My Fiance And I Have Been Togther For Three Years Is It To Soon To Have A Baby

Is it okay that my fiancee is crying over her ex having a baby with someone else? Her ex has been a deadbeat parent to the three year old they had together, but I've been there for my fiancee and her son since he was two. Should I feel offended?

Love is a pain in the patootie. It tortures you even when you don't want it there and makes moving on an arduous chore with no specific time limit. Even if you know a partner is a dead end, love is that dreaded attachment that could almost be likened to drug withdrawal.Your partner is processing some old emotions and pain so it's not surprising they haven't disappeared entirely. It's horrible to feel like all those struggles were for nothing with the one you loved but they could make it work for another. At least that's what it probably feels like for her. If I were there, I'd bet a nickel that her last partner will still do the same thing to his newest partner that he did to her.As for you and her…..I'd check in with her and make sure she's marrying you because she loves you. Try not to put pressure on her, try to be understanding, but also, gently encourage her to talk to you when it's appropriate to tell her how you feel. I'd phrase it as you saying you understand her feeling jealous that someone else has the attention of the one she loves because that's exactly what her ex is doing to you. I'd recommend telling her you want a life with her free from that ex who couldn't appreciate what you see before you now, but only if she feels the same towards you. Hope that helps.It's important to process feelings, but also to move on from them. She probably needs to work through hers but you have a right to your feelings as well. Having you both feel free to talk about your feelings and to feel like your partner will try to respond to your needs is essential.

Why is my fiancé becoming freakier the longer we been together?

“Why is my fiancé becoming freakier the longer we been together?”I was going to answer this question as if you are a male and your fiancé is female but I don’t know that it matters.Remember when just a touch would send you over the edge? Remember stories (or experiences) when you would orgasm at a mere breeze? Remember back in history when a woman showing an ankle was considered obscene? Americans get shit for not allowing breasts in mainstream media but at least it keeps it exciting when they are flashed, right?Assuming you are both in your 20s, theoretically, you’re still experimenting with sex. Assuming you got started in your teens and got over the initial, awkward stages of hair triggers, you’ve now moved to the stage where you are good at certain things and may want to experiment more. Especially if you are in a committed relationship, the repetitive moves might get stale and he/she might be looking to spice things up.Trust me, as you begin to have children (assuming you will), the experimentation is likely to be over for a while. It may pick up again later on but the average woman is not going to want to be wild and freaky while she is in the initial stages of motherhood.As long as you aren’t turned off by it, cherish it. Sex gets really stale in monogamous relationships so if he/she is experimenting, I would see that as a plus.

My boyfriend and I have been together for three years. Is it okay to have "our first time" together now?

Only you can make that decision. He may not be your boyfriend in five years or he might be your husband. If you are comfortable with that and take precautions not to become pregnant than go ahead. It will absolutely change the dynamics of your relationship and it may help out sort the difference between sex and love.

I have a girlfriend, we've been together for three years. We've done it all. I like her, but I don't want to marry her. I fear staying together can ruin everything. What do I do?

It depends on you. Don't set your mind that it may not work out after marriage. You both have passed three years, it means you know each other very well. I don't see the point where staying together can ruin everything in further years as it was fine in last three years.Try to talk to girl regarding the thing where you think it won't work out or it may ruin something.

Opinions on getting pregnant soon after marriage?

Hi! I'm getting married in July. Originally, my husband wanted to wait two years and I wanted to wait six months! (We, too are financially and emotionally ready). We compromised on waiting until our one year anniversary. Then, last month we had a scare. It was so exciting, we decided to stop taking birth control the month after we get married and it will happen when it is supposed to happen. I personally, don't think there is any reason to wait, especially since you have spent three years together already. (Congrats on your wedding, by the way!) You said you are ready, so that means your ready! Keep in mind to discuss things like where you're spending holidays and how much maternity leave you get. Since you've talked about it, and both seem on the same page, go ahead and start trying! There is no set time frame. Sometimes, the first year of marriage can be difficult, but if you plan for the unexpected (loss of job, expenses, holiday issues with family, etc.) you'll be well-prepared! Good luck.

My boyfriend of three years didn't invite me to his birthday party!?

Obviously he didn't want you there and that was very wrong of him to do so. I think that was real ****** up!!!!!!!!If you are together and have been for three years, if anyone should have been there it should have been you. Something must be going on!!!! Don't let his foolishness bring you down.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months now. Everything is going great but we are both unemployed. He has suggested that we move to Germany in a restaurant there in service. Should I take the chance?

Germany is booming now with job especially Berlin. There are lots of Chef jobs around Germany and EU in general. I would recommend to find a job in Germany before moving there.You can find a job using Job Search | Indeed in Germany in whatevery profession you are.

I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years. We're having a baby in July, but I really can't stand her. Seriously, I really just want to leave her. What should I do?

I hope you don't leave right away. There might be things you hold against her and you might have been tired of tolerating. Try to talk her down and be a good friend to her if you could not be a boyfriend. Women who are pregnant could be moody. Consider she is having your baby now. You are part of the decision of having this baby. Then it is the time you take the responsibility of your decision and be a man. Be there and be supportive to your girlfriend. Even though you want to break up, wait until she delivered the baby. Seperate yourself from the relationship now and focus on your child coming to the world. Even though your relationship would not work out eventually, hang in there for a while to make your three year relationship worth more.

Is it wrong that my mother isn't involved with my soon to be step kids?

I'm so upset right now. My fiance and I have been together almost 2 years. He has two little kids. My mom doesn't want to be around them or do anything with them. She hardly talks about the wedding and doesn't seem excited about it. I feel like she wants no part of my wedding or anything to do with my fiance's kids. It bothers my fiance also. I don't know what to do to stay calm through the wedding planning. I guess I just need some positive comments.

Since we met five years ago, this girl and I have been dating on and off. However, we have recently gotten back together and have been for 4 months now. She’s now my fiance and potential mother to my child. Is this too soon?

Certainly after five years of involvement it is not too soon to marry. In previous generations people often married immediately after high school, with much less history than you have with your fiance.As for her potentially being the mother of your child, yes it is too soon to be wondering if she could be pregnant, if that is what you mean, because sexual intercourse should be reserved for marriage.It is not fair to take the chance of bringing a child into the world when his or her parents are not yet fully committed. Many people make assumptions about the intentions of their boyfriend or girlfriend, or even their fiance. Until the marriage is accomplished, either party can back out, and it is the child who suffers the most in these cases.A mother and child need a safe and secure situation in which to thrive. If you are the father of your child it is your duty to marry her and be a husband and a Daddy.This is also your great privilege. Many people search for love their whole lives and never find it. I congratulate you on your great blessing of finding love. Please guard this treasure with your life, and honor it with your full commitment.