My Girlfriend Claims To Be An Animal Lover And I Am A Logical Person. It All Began When I Told Her

My girlfriend is not a virgin, I am?

Well my girlfriend lost her virginity to someone she wasn't even dating they pretty much met then had sex, then he never talked to her again except one text that said, "you didn't even moan..."
Well it pisses me off so much that shes not a virgin well not pisses me off so much as bugs me or irritates me and i'm not sure why I care. But then what makes me upset is how whenever we talk about doing it shes like yeah I can wait a long time before i have sex again (she only had sex that one time as far as I know) and in my mind i'm thinking, me the guy who does everything for you bends over backwards for you and is pretty much your own personal female dog can't have sex with you because you don't trust him. I wouldn't mind waiting at all if she was a virgin but since she spread her legs for someone she doesn't even know it gets me so upset. Why do i care so much and how can i get over this? None of that if you really love her you wont care crap because theres plenty of reasons to love someone like tiger woods and his wife but she's not going to love him after that even if she really did love him.

I think my boyfriend loves our dog more than me...

my boyfriend treats the dog better than me. he explained it as a 'different type of love'...but it's ridiculous at this point.

i will ask to cuddle with him, and he will say "no, im too tired", but then will call the dog up on the bed and snuggle with her, start kissing her, and telling her how beautiful she is.

i also bought a new couch and told him when we got the dog, (NOTE: i get in trouble for calling her 'the dog'.) i did NOT want her on the couch (she weighs 70lbs!) and when she tries to jump up, or climbs up with her two front paws, he just laughs about how cute she is, and then when i ask him to push her down (if im in the kitchen), he yells at me for nagging.

ive tried talking to him about it, and all he says is he can't believe im so jealous of her...and then the behavior multiplies by 10.

my sister said he is doing it to make me mad (which i know sometimes he is), but i dont know what to do!

any suggestions?!

Human Behavior: I love animals more than humans. Is anything wrong with me?

I (still) love animals more than I love anyone, other than my family and my closest friends. I also often don't have much use for other people--I didn't dislike them, but I didn't think much of them at all. I used to be a lot like you, actually!The thing that helped me change and become marginally more interested in people was coming to the realization that, unless I planned to camp in the woods for the rest of my life, I needed to learn to get along with other people. A lot of people like us view it as "acting" or "pretending" to be "normal." You don't have to become a social butterfly, but it really is good to make one or two human friends. If you can manage to find others like us, all the better.I even managed to find a great guy who's a lot like me (although he prefers computers rather than animals, but he adores our pets). We've been married for four years :) There is life after being awkward! You're still awkward, but you get better at blending in, and you can find happiness with other humans--or at least blend in well enough that you can happily live alone with a bunch of pets :)

How do people who eat meat rationalize calling themselves animal lovers?

I am vegetarian and would call myself vegan but am not militant so therefore I will just claim vegetarianism. I have not eaten meat in over 25 years. I made the choice because respect animals and do not agree with the way meat is "produced". I have had many "arguments" with meat eaters who justify eating meat in many different ways.1. we were meant to eat meat.2. we need the protein3. if we didn't eat meat there would be no cows, chickens, or pigs4. I don't think about it.Those are the top 4 answers I ever hear. I don't agree with any of those top four answers. They are all cop outs from making good, sound, reasonable, humane decisions. But the forth one is the most bothersome.I have seen animals slaughtered. It's not a pretty sight. Its not humane, at least not in a factory setting. I agree that it is hypocritical to be against horse slaughter if you eat meat. I own a horse, I ride horses. I think horse slaughter is terrible. But I also think cow, pig and chicken slaughter is horrible too. If you are eating cows, pigs, and chickens you support the industry that includes the mass slaughter of horses. Like it or not.Demand is there. People are getting fatter and fatter. There is a strong correlation with the amount of meat that people are consuming and the size of their waistlines. But it just tastes soooo good. Right? Sure. So do a lot of things, but if people would just make good choices for the good of others, including other living things, maybe, just maybe we would have a better world. If people raised, slaughtered, or hunted their meat and that was the only way it was available I would be VERY supportive of that and you would have far fewer people eating meat.I have survived for 25 years without eating bacon. And let me tell you, when I was a kid I could slam down the bacon. Loved it. I have found other things that fill the void of bacon. It's really not that hard.

What is the best question to ask a girl?

What's your name?What do you do?What are three creative uses for a stack of fifteen hats?What would you do if you came home one day to discover your house had been filled from floor to ceiling with avocados?If you could be any named body in the solar system, which one would you be and why?Would you choose to be immortal if you could?Do you have any pets?What's your favorite element on the periodic table?Orgy, yes or no?You have the ability to go back in your past and erase any one mistake you made, but you lose everything you've learned since then. Do you do it?Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you react?What's the worst thing anyone has ever done to you? What's the worst thing you've ever done to someone else?Do you generally think of yourself as a happy person?Do you get embarrassed eating messy food in a public place?What's your favorite sex toy?You look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?Depending on how the answers to those questions go, you might choose to add another:Are you interested in going out to dinner with me?

Why is Bindi Irwin not a vegetarian?

You pretty much answered your own question...

For the most part she's probably not a vegetarian because... she's 8. Most vegetarians I would gather were either raised as a vegetarian by their parents from day one OR they came into their own at some point as a young teen/young adult and realized they wanted to make a conscious decision about their health/lifestyle.

She wasnt raised as a vegetarian by her parents nor has she reached a point in her life yet where she realizes she doesn't necessarily *have* to eat what is placed in front of her at the dinner table.

Bindi is no different than any of the rest of us in that respect... Lots of people love animals and still eat them... Bindi isn't an exception just because she's a well-known celebrity.