My Friend Is Acting Like A Stalker Help

My boyfriend is acting like he's a creepy obsessive stalker! Help?

Okay so I've been with my bf for 1 year and a half and we live together we're both mid 20's, he's very nice to me and we get along when were together...well mostly. But he is so protective, jealous, and also insecure, for example I do a lot of modeling aka. fashion, sports, fitness, glamour and this gives me perks like $, access to vip, meeting lots of people. BUT...he get's all weird when we go out and sulks in a corner and doesn't talk to anyone. I try... honestly to include him but he is still kind of shy, so I don't really like it when he comes a long anymore and my agent isn't too happy with him there too. I'm definately not a shy person and I do attract a lot of attention, even if I don't want it. He however get's very angry with ME if someone (even girls, or old men) flirt with me.
Ok... so I have been working with him to get over this and it has been very slowly very slowly improving.
Now it gets down to the point of the topic...I just found out he has been going on all my social networking sites, modeling sites, friends sites and gathering pics (most from before we met) of me with friends (girls and guys) and keeping them in a file called WTF he created about 7 mo ago! I only found out cuz I used his computer (my wasn't working) and found it. The crazy thing is he doesn't think it was that big of a deal. He's really angry I even found it actually. Am I crazy or is my own bf cyber stalking me?
Oh p.s. I just found him with my phone in his hands
and he looked like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.
When I asked what he was doing he just said he was
getting it for me and it fell open HA HA HA I am not an idiot.
But apparently he thinks I am.
Okay sorry I don't mean to vent maybe I'm more angry than I thought
Any replies or personal related situations will help!

My friend is stalking me?

like at home ,online and on phone she keeps on sending messages and if i dont reply she will keep sending them and asking me where i was ? and why was i ignoring her ,she gets pissed, and she stalks me like if i dont reply to her she will be like oh i see you liked the picture that means your are online so why didnt you reply to my message? she is acting like those phyco girlfriends execpt im not her boyfriend and we are best friends.people told me they dont like her and told me not to be friends with her but i didnt listen now i know that they were right she is really weird .

Help! My friend is stalking and copying me!?

Okay, I have this friend called Olivia and she's been my friend since the start of the year (that's because I moved school) and she started copying, stalking and acting like me! It's really annoying since when I wear something one day, she goes crazy and buys the EXACT same clothes and Jewellery I wore! She even dyed her hair my hair colour and it's just soooooo ER!!!
And i am a sorta girly girl and she's a really big tomboy and then suddenly BAM! She starts wearing high heels and mini skirts like me! I already said to her to try and express herself in her clothes and to stop copying me but she's all like
" OMG what? I soooo do not copy you!"
And also about the stalking thing, once when I was walking home from school I felt like someone was watching me so I turned around to look and she was there! She quickly hif behind a bush but I pretendef like I didn't see her. I mean, omg! Her house is in the completely different direction!
And one more thing, I got obsesded with a song called 'Call me maybe and i told her and she listrned to it and said it sucked. then the next day she was listening to her iPod touch and bragging about how much she loved the song! Please help! What can I do to stop her?!

Is my friend Cyber Stalking me?

My Ex friend and I have parted ways. She was the type of person that just love to be the center of attention. Weather it be about her or not. She very smart with internet. Since we no longer talk she as decided to go on the internet and sign me up for phone calls and mail. (Jenny Craig and such) Then just post hateful things on my space about me. Since Im not her friend anymore on myspace I just see them threw her blogg posts. I tried getting it so i would see it but it still comes. I ran into her husband and told him all the hateful things she as been doing and he was kinda shocked and all the things in the past and now she is asking questions to people as Im the stallker . I want her to leave me alone. She as even posted on here. About me I do need help

My old friend is stalking me...?

Few years ago, I moved schools and met this girl. She is the same age as me, and she seemed really nice then. I enjoyed talking to her and considered her my “best friend.”

After a year or so, she turned out to be… really weird. She started dressing in all dark colors, read/weird creepy books, and cussed out people that tried talked to me. Almost everybody started hating her, and people avoided both of us. I couldn’t make any new friends when she was around.

My friend also cussed ME out too, and for the stupidest reason. Last time she started cussing me out over a PAPERCLIP!! At first, I never talked back to her, because she was the only friend I had and I didn’t want to lose her. I also found out by her that she wasn’t straight… and that kinda creeped me out. But still, I didn’t want to be alone at school so I told her I was fine with it as long as she doesn’t like me that way.
But after being cussed out for a few months straight, I had enough of it. I went straight up and told her “I don’t like how your acting. I can’t talk to anybody because their afraid of being cussed out by you. I’m tired of you hugging me like were a couple.” She cussed me out a little more, but told me she was sorry. She never stopped cussing me out or hugging me and petting me though, and I told her that I didn’t even want to be friends with her. She told me she didn’t like me anyways so shes fine with it. After that day she started stalking me, and I decided the best thing to do was to just ignore her.

When I got in high school, I cut my hair and changed how I dress to start a new life. I made a lot of new friends. But that friend still stalks me, to the point I can’t dress out for PE when she is around. She started uploading pictures of me on facebook that she knew I didn’t like. I told her I didn’t want those pictures on facebook, but she ignored me. She comments on every picture and status I post. She still tries to text me and email me too. We still dont talk in school, and im kinda glad.

What should I do? Sorry its long… but I need some advice.

Thank you(:

Need help! how i can end an addiction of stalking of my ex bf ?

Your his friend and you should act like one towards him. Don't block him because clearly it will just go in the same pattern and annoy him to no end, has he talked to you about this? Why not instead of stalking him on social media you talk to him in person, but don't stalk him in person either but act normal for a while and see what happens.

Would a girl and her friend be nice and friendly to a stalker? How would they act with him?

How would they know if they had one, usually an unknown relationship until the stalker goes to far. Then the girls may get weird if they think you’re the stalker.Just don’t be a stalker and let people be. If you spent all that time and energy being a stalker and hiding your identity as one, then you could’ve done less and really got to know them and would be friends with them.You seem to be infatuated. It will pass.

My friend has got a stalker after her. He is roaming around her house, acting all psychotic. Police can't be of much help. What should she do?

Get help of some friend to make him understand or just shout at him in public place. Rest of he job people can do. He needs to be warned soon or else it would the same daily affair. Besides the girl can directly confront him and tell him not to do all such stuffs. If you are brave and bold to speak off then he wont retaliaite.

How do I stop being a stalker?

Don’t know if this’ll help, but I recently proposed an answer for a very similar question yesterday: What do I do if I am a stalker? How do I stop stalking?In essence, you need to take stock of what the stalking habit is doing both to you and your target, acknowledge that it is at base a selfish act that is doing no one any good and at least one person some significant mental anguish, and probably seek some help in therapy. It’ll be a hard habit to give up, you’ll probably relapse, and it’s better if you go through this with the aid of a professional if possible. If not, you need to find outlets to spend your time and radically give up things that contribute to the habit.The fact that you know what you’re doing and want to stop is an encouraging first step. Some stalkers never slow down long enough to realize what they’re really doing, or learn to justify it too well. Perhaps even fewer understand exactly why they’re doing it. Don’t try to make amends with your target, don’t try to contact anyone near them and make amends. If you have a mutual friend that you trust, you could talk about the issue and express your regret over everything. But don’t try to induce them to talk to your stalking target about your feelings over the issue. Do it for yourself; this is a habit that relies upon secrecy for most. Unless you’re already far gone, there are almost definitely things and people you don’t want to give up. If you’re beyond that point, definitely seek help immediately. Therapy will be your best bet to recovery.Good luck.

How can I stop a narcissistic ex from stalking me through mutual friends?

This is a great question, and an important one. Hopefully, you have gone no-contact with your narcissist ex (or low-contact, if you have kids or some other reason to continue to interact.) Hopefully, you have established healthy boundaries, and you’re working hard to enforce them.Now, mutual friends can be tricky... You’re going to have to handle each person on a case-by-case basis. Explain that your situation is not “normal.” You and your ex are not “simply mad at each other.” There are more serious issues involved.I would not say “narcissistic personality disorder.” I would not say that your ex is mentally ill or anything like that. That will reflect badly on you. I would focus on it being a bad situation and not on blaming your ex.Say that it is not safe, and certainly not healthy for you and your ex to have any involvement, that you don’t want him/her knowing what’s going on in your personal life, and that you have made that clear to your ex.Say that you value the friendship (depending, of course, on how close you are with the person,) and that you don’t want to involve them in any of this nonsense. Ask them to please respect your boundaries and not discuss your life with your ex.That’s a very reasonable and justifiable request. If the friend will not agree, or agrees but then talks about you anyway, I would distance myself from that friend. You ex can have that one!