stopped up, along with my throat hurting. Could I be getting sick, and this is sinuses causing my eyes to be like this? Or something else? I don't wear glasses or contacts, because I don't need to. Thanks!

I woke up with my left eye swollen?

You could ave rubbed it a lot because e.g. it ichted during your sleep, or you could have a hordeolum see or a chalazion see both being blocked glands which can become infected. Usually refraining from touching and cleaning the eye with clean tepid water, or applying warm compresses will do fine, else see a dovtor.

RIGHT EYE IS SWOLLEN AND HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

This happend to me,

if u have contacts in.. take them out..

and if not then check your eyes for thing in them.. like grass or dirt or even makeup..

if thats okk then go in the shower and put ur eyes in the running water..

it will do the work..
and if that STILL doesn't work..

see a doctor.

Black eye/swollen bone?

i know in the old cartoons that if a character got hit on the head, a lump would grow out. i didn't know this actually happens.

i got a black eye about a week ago. most of the purple color is gone, but it's still slightly swollen. the bone right below my eye (feels like my cheek bone/eyesocket) is swollen. at least that's what i think? there is a large, hard, painful lump there that isn't on the other side. am i right or is this something else? how long until it goes away?

My right eye is swollen - allergies?

Is the eyeball itself red and hurting, or are you talking about your eyelid?
Allergy symptoms involving the eye generally do NOT cause swelling of the eyelids. They involve BOTH eyes being red, itchy, and watery (but no pus or coloured discharge). Having only one eye affected leads me to believe this is an infection.

Chances are, if it is your eyelid that is swollen and painful, it is a stye. The medical term for this is hordeolum, and it is a minor infection of your lid that does NOT require treatment and should go away within 5-7 days. They are often very painful, but not serious. Applying an ice pack may not be the best thing to do if this is a stye, because styes need to drain in order to heal. To encourage draining and to ease the pain, apply cool compresses to your eye. Wet a facecloth with cool water (not freezing cold.. you can even have it slightly warm if you wish, although the coolness will be more soothing with the itchiness). Apply the wet facecloth to your closed eye for 15 minutes at a time, and repeat this 4-6 times a day. You can do it more often if you wish, but this is enough.

If it becomes noticeably worse, or it does not go away or improve within a week, you should see you doctor because it may be something else, or it may be a stye that just will not drain on its own. In this case you may need to have the doctor drain it for you and you may need an antibiotic at this point, but this is unlikely so I wouldn't worry about it. It may take a little longer than a week to completely go away, but you should see improvement after a couple of days.

If your EYEBALLS are bloodshot and painful/burning, if you develop a discharge that is pus like, coloured, or has an odour, or if you notice your eyes are crusted up when you wake up in the morning, see your doctor as it is likely an infection of your eye such as pink eye. If this is the case you will need antibiotic eye drops. This condition is very contagious so avoid touching your eye and then touching your other eye, or shaking someones hand, and do not share towels, etc with others in your home.

Your other symptoms, including the itchy eyes, are all symptoms of allergies, so my guess is that you have allergies plus a stye. Styes are quite common. Just wait it out and see what happens, and always check with a health care provider if you become concerned.

Hope you feel better soon; good luck!