My Girlfriend Is Umemployed And We Live And Have A Newborn Together What Should I Claim On W-4.

If your boyfriend cheated on you and impregnated another girl, could you forgive him and take him back?

I wouldn't for a few reasons.As others have already stated, his cheating already shows he doesn’t give a rat’s pooter about your feelings. It doesn't take much to put yourself in your loved one’s shoes and know cheating can potentionally hurt them. He did not care if you got hurt.He put your health and life at risk. STDs/STIs and HIV/AIDS are very real. This boy cheated on you unprotected. How many other people has he been with? How many people has this girl been with while sleeping with him? Did they even think to get tested before hopping into bed with each other? Now while I don't seriously want the answers to these questions, this is something you should think about.Cheating proves selfishness. It’s a self-serving act. Are you willing to deal with someone who has such a “"me first” attitude? I could not.You will officially take backseat to his family he created without you while being in a relationship with you. This is not fair to you. Due to his selfish and careless behavior, you’ll be stuck with cancelled dates, possibly side chick holidays, and playing step mommy to the child his carelessness produced. When she goes into labor, he will drop everything to run to her side to be there for his child’s birth, including you. Your relationship has now grown by two and you've been pushed out of your VIP position not by your choice but his. Yeah, this thought process seems selfish BUT if you don't think of your needs, no one will. Your boyfriend has already proven he’s not going to.Finally, you deserve more and his disloyalty does not deserve your loyalty. He will continue to disappoint you whether this girl keeps the child or not. There will be others if you accept this. Your self esteem will suffer if you don't demand more of yourself and who you choose to be with. YOU DESERVE MORE. YOU ARE WORTH MORE. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS.I wish someone, anyone, had told me this. Instead I had idiots that convinced me to stay with a person who did this to me. It's not worth it. It'll never be worth it.

I'm unemployed and my girlfriend is pregnant. HELP!?

My girlfriend is pregnant. Is there anyway I can get free money from the state?? Unemployment, welfare, I can also try to claim disability.

Would it be easier for me to walk out on her and hope she doesn't come after me for child support? Is there a way that I can disappear after the baby's born so she can't find me? This is so hard for me.

Can I claim my girlfriend as a dependent on my taxes?

Claiming the $4050 exemption for your girlfriend is unlikely.

1. You'd have to prove you paid for more than half of her total expenses. Have you kept records?
2. You'd have to prove you actually paid rent to mom--does mom claim the rent on her taxes?
3. You'd have to prove that no one else has a superior right to claim her.
4. Your locality cannot make it illegal for the two of you to cohabitate.

While her mother says she will claim her, that doesn't mean she has a legal right either. At age 19, if your girlfriend is not a full time student, the mother would have to show that she paid more than of her daughter's total support (and it's mathematically impossible for 2 taxpayers to each pay more than half).

BTW in your circumstances, I would file as single whether or not you claim the baby or your girlfriend.

Girlfriend wants a baby!?

Here's Dear Abby's list:


(1) Can you support the child financially? Children are expensive. I always urge people to complete their education and delay parenthood until they are self-supporting, in case they should find themselves in the role of sole provider.

(2) Can you support the child emotionally? Babies are cute, but they are also completely helpless and emotionally needy. While some young women say they want a baby so they'll have someone to love them, the reality is it's the parent's responsibility to love and sacrifice for the child. In plain English, this means the end of a normal teenage social life because babies are extremely time-consuming.

(3) Are you prepared to be a consistent parent? Children learn by example -- both good and bad. Are you prepared to be a role model for the behaviors you want your child to mimic? Because mimic they do. They learn more from what they observe than what they're told.

(4) Have you read up on child development? Are your expectations of what a child should be able to accomplish as he or she reaches various chronological milestones realistic? Ditto for your partner, whether or not he or she is the child's biological parent.

(5) Are you prepared to put someone else's needs before your own for the next 18 to 21 years? Remember, babies can't be returned to the manufacturer for a refund if you're not 100 percent satisfied. Sometimes they come with serious challenges. Can you cope with those realities?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, I strongly advise postponing parenthood.

--Remember to talk with her and to be there for her. There's something going on with her emotionally that she feels the need at the age of 17 to have a child. Maybe she's feeling unloved?? I don't know, but try to talk her out of it. It was hard on me, and I was 21 and married!!!!

How involved should I be with raising my girlfriend's child?

My girlfriend decided to become a single mother by choice. She conceived via artificial insemination and had a son, who is now over a year old. She lost her job shortly after he was born due to no fault of her own and has been receiving unemployment since then.
We obviously began dating after her son was born and moved in together a month ago when I took a new job out of state.
She continues to draw employment and stays home with the baby while I work. We roughly split the housework.
My one gripe is that she will not get up with her son in the morning and whenever he fusses, she gives him to me and saying something like "make him be quiet" or "take him. He's annoying me." I work 3pm to midnight, so I would like to sleep in a little in the morning. Instead, I have to get up at 6:30 when the baby wakes up. Sometimes I can get him to sleep for another hour or two, but the latest I get to sleep in is 8:30. All the while, my gf will be in bed asleep. Usually she doesn't get up until after 10.
Does this seem fair? I functioning on an average of 6 hours of sleep a day. It was her choice to have a baby. Now I am paying for it. It seems mean to break up with her over this, but its starting to effect my mood and my work performance.