My Friend Is Annoyed With Me Because Of How I Look

My group of friends find me annoying, they don't like spending time with me, and I'm always feeling down when I get home. What should I do?

I agree with what Hanny Zen said:If one or two people doesn't like you, don't mind them. Its their problems, not yours. Don't mind them.If more than two people doesn't like you, then the problem is you.However, don't beat yourself up about the fact that it could be your "problem" because sometimes, your "problem" may seem like a flaw to some but virtue to others.I've been in your shoes back in the days. I have a group of friends I used to hang out with all the time. But one day, they just decided that I was too different from them. I wasn't dressing the same way, speaking the same way, we weren't into the same tv series, celebrities etc. At first it felt like hell, it suddenly seemed as though.. I didn't fit in. I got pissed at myself, I even cried a couple of times, hated myself because I thought I sucked.Fast-forward, I moved on after a while, made a new group of friends who actually did enjoyed my companionship and genuinely liked me ! Then I realized, my "problems" weren't my problems. They were merely people's opinions about me. They weren't bad, they didn't have to be.My new friends saw me differently, that:I wasn't flirty, I was friendly.I wasn't offensive, I was straight-forward.I wasn't obssesed, I was passionate.I wasn't nerdy, I was clever.Again, these are also just opinions. But be wise with your decisions, you can reflect on on your behaviours and question yourself if you were really pushing their limits; you can choose to change and become more like your friends (although I don't quite recommend this one but then again it's just me); or you move on and go to places where you're celebrated not tolerated. Just choose wisely, you know what works best for you. But take this from me, 10 years down the road you will look back at this and none of it would matter as much.Stay positive, good luck !

Is my best friend toxic?

So my best friend has this crush that’s her friend. Now I never mind that and think it’s selfish if I did. But then she would completely ditch me for her “new best friend”. Look I get that when you have a crush, it’s hella exciting especially when it’s a friend, but I really don’t think abandoning other friends just for the sake of this person is good. She also gets annoyed at me for small details like if I accidentally throw my water bottle near her or something she steals it until I apologize and I really don’t see that as appealing. Her friendship has kinda become a burden on me (a very irritating one). I’m sorry I’m just very frustrated right now. I don’t know what to do.

I am annoyed at my cat for giving me dirty looks?

Cats don't have the facial muscles to actually smile like humans can, except for the Abyssinian cat - I've been adopted by several of them, and I can attest to their ability to grin, frown, wink, and yes, smile. In all other breeds, the edges of the mouth can turn up slightly, but that's about it. Unless your cat (and the other poor darlings you're misinterpreting) puts its ears back, you've nothing to worry about.

OMG ! my friend is so annoying !! read details?

I am sure you do things that are annoying to her. Is she in your face about them? Don't let petty things like that hurt your friendship.

Stupid friend thinks he's sexy?

Ok so one of my friends thinks he is sexy and good looking. But here are some problems that annoy me when he says that
1. you can fit you hand around the thickest part of his arm ( we are both 16)
2. He has a huge dent in his chest that is visable even with his shirt on.
3. He wheres glasses that look like they are from the 60's and thinks they are cool. He does not really need them but were them to make him look "cool"
4. He wheres baggy clothes and still his indent shows. he thinks he is cool in them but really he is so skinny you could fit three of him in them.
I am friends with him because our families have been friends before each of our births.
His facebook status says Ian is a sexy beast or ian is sexy in glasses
Now I am four times bigger than he is and a big football player. I can bench nearly 300 and I have a barreled chest.
He is annoying and I want to hurt him. Especially when he says he is sexy and strong. Now should I beat him up and take it from mine and his parents or just whatever......
Please I don't want to hurt the little guy

Why does my friend get mad at me for talking to other girls?

She is definitely jealous and she probably hangs out with her other guy friends and treats them all differently because she wants you to want her more. As for why she rejected you that one time, it was probably because of your timing. Maybe she made a new friend that day she really wanted to get with, or she was just having a bad day. She could be treating you this way in an attempt to get you to ask her again, having missed her chance the first time.

Remember, regardless of what this girl says or does, you are your own person and you have no obligation to her as "just a friend" to not talk to other girls or stay single for her liking. I promise/ you from what you've told us in your description, its jealousy, even if she never admits to it. Step back and look at what you wrote: she gets mad at me for talking to, hanging out with, or talking about other girls. Shes just a friend, but she gets mad when your want to talk about a nice girl you met? She wants to be more than just a friend


Think about it:
It isn't your cousins fault that she is pretty. It's not like she woke up and was like "I'm going to be prettier than you just to get on your nerves." So you see, it really doesn't serve to be angry about it. You are the way you are, and she is the way she is.
But then, there is the saying "Pretty is as pretty does." If you have a better personality, then focus on that. Focus on the good things.

My advice to you would to stop worrying about what other people think. "Everybody says..." Well, who cares about what they say. You shouldn't! And also, don't compare yourself to her! It is natural to be jealous of people, but don't force it upon yourself. Don't focus on she has, I don't, I have, she doesn't, people like, blahblah stuff. That stuff will only bring you down. Focus on you, not her, and focus on the positive!

Also, I don't think those links work. They just took me to the log in page on photobucket.