My Front Tooth Really Hurt

My front tooth hurts after having it hurt really hard. Is this bad?

Any time you hit your tooth real hard it causes nerve trauma. It can even cause the nerve to die. This can cause it to become infected and turn darker in color over time. Some people have no pain after the first week, but the tooth just eventually turn dark. Anyways, you should take some ibuprofen for the next few days to reduce inflammation. You should NOT wiggle the tooth and be very careful with it. You should see a dentist to check it b/c they might want to give you some antibiotics just in case.

What could cause your front teeth to hurt and how is it treated?

If your front teeth have an ache, it can possibly be because of an injury or a blow. In this case, you must go visit your dentists for emergency treatment as it can be a serious injury. If it’s not tooth ache and your tooth just hurt while eating or drinking something hot and cold then you’re surely suffering from the problem of tooth sensitivity.Now, tooth sensitivity, also known by its scientific name dentin hypersensitivity, is a common problem in people. The main cause of this problem is the thinning of tooth enamel and exposing of the sensitive area of the teeth.This is caused when you don’t eat the right food and don’t take a good care of your teeth. One must always avoid food or drinks that lead to the thinning of tooth enamel like the carbonated drinks. The excess of such food items can give you tooth sensitivity.The other reason for why someone’s front tooth might hurt can be because of the decay. With time, tooth decay because of deposition of plaque. To avoid this, make sure that you follow a good oral care routine for your teeth to be healthy.If you think you take such food items that cause enamel erosion or if you think your teeth have plaque that might lead to decay and damage, you need to make sure that you clean your teeth adequately. The best way to clean your teeth thoroughly and avoid all kinds of tooth troubles is to use a best-quality Sonic Toothbrush.You can use medicated toothpastes along with your Sonic toothbrush to get rid of the sensitivity. But make sure that you take expert advice before you jump to any conclusions because it might also be something serious.

I hit my front tooth and now it hurts to touch it, will it heal in time?

A dead tooth often becomes dark or turns black because of the rotting material inside. There may be no symptoms at all and someone can walk around with a dead tooth for years before becoming aware of it.. The dead tooth often becomes obvious when something else happens that runs the patient's immune system down, such as a bad cold, pneumonia or a severe viral infection.

A dead tooth can be caused by tooth decay, trauma, deep dental fillings, gum disease, or in some cases, tumors. Once a tooth dies it will never return to life again. The contents of the tooth liquefy and putrefy and seriously endanger the owner's health.

You should go see a dentist to check if your tooth really is dead and seek treatment for it.

There are only two treatment options for a dead tooth, tooth extraction or root canal therapy. There are no good other choices! Of course, you could keep the dead tooth in your head but remember that the brain is only about three inches away.

A dead tooth becomes brittle and can easily split in two or pieces of it can fracture off over time. This is especially why it is important to have a root canal, build up and crown done on your dead tooth as soon as possible, otherwise it could be totally lost due to a severe fracture.

Would a chip or tiny crack in my front tooth make my tooth hurt? Touching the cracked corner doesn't make it hurt more, but the tooth just generally aches.

It depends.In general, a chip from your tooth shouldn’t be a problem. Little chips of your teeth will flake off throughout your life; it happens to lots of people, harmlessly. Even a big chunk of tooth that’s fallen off is not necessarily cause for concern, if there’s no pain. A dentist would be able to replace the missing material with a tooth-like bonding very easily.That said, if your tooth just generally aches, you should see your dentist, whether or not you perceive any chip or crack. Pain is your body’s sign that something is wrong. There could be any number of things wrong with your tooth, and we can’t tell what they are from here. Or there might be nothing wrong; teeth sometimes get more sensitive as you age. Only a dentist could tell.

Why does the tissue behind my two front teeth hurt really bad?

in the past I have burnt this bit of skin behind my front 2 teeth by eating a hot pizza. It then swelled right up and went red and bled and was really painful. It took 3-4 days to heal up. Have you eaten something too hot? I have also in the past got a tiny fish bone stuck in this bit of skin from an anchovy and I could not get it out. It was really sore and puffy and I eventually pulled the fish bone out with a pair of tweezers. I guess you have either damaged it by eating something or burnt it with food or drink. Try gargling with warm salt water or a mouth wash without alcohol. And eat soft foods which will not press on it. Also eat yogurt and ice cream which will help sooth it. If it does not get better in 3-4 days a visit to your dentist or doctor is needed.

Hope that helps

Why do my front teeth hurt with my braces?

When you get braces, orthodontists use a wire that's shaped in a 'perfect' bit shape. Your teeth are then slowly pulled by the wire to align with it. The movement in your teeth isn't exactly 'normal' for the body so it aches. Don't worry too much about it :) the pain will stop after a few days!

Braces i have one tooth that hurts like crazy and the wire isnt bent or bracket broken or anything?

sometimes you bite down too hard, and that causes your teeth to hurt.
or if you grind them as you sleep, or put too much pressure on them.
chewing gum too much can make this happen.
if you are eating hardish chewy foods with properties like taffy or biting down o corn thats still on the cob, or apples.
Avoiding this is easy, dont bite down hard.
or you can go to the orthdonist and they will tell you what to do to prevent it.

Hope this helps!

Why are my bottom front teeth hurting after having all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed?

More pain on lower surgical sites than the upper is normal. The bone density is the problem.Maxillary bone over third molars is very thin. It is also more cancellous, that is, it has more of the holes or bubble like texture than the lower. This means that any bone removal can usually be done with hand instruments. Because of the cancellous nature of the bone, pressure on the bone is well absorbed and there is little or no compression causing postoperative pain. The transfer of pain to the anterior teeth is never a problem. Also, because the maxillary nerve is divided into three sections, only the nerve in that area is affected. All this essentially removes the upper teeth from a trauma issue.Overall, a single third molar removal on the upper usually has little or no postoperative pain. For this reason, when the lower molars are removed in conjunction with the upper molars, the discomfort of the uppers is over shadowed by the lowers.Mandibular bone is much different. It is more dense that maxillary bone. For this reason, bone removal cannot be done with hand instruments. Rotary instruments, aka “the drill,” is used to remove the bone. No matter how much water irrigation is use, the temperature at the cutting edge of the burr and the bone is fairly significant. Water reduces the temperature transfer through the bone minimizing the heat transfer, but there is still a slight increase of the temperature in the bone. This causes postoperative pain.All of the pain is felt through a single nerve, the mandibular nerve. It would be possible to have the front teeth to hurt because of localized bone and nerve trauma directly affecting the nerve. The mandibular bone density transfers pressure through the bone. This pressure through the bone causes pain. But, transfer of pressure through the bone to the front teeth would be highly unlikely.Anesthetics can also play a roll in postoperative pain. The upper is infiltrated, that is, the anesthetic reaches the nerve tissue by soaking through the bone. On the lower, the nerve is blocked. A block requires the anesthetic to be deposited directly around the nerve and the function of the nerve is interrupted. This may result in hyperesthesia, an over sensitivity of the nerve to stimulation. The front teeth are sensitive to the stimulation from the air temperature.

Why does my front teeth hurt after wisdom tooth extraction after 3 months?

If your pain is in the upper jaw, there should be no relationship to the removal of the third molars and the front teeth. Nerve damage is highly unlikely so the problem would be in the front teeth.If the lower teeth hurt, it might be due to nerve damage from the surgery. It would probably be located on one side. It is unlikely that the nerve damage would be on both sides, not impossible, but unlikely. That would leave a problem with just the lower teeth.There could be a couple of different problems causing pain in the lower front teeth. An abscessed tooth would cause pain. Abscess pain does not need to be excruciating. It could be a low grade pain, might be sensitive to bite on and wouldn’t be sensitive to different foods.Another possibility is that there is root sensitivity. This happen when a tooth has some root structure exposed to the saliva. It could still be covered by some gum tissue. The pain is low grade and might be off an on. It might be difficult to actually locate or pinpoint the source of the pain. Sweets and cold would make it worse. If this is the type of problem, brush and floss with a sensitivity toothpaste.

When I drink something, my front tooth gets cold and starts hurting. What does that mean?

The nerves in your gums are sensitive to the temperature, likely because your gum roots are exposed.You should go to your dentist, and if you don't already, you should floss everyday to keep the bacteria away from the gums so that they don't erode so fast.