My Friend Is Making Me Feel Bad.

My friends are making me feel bad about myself?

one of my friends is always telling me to shut up, even if i didnt say anything bad, sometimes i didn't say anything at all, she also always calls me a dumb *** and embarrasses me in front of people, she acts like shes the ****, honestly i dont want to be her friend anymore but she gives me a ride to school every morning, i know i sound like a two face saying that. she can be nice but shes mostly a jerk. Also, some of my other friends always seem like they need to be better than me, like they can never be wrong, and they always try to prove me wrong then laugh when their right and it makes me feel stupid. friends are supposed to make you feel good about yourself. they make me feel like a "dumb blond", but hey, everyone has their moments but they hold it against me and remind me of my blond moments all the time and when ever they have a moment im never the jerk that makes fun of them for it! not all my friends are like this but a lot are. and they make me feel like a follower that lets people walk all over me, and i am not at all. but sometimes i don't know what to say back to them. help! what do i say to her when she tells me to shut up at random times?

My friends makes me feel bad because I am skinny. What should I do?

Hey, for what its worth I belong to the same ‘skinny’ family and have always been at the receiving end of many callous statements. I ll tell you something. Nothing is constant. You will put on weight when you put on weight. And when that happens, the same people will notice and say about that too. I was initially a shocking 16 on the BmI scale where as in the last couple of years I started gaining for no good reason. The fun part is people notice and say things. They dont mean to hurt you. Slightly Thin or heavier people are easily distinguished in a crowd, you can say anything unique is easily caught by the eye and once noticed, people would like to comment on your appearance.I ll tell you the funda, in people’s perception saying ‘You are fat’ is absolutely horrific to the receiving party’s emotional health where as the contary seems a good bargain in order to keep their inner opinions out. Hence even strangers on the road feel the need to comment on how thin or famish one looks. I would suggest people to keep their opinions to themselves as it scars a healthy mind during their formative years.In social medium its conceived as caring and all in our best interests but note that putting on or putting down weight is not as easy as one would think, unless when one strongly wills. Each body is different and reacts differently. Its a temple entailing one’s soul and how anyone maintains it is absolutely none of other’s business.. No one should make you feel bad without your consent, ignore them and focus on whats imperative for you to progress higher in life. If at all it helps, you would look younger for a very long time to come.Thats my tuppence worth.

Should I stop talking to my friend if she makes me feel bad about myself?

“Not talking to the person” is not a solution to any of the problem.! If this thing would only be the solution to the problem, then trust me there would have been absolutely no one left to talk with in this world. Because somewhere this is not something a person talks about us, these are our self- fed Insecurities.One of my very Dearest Friend once taught me that: “We speak, hear and assume the things according to our own inside world!” This was indeed a very deep and exact thought which triggers each and every human being.If you are genuinely at calm and in love with your life, no body has that much of power to make you feel bad about yourself.!! Dont expect that love and respect from others, if you cannot imply that on your ownself. Embrace yourself as the way you are.! You are best in your own way and YOU yourself is your own biggest Power.!!People talk to pull you behind or to cover their own within insecurities. Whatever they talk tells you about their mindset and not yours. A person is reponsible for his/her own words and actions.Trust yourself.! Not talking to every second person is not the solution.! Talk to your own self, set up your boundaries as to how much to devote yourself to others and internally support yourself.BE YOUR OWN BEST-FRIEND. Nobody can love you the way you can love yourself.!You are special in your own way with your own uniqeness . Dont let that die.Live fully,and not just for the sake of Survival!

My friends are making me feel bad about wearing makeup?

So it all began when my friend and I were talking about this guy I like and I wanted to try to get his attention and talk to him. But then we just started to talk about makeup and my friend told me that ALOT of guys don't like it when girls have makeup on and I'm not comfortable without makeup. Is there anything wrong with wearing makeup? She made it sound so horrible like it was fake :(. She's starting to make me feel like wearing makeup is making me uglier, also some of my other friends started to call me a cakeface. But that's only because I was wearing a cakey foundation. I'm cutting back on the face products but everyone always tells me that makeup is bad for me and my skin but I just like having makeup on. It made me feel beautiful and they're just making me feel the oppisite.
Is it true that guys HATE girls with makeup on?

I fill in my eyebrows, eyeliner ( sometimes ), eyeshadow (lately i have been using eyeshadow only), concealer, foundation (havent used it for weeks) and tinted chapstick.

My best friend makes me feel bad about myself...?

I had a friend like this, I knew her for about 6 or 7 years. She was always very mean and nasty to the things I'd like and my hobbies. If I had a friend she was always hateful and catty. She would judge everything that I would like to or eat or say. It turned into her just saying hateful things about everything in my life. I was fed up with it because she was never nice or appreciative about anything. So I just stopped talking to her. I could deal with her dragging me down and making me unhappy. She would only talk about her problems and her problems where always more important than mine and the issues that I had where stupid and childish. I know it sucks but shes not a real friend. She's a best friend when she needs a best friend not when ever you need her. A good quote is that if something doesn't bring you happiness, fulls you, or inspires you let it go. She doesn't seem like she cares about you. Also don't let her critique your faith and your beliefs just because she doesn't feel they are up to par with hers. I had many many friends who would mock me because I was a good girl and I'd stay home and I wouldn't do drugs and trust me they're all in rehab, pregnant, or in abusive relationships. You don't need that in your life so just ditch her and find someone that doesn't make you feel bad about yourself. A friend is someone whom you can count on and confide in to make you feel better and be a better person and she CLEARLY isn't filling the standard

How can I stop feeling bad about myself because my friends are so perfect?

Realize your friends aren’t so perfect. Thing is there are lots of people that go to universities of varying prestige that have a hard time. They are label to have studied hard and gotten the correct letters of recommendation and good guidance only to get in a Ivy league school filled with students much smarter than them, and there is a possibility they have gotten into a school that is too much for them. (A friend of mine was on the genius level, he went into school wanting t get a double major in Chemistry and Physics, after maybe 2 years he dropped out. It wasn’t intelligence, rather he bit of more than what he could chew. Very possibly some of the ivy league schools will do that to your friends) What is really sad is my freshman year I watched as maybe 30% of my friends dropped out and went home.Pretty, there is a stereotype that is helped by the media as to what pretty is. Yet there are lots of people that have a unique idea (that seems to only get stronger as they age) of what they view as pretty. Some guys wouldn’t even look at blondes, some won’t look at brunettes. So as you get older and the guys of interest are gonna develop unique opinions many times different than what you see in the media, considered pretty.The thing about popularity especially in high school, is its an illusion of cliques. Maybe those girls are popular because they fit well in the cheerleader/sports/jock, smart, and other groups. In college you start from zero (unless there are a few kids from your high school) and it changes from popularity to ability to develop and maintain friendships.On another note social media is the devil in this regard. I look on Facebook and see the good in life. Limited talk of frustrations. You don’t see people talk about that dentist appointment that sucked or that bill in the mail. I look at my feed and I see people posting about this or that vacation or event they went to. I type this and its 7:20pm, someone is outside replacing a sump pump. I am not gonna jump on social media and tell people that it wasn’t cheap and I doubt that he is going to say that he was doing that at 7pm the day before Thanksgiving.As for what to do, don’t get caught in the illusion others create. Live your life and make it so that your days have more good than bad. You mention having low-self esteem and feeling horrible about yourself do whatever activities make you feel good. If you hang out with someone constantly dragging you down, slowly cut them out of your life.

My best friend keeps making me feel bad about myself. Should I leave her? How?

first remember that we are each responsible for our own feelings, period. we let people or experiences make us feel certain ways or not. fairly simple but oh so hard to convince let's say.. a woman..that her husband didn't make her feel angry, annoyed, disappointed.. etc. lol. your bff didn't make you feel anything. you let her, so in the end,you made you feel bad about yourself.why do u let her?

My best guy friend makes me feel bad about myself?

this is exactly what he didn't want to happen. I'm sure you have heard the saying that opposite sexes cannot be just friends. It is 99% true. One usually falls for the other and the relationship is ruined. He didn't want to ruin your friendship by dating you because he knew he isn't good at it and didn't want to hurt you. You should feel good about that not rejected. He obviously respects and likes you to much to do that to you.

He hasn't changed at all, you have.. He still talks to you the way he always has, so it isn't fair for you to fault him because your feelings have changed

he has made it clear that he doesn't want anything more than a friendship. therefore the decision of what to do next falls solely on you. you have now changed the relationship. you can either suck it up and keep things the way they are or talk to him again. Tell him you know you are changing the rules and you are sorry. Say you never thought you would feel this way about him but you are in love with him and can no longer go on being just his friend. Tell him you want more and for the sake of your heart it has to be all or nothing.

it isn't going to work to just have him stop talking about girls. you are still going to love him and he is still going to be just your friend.

Are my friends purposely trying to make me feel bad?

I have a few pretty good friends but they are being strange lately...They started making all these little clubs and had a lot of fun apparently and when I found out weeks later they said "Oh you should have realized it yourself."

One of them saw something I was very proud of and she said "It's not a big deal, I did that before." And acted like what she said was very uplifting to my mood and continued on.

Another one memorized everyone's birthdays except for mine, apparently...I don't care that much for birthdays, it's just something that I feel makes me grow older and have to go through more in life, but it's always nice when someone remembers your special day...well my friends send all these word-filled messages wishing everyone a happy birthday but there wasn't even one mention of my name

They also seemed to start a new YouTube channel and have recorded a bunch of stuff without even telling me...and I am a close friend of theirs and I have no idea why they would do that...I asked them about it and they said that it was a way to get back at me for not taking everyone along for a family vacation...I'm so shocked because it's a family vacation, how was I supposed to invite six friends along?

How should I solve this problem? They get all jealous when I talk to someone else like "OMG she's being so social!"