My Girl Friend Is Suicidal. Need Help.

Help me please, suicidal/depressed girlfriend?

I know what you're going through,I have a boyfriend whose severely depressed and he does and says some of the things she says,but he sleeps all day and all night.What I can tell you to do is to keep being the loving and supporting boyfriend that you are keep letting her know that you'll always be there for her and you won't never give up on her and that you love her and that she's important to you.Try to encourage her to seek help because you are worried about her and that you hate to see her so sad.

Offer to go to her appointments with her if she does decide to seek help.When you are away from her maybe call her,text her,or email her to check on her.The more you support her about going to get help the faster she will seek help because she'll realize that you do love her and that you do care about her.Tell her she's not stupid and that she's an intelligent young lady.

I think it is so sweet that you are concerned about her and that you will go through great lengths to help her be her cheerful self again.Just keep doing and saying and she will eventually get better soon because she'll see you do love her!! I wish you the best of luck!!

Im feeling Suicidal After my girlfriend left me NEED HELP?

My girlfriend of 5 years left me 3 weeks ago and i cant eat or sleep and cant get her out my head im seriously considering suicide i can't go on like this no more people keep saying it gets better but its not and am scared i just want her back and its not an option so suicide is what i keep thinking of doing please help

Please help me, My girlfriend is suicidal.?

My girlfriend of 9 months is severely depressed and suicidal right now, and I have tried everything I can to stop her from doing it, yet she still feels the same, I don't know what else I can do...

Please help me...

My girlfriend is depressed and suicidal!?

Kk --
If I think of the good / happy times we had it makes the tears fall harder and makes me even more depressed. And a lot of people kick me around for crying, but it takes a true man to show there own emotions. Thanks for your support btw, I appreciate it.

My girlfriend is suicidal and I might want to leave her?

It's definitely a good idea to tell someone else, warning them of what she's capable of but definitely don't leave her like that. She's clearly in a bad place and breaking her heart isn't going to help now is it? Try your best to stay with her and get her mood under control before you leave. Be there for her because believe me she needs you right now and if you just leave then it's not just cruel it's putting her at risk.

By all means break up with her later on when she's not in such a fragile state but don't just kick her while she's down. Make sure that she's okay and has people around her before you leave, if you love her at all then you'll put up with her for now and show her that you care. Good luck!

My girlfriend want to commit suicide. Any help?

YOU need to talk to someone about this NOW! If you are a minor, tell your parents or better yet call HER parents. It's your duty to do this to prevent something tragic from happening. Never take talk of suicide lightly. She is crying for help so help her before it could be too late.
How would you feel if you did nothing and she actually followed through with her suicide threats?
Please talk to someone close to her and get her help.

My Girlfriend says she has suicidal thoughts daily! Help?

Suicidal threats and attempts are a person’s way of letting others know that he or she needs help. They should never be taken lightly or taken only as a “bluff.” Most people who threaten and/or attempt suicide more than once usually succeed if they are not stopped. Emergency care and hospitalization are necessary after an attempted suicide. Persons with suicidal thoughts should seek medical treatment.

Take her seriously. If your girlfriend threatens or informs you of suicidal intentions, believe the threats.
Listen. Allow your girlfriend to express her feelings.
Keep the person talking. Ask questions to keep a discussion going including, “Are you thinking about hurting or killing yourself?”
Express your care and concern. Tell your girlfriend how much she means to you and how important it is to you that she stays alive.
Take action if you suspect your girlfriend is seriously considering suicide. Get help.
Urge your girlfriend to make the call for help. If she is already under the care of a mental health provider, have the person contact that provider first. If not, other places to contact are Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention Hotlines, your school’s Mental Health Service, Student Health Service and hospital emergency departments.
Make the call yourself if your girlfriend cannot or will not.
Watch and protect her. Remove all sharp objects, pills, guns, and bullets, etc.
Express interest and give support. Most suicidal persons feel isolated from other people. Don’t judge your girlfriend . The person needs you to listen, not to preach moral values.
While getting help, do not leave your girlfriend who threatens suicide alone.

Take care as always

I'm desperate for a girlfriend and it's making me suicidal. What should I do?

The only guarantee in life is that it does end.  There is no need to rush to the finish because your hormones are raging.Subsequently, there is no guarantee that we will find a mate and pair up.  There is no cosmic promise that has to be fulfilled for you to get married, or even get laid.Knowing these things... you have to accept that you will have to work on the concept of meeting someone.You are desperate to get with someone... anyone.  So... get some money together, and pay a prostitute.  Problem solved.That's not what you want though?  You want someone to love?  Well... women want someone who loves THEM... not some guy who just wants to end his streak of being single.  From what you say, there isn't anyone special that you have talked to, and gotten to know... to even decide if that woman is the right one for you.You have to court a woman.Start with women who have something in common with you.  Some people meet their mates at their local coffee shop.  It can be that simple.  Talk to them about that commonality.  Pretty soon, you are talking about other things, and learning about them.  Then, you make arrangements to meet with them and go places.... meals, adventures, amusement parks, movies... and continue to get to know them.But if you want to get laid.... either pay for it, or hang around loose women.