My Fingernails Hurt When I Touch I Cant Feel Them

Do your long fingernails hurt you?

I know this question is old but I came across it for a reason: my nails hurt as they grow long. It is a dull ache and makes me feel like I need to scratch or tap them against things. All I can compare this to is like how a cat needs a scratching post for their nails. My nail pain is in both my toe nails and my fingernails if allowed to grow too long. I prefer to keep my nails as short as possible and I have zero pain when they are short. They don't even have to be excessively long before they start aching. I'd say maybe two to three weeks of growth and the aching will begin. Not a terrible pain but an aggravating throbbing. It is definitely correlated. I'm 34 now and have felt this since I was young. I could not imagine growing them super long because the aching is annoying just at 3 weeks length. Sorry I don't have a scientific answer for you but I just wanted you to know I absolutely have the same sensation and all I can compare it to is like a cat lol.

Why do my fingernails hurt the day after I cut them?

Your nails protect the tips of your fingers and when
you cut them you are exposing them to sensations
they are not used to experiencing. It is, as you said,
a temporary thing.

Also when you cut them and with the pads touching
things more - the blood circulation has changed
which can also make them feel more sensitive.

Scissors or clippers are hard on the nail bed as well
which can cause pain.

Use an emory board to shorten your nails.

Fingernails themselves should not hurt when you cut, but I suspect it is one (or both) of two things:1) You are cutting the nails down incorrectly: Perhaps you have very strong nails and are simply placing the nail clippers center of nail and pressing down. Ouch! Nails that have a strong structure will simply flare out until they crack - yes, crack. That is a lot of pulled tissue that then gets snapped back. The opposite is if you have very flimsy, flexible nails that don't cut cleanly. Perhaps you have to wiggle them to break off down to size?The best way to clip your nails to avoid tugging, pulling or breakage is to start at one edge and gently clip in until you get a clean break. From there continue the line until you have excess free edge removed.2) You may be injuring live tissue: When nails grow long, they sometimes need support to hold the extra length. For lack of a better example at the moment, think of a shelf style with an underside bracket. Nails will sometimes grow this underside bracket of skin to help support the longer nail. If you clip without noticing it, it's going to hurt. It won't necessarily bleed unless you go very far in. Always check the undersides to make sure they are clear of this extra, needed growth. (note: this type of growth will also appear after damage).Remedy: Skip the clipping and simply get a good nail file. It will take a little longer if you aren't used to it, but filing nails down to the length you desire will help eliminate any tenderness that may come from improper clipping.

It sounds like your connective skin is sensitive. My recommendation is a little simple, but it works for me. Slightly trim your nails, and give your finger tips a day or two to adjust to the sensation of sir and touch, then trim a little closer. It isn't perfect, but should help. Fingernails cut best when dry, whereas toe nails cut better when still damp from a bath or shower. I sure hope this helps.Best wishes

Probably because our fingernails collect lots of hidden germs & bacteria. I recently studied a nail technician course - Level 3 in Nail Services and we learnt all about nail diseases and disorders. We were told that toe nails can smell when they are thick & crusty- it’s normally a bacterial or fungal infection. It can stem from athletes foot. To naturally treat it, you can soak Nails in a bowl of listerine mouthwash diluted with some water. You can additionally add some apple cider vinegar and tea Tree oil into the water, as they are natural antiseptic healing treatments too. Do this twice a day, soaking for 15 minutes for a few days until the problem goes.

I'd wonder what your diet is like.  When I'm taking more fish oil, my nails are healthier.  (I also take silica, which made my nails stronger a long time ago.  Been so long since I started taking it I can't remember exactly how much difference it made.)

It’s from the hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in the hair color formula. The tenderness will go away. Always wear gloves when you’re handling hydrogen peroxide!. I’ve done hair for way over 40 years and I always wear my gloves because it indeed does tend to react and make my fingers hurt if I don’t! Live and learn I suppose . That said, if it is not better within two days after using a nice moisturizing hand cream you may want to call the doctor but I really wouldn’t worry about it’s very common occurrence

Please remember, I am not a doctor and only write from personal experience. First of all, I don’t think your fingers look gross at all. It is obvious you don’t bite your nails or pick at your cuticles. There’s a curious half circle shadow on your ring fingernail. It looks like an acrylic nail that is growing out.I think there are two scenarios:You have, or have had, acrylic nails and they are growing outYou cut your nails short after letting them grow out.Your fingernails protect the ends of your fingers which are very sensitive. Just try pressing the ends of your fingers with a fingernail to see how sensitive they are. Acrylic nails do a better job of this protection because they are so hard. Natural nails also give this needed protection.Many people have soft nails that easily bend, break or peel so they don’t do as good a job of protection. My nails are like that and just last night the fingernail on my little finger peeled off all the way down to the base. My finger is very sore today.Here’s the bottom line: When you grow your nails out over the ends of your fingers and wear them like that, the ends of the fingers are well protected and become more sensitive. Then, when you cut them short (like your ring finger in the picture), the exposed ends hurt. If you cut them very short, it is possible to cut the place where the fingernail is connected to the finger. That will cause it to bleed and hurt a lot worse.This is assuming you do not use something to dig under your nails to clean them which can also make them bleed. If your nails are dirty, use a soft nail brush and mild soap to clean underneath.Solution: Never cut your fingernails. Hide your nail clippers. Instead, use an emory board (nail file) - never metal, they are too harsh - to carefully file your nails until they are just past the tips of your fingers. There are nail files designed for acrylic nails - never use them on your natural nails, they are too gritty. Be sure the package says for “natural nails.”Work on getting in the habit of always filing them in one direction - not back and forth like a saw - especially if you have weak nails. When I file the nails on my left hand, I file them from the left to the right once, pick up the file, and repeat. When I’m filing on my right hand, I file from right to left. Do whatever is comfortable, just avoid “sawing” them. And remember to keep them long enough to cover the end of your finger a little.I hope this helps.

Why do your nails hurt after getting them done?

usually, when getting nails done, the technician buffs the surface of the nail to get rid of any ridges and make a smooth surface for the application of the acrylic.. it's all nice and everything, but what this does is take off layers of your nail, rendering them weak and thin (you'll see when you get them taken off).. this might be why they are hurting you..
it's a long-drawn out process to get your nails back to how they were when you get acrylics taken off.. your nails will split and have ridges..

they nice and lovely once you have them, but a pain in the a** once you get them off..

good luck..

Imagine an onion, its outer layer always looks rough or in different colour than the inner ones.Just like that our body has designed such a way that its outer layer is rough in the sense that it can deal with outside environment. Once that layer is removed the inner part,which is sensitive before, has to deal with environment and hence it takes some time to create such capacity.---P.S: I am no medical student :P