My Friends Keeps On Tripping Me What Should I Do

My dog keeps tripping?

Reenie, If your dog continues to do this I would definitely have her seen by the vet. Dobies are known to get Wobblers disease. I sure hope she doesn't. My one dobie, the one in the avatar, had a bad sprain a few years ago & she would just hold her leg up & not use it. The vet put her on anti inflamitory / pain meds. She didn't trip with the injury. Your dog may be in pain because they very seldom express their pain.
I hope she gets better & I'll be wondering about her so please keep me informed.
Best of luck to her.

I'm in Jr. high. there is this boy who keeps tripping me in the hallways and keeps telling me that I'm cute...

sorry i ran out of room. do you think he wants to go out with me? i' really don't know.
he is tall, short brown hair, brown eyes, a football player, basketball player, and semi smart.

i am medium height, long blonde hair, blue eyes, a track runner, a tuba player, and really smart

would we make a cute couple. is he dropping hints, does he wanna go out with me, and why doesn't he just ask me out?

My best friend is still tripping 4 days after drug use, what shoud I do?

Oops. There's one drug I know about that is a white powder and lasts for 4 days or more. All the behavior fits as well. Phenazepam is a very long lasting benzo and it comes with all kinds of trouble. Get your friend to a doctor and/or hospital. Don't leave him unattended. He's basically without much logic, morals and conscience in general if it's that stuff. The reports on Bluelight and Drugs Forum are ludicrous.

Why does my friend keep asking me for money?

Because you keep giving it. People who are users often don’t know they are users. The way to tell if someone is a user or a friend is if they reciprocate, IN ANY WAY. Not everyone has money, but everyone can be a friend in ways that count. Test this person by saying you don’t have the money next time they ask. If they don’t probe, ask if they can help you, try to support you with whatever you’re going through that would make is unusual for you to not have money, they are not your friend, they are a parasite.Long Story Short: Say no. Say it respectfully and as a full sentence and, if they still want to be your friend, great. If not, you’ve divested yourself of a parasite. Win-Win.

My boyfriend is on a guys' trip. Am I wrong to be upset?

You aren't wrong but you aren't really right either. From what you said you don't really have a reason to not trust him and that seems to be the biggest issue. Posting a picture with a girl doesn't mean he did anything wrong. It doesn't mean the girl was invited along nor does it mean he did anything with her. She could have been a friend, a stranger, or someone that they hung out with that asked for a picture. But if you talked and were okay when he got back, it isn't fair to keep holding it against him. Also he is on a guy's trip. He is there to hang out with his friends, relax, and have fun. Give him a break and don't be mad that he isn't texting you 24/7. He shouldn't have to be checking in with you and you shouldn't be panicking or overthinking things just because he doesn't text you every hour. In the details you say, "I haven't been clingy, I give him space and let him have fun with his friends." But if you are mad because he isn't texting you all day, then you aren't giving him space and letting him have fun. You're mad and upset because he is out having a good time with his friends and not spending time on the phone with you. That shows that you don't trust him and you're insecure with the relationship. If you get mad at him for that when he gets home, you are putting him in a position where he has to choose between his friends and you. Wanting to have some free time to go out isn't wrong and he shouldn't be required to text you all day when he is out with friends. As long as he isn't doing anything illegal or cheating on you, give him some space.You don't really have a good reason to be mad at him and you're probably taking things too far. When he gets home talk to him and explain why you were upset. But don't attack him and make sure he knows that you realize you were overreacting a bit and are feeling a bit insecure. If you don't punish him or make him feel guilty, he will probably make sure to make you feel comfortable and secure when he goes out. But if you give ultimatums or yell, you're just going to drive him away. Then, you just need to build up the trust because that is the real issue between you.

Why does my friend keep calling me a pervert?

Why not ask HER? I can't really speak for her. But I can give some reasons

When you fell on her, she called you a pervert becuase she thought you were trying to touch her inappropriately, or flirt, or be close to her

When you told her her dress looked nice, instead of taking a compliment and be grateful for it, she called you a pervert and assumed that when you think of dresses, you think of what's under them, or the legs that show

When you said her sister was 'hot' the term 'hot' usually means a sexual way. Had you called her beautiful or gorgeous, it MIGHT have meant something different.

Whatever her reasons are, it is TOTALLY not nice to be calling you this all the time. if she thinks you're a pervert, maybe she should not be friends with one. I would tell her that. It might surprise her. But what she's doing to you is NOT nice. its thoughtless and very inconsiderate. She probably does not even know what a pervert is. Sit her down and talk to her and tell her to stop it. When you don't say anything or don't stick up for yourself, don't expect a change.

How do you deal with friends who constantly use the guilt trip on you?

The answer is quite simple yet so hard since it requires courage and tenacity to perform.If you are aware this person is attempting to manipulate you then by all means cut them from your circle. It may initially seem that they are crying over a small thing such as an insult beit playful or legitamate and are not the ideal person with the thickest skin but I assure you one of which is a possibility for this reaction:1.) They Are Actually Thin-Skinned And Crumble At The Slightest Criticism: If this is the case, drop these people as well and be well on your way. This doesn't mean you neccesarily say hurtful things you don't mean to filter out these people as that's neccesarily not how it works but rather, you speak your mind to them and if they take it as a stab, disconnect them from your circle. Surrounding yourself with these people will inevitably make you one so steer clear while you have the chance.2.) They treat any word you say, either playful or honest criticism, and dramatize the damage while making sure you see it: These people are especially the manipulative one's and differ slightly from the former where they take it and make sure you feel the “pain” you caused them. Avoid these people.

Can I go on a trip with my ex-girlfriend (she broke up with me) and another couple?

Hmm...delicate question. Normally I would avoid this question but having seen a similar incident with my friend, I choose to do other wise. from the little detail and ASAP response you need. If you were my friend...1)From your words I get a feeling that you are sensitive about the matter of your ex doing something which might hurt you. Disaster is the word you used, big word hence keep in mind this point. 2) 'romantic trip' you said yourself.3) The other is a couple, they would naturally be spending time with each other and during those times it could get awkward for you.A twist may you want to get back together with her and see this as a trio which could spark things up? A sprinkle of other details...but it all boils down to one thing 'how vulnerable, sensitive are you at the moment'...if you feel you are, then my suggestion would be to avoid the trip. It's not weak or cowardly, it's taking your time over an incident which is absolutely fine. If you have moved on and it's just another might. P.S. We (people on Quora) can give you suggestions but whatever you do, keep in mind they are your emotions and you who will have to deal with the result. Hence the choice must be yours.And if you were my friend and knowing what  she has done to you...I would smack you for even asking to go, then get you in your senses :-P