My Friends Horse Panics And Then Collapses

Riding Rollercoaster after having collapsed lung?

Spetember 30th I had a 75% collapsed lung and had to go to the hospital and its all healed now but my doctor said that I can't do any heavy lifting or anything like that until November 1st. This weekend a couple of my friends are going to Kings Island and I was wondering if it would be okay if I rode any of the roller coasters or would that be bad for my lungs? Thanks

Will you share your Female Scorpio horror stories?

One of my best friends is a Scorpio, and she's not at all scary...maybe a little moody.

Survey: How long after feeding grain do you wait to ride your horse?

Meagan....colic, colics, colicking, colicky, colicked, are correct, just like panic, panics, panicked, panicky, panicking

Tip.....when a word ends in c, like colic, and it is pronounced with the harsh k sound when a suffix is added, you (almost) always change the c to ck if the suffix you're adding begins with an i, e, or y.
If the suffix begins with an a, o, or u, you don't need to add a k , and it will still be pronounced with the harsh k sound (as opposed to the s sound)........................

It is okay to saddle up within 15 minutes after feeding of grain begins, since it is rapidly emptied from the stomach. But, if you plan to do more than just hacking around, it is best to wait longer. During heavy exercise, blood flow is shunted away from the digestive tract to bring more blood to skeletal muscles (to supply oxygen needed for exercise). The muscular movement in the tract is also slowed or even ceases during heavy exercise. This muscle movement , called peristalsis, is what keeps intestinal contents moving along. Without it, the contents sit and can cause problems. So, waiting a good hour after feeding grain is a good idea if you plan to work your horse hard. For a trail ride, the movement just aids digestion and does no harm if it begins shortly after feeding. Be sure your horse is offered plenty to drink before the ride, regardless.