My Female German Sheppard Is Jealous Of My Girlfriend

How can I help my girlfriend to overcome jealousy from my other female best friend?

Interesting case you have. Both were close friends and one of them became your gf. Conventionally your (especially opposite gender) friends take a back seat in the face of a relationship when it comes to sharing emotions and support. However in your case it’d be hard to draw the line because you treated them the same before the relationship started and it would be unreasonable to expect you to cold shoulder her now. Her jealousy is equally warranted, sharing the same emotional connection with other people is not ok in my books either.Bottom line is this, she will not grow out of it or accept it as time goes on. If you’re thinking your relationship will magically fix itself with time, you’re setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. Either show by your actions that your girlfriend is more valuable to you by not rushing to be your friends emotional cushion all the time, or end the relationship. Good luck.

My Female German Sheppard is jealous of my girlfriend?

this issue is nothing whatsoever to do with the puppy being"jealous".
This puppy is just a baby at 12 weeks old but is still very aware that your g/f is probably a soft touch and that it can get away with doing what it likes with her.
Most pups will mouth and growl at people if allowed to get away with it.
Your g/f must learn to be more assertive and have a confident attitude towards this possibly quite dominant natured puppy so that the pup recognises her as higher in status than it is. Gsd Pups do need correcting when they show unwanted behaviour or they will mature into hooligan adult dogs.
Gsd`s need lots of training and authoritative leadership from owners who are strong and confident leaders to the dog. Any sign of weakness in an owner and the dog will exploit it to its own advantage. I`m just going on what you have posted though, and can only "guess".

My girlfriend is jealous of my female friend, should I end the relationship with my friend?

No.Assuming you’re a faithful boyfriend and your friend respects that you’re in a relationship then your girlfriend has no real reason to be jealous. Her fear of loosing you then, in that case is more due to her own insecurity rather than your being unfaithful or your friend not respecting boundaries.Assuming all that is true, with you being faithful and your female friend respecting that you’re in a relationship, the best thing to do here is take your girlfriend aside and ask her why she’s jealous. Assure her that you love her/care deeply about her and would never do anything to intentionally hurt her. Make it clear to her that your female friend is simply that, a friend and that you do not think of her in a romantic light.If you allow her jealousy to dictate who you can be friends with, it’s not setting a good precedent. Jealousy is a common and natural emotion, but it’s not always rational and it can happen as a result of insecurity and fear eating away at a person rather than the real and factual events that are occurring. Jealousy is normal, but managing it by cutting every little offense out of isn’t a productive way of doing it. You can’t erase every source of jealousy from your life, so you have to approach it in a more realistic way and communicate openly with your partner.

Should a man be jealous of his girlfriend's female friends if she's spending time with them?

You should not be jealous of the time your girlfriend spends with others regardless of the gender of those other people.Did you stop spending time with all your friends the moment you started dating your girlfriend? Well, you should have, because that’s what you’re expecting her to do. This kind of expectation is controlling and manipulative and displays a shocking lack of trust in your girlfriend.Aside from the obvious emotional abuse of expecting your girlfriend to never spend time with other people (which should be reason enough for you not to do it), you should also consider the following: you’re going to shortly be out one girlfriend if you keep this up. She’ll decide that there are other, less jealous men out there. But really, in the end you just won’t be enough for her. No one can be the only person that matters in someone’s life. Are you going to be there for her every time she needs to talk? Are you going to be there to emotionally support her in every moment that she needs it? Are you going to be there to watch every movie with her, go to every concert with her, etc., etc. in perpetuity for the rest of your relationship?Stop being an insecure, controlling boyfriend and realize that your girlfriend needs other people to make her happy. It’s a good thing too, because if all of that responsibility fell on you, you’d never have time for your own stuff either.

3-year old female german shepherd hates me & my kids. Why?

My 3 children (2,4,6) had to move in w/ my parents about 2 years ago. Four months ago, my brother left his 3-year old female german shepherd here. He said it was only for awhile but then never returned & never called. She was basically abandoned. At first she was shy and afraid of me and my children, though we were friendly and gentle. We have 3 other shepherds, so the breed is no stranger to me, I love them. Then she suddenly turned hostile. Growling and barking loudly at me and my children. Showing agression when we showed attention to the other dogs. One morning I went out to my car in my robe to get something out of my car and she ran at me, skimming the back of my leg, growling and barking. I am now afraid of her and my kids and I have to have my dad walk us out to the car in the mornings to go to work and school. I know these are territorial animals but why the sudden agression? She is loving and sweet to my parents. But will growl, snap, bark and even chase and circle my kids if they are outside alone. Why this change? What is the problem???? Sorry its so long but we cannot figure it out!!

Why is my German shepherd so small?

Genetics determine size, you cannot make her bigger. Odds are pretty good, that she is correct size, and most of the shepherds you have seen are badly bred over sized dogs.

My girlfriend is jealous of my female best friend. What should I do?

I take it that your best friend doesn’t have her own boyfriend? Are you paying a lot of attention to your BF? Is your GF the jealous type or does she have good reason to be suspicious of your relationship with this friend?Okay, so if you can honestly answer these questions with - 1) Yes, 2) No and 3) No, she’s not the jealous type and yes, she might have good reason to be suss -then you need to re-evaluate your feelings about the girls. Either you distance yourself from your BF or see if you can hook her up with one of your mates or you have to think about whether you really want to be with the GF. Only you know the true situation and how close you are to both young women. If you are twittering with and being too close to your BF, then your GF has every right to be upset.Are you prepared to push your BF away and concentrate on your GF?Are you perhaps subconsciously deeply attached to your BF and are you dating the wrong girl?Are you prepared to break off your friendship with your Best Friend completely and cleave to the girlfriend? In other words, is the GF a “keeper”?You have a lot to think about, mate, so take it slowly and decide what you want to do, because I don’t think you can keep things the way they are without the proverbial hitting the fan!

Dog attacks girlfriend when we hug?

The dog owns you. She sees you as her property and your girlfriend as an intruder on her turf. She tolerates your girlfriend but sees her as a lower member and when she hugs you, your girlfriend is claiming you. The dog bites her because the dog is alpha and only alphas own items. You can correct her by doing a two finger touch to the neck and go "Aaatttt!" but you can make it any sound you want like "No!" or "Hey!" but make it short and firm. Also walking will also make her see you as leader. In the dogs mind the leader walks in front, so keep her next to or behind you. Hope this helps.

Our dog likes my girlfriend more than me. He is 2.5 years old, we've had him less than a year. He's a rescue from a puppy mill, and lived in a cage for 2 years, with no human interaction. He's scared of everything. How can I get him to like me too?

This kind of thing happens a lot with previously abused or neglected dogs.  We went through the same thing after we adopted an abused German Shepherd.  We subsequently found out that she was severely abused by her male breeder and experienced intense rejection by being cast aside, alone in a kennel when he realized she had a flaw and couldn't be showed with.She hated men.  I know hate is a strong word but she'd run to the bottom of the garden barking and showing her teeth at any man who came into the yard or tried to approach her.  She didn't display this behavior to my husband but she wouldn't let him near her.When he returned home from work she'd just ignore him and would never go to him for cuddles of attention.  If he tried to play with her she'd drop her head, flatten, tail between her legs and go to her bed, which is still her safe place.  In the beginning, he was pretty offended by this behavior.I took two years of patience on his part to build trust.  It started with offering treats to her.  And always speaking in a soft, gentle tone (today even if my husband raises his voice while watching sport, she gets up and leaves the room).He also started to groom her, which she loves and he's approach her in a non-threatening way and offer her cuddles and attention.Just be consistent and patient, he'll come around eventually.  Find something he loves and use that to start bonding with him, then take it step by step from there.