My Girlfriends Dwarf Hamster Is Biting Its Wounded Arm. Can Someone Help Me

My girlfriends dwarf hamster is biting its wounded arm. Can someone please help me?

hi, my girlfriend has a dwarf hamster. She was not with her hamster from saturday morning until sunday night, when she went to pick him up she noticed he was wobbling towards her. His back leg is injured/slightly swollen but there is not blood or flesh showing but one of his front arms he holds it very close to his body with a bit a blood; this arm is also swollen which was not there anymore today when i seen him (monday around 3pm) hours later (about 9pm) we go to see what he is up to and he is chewing on his injured arm. it is very swollen, bleedings. we keep poking him to stop and he finally went to bed for a bit but i cant do anything for the night. we think her cat tried eat him but couldnt pull him through the cage so it just seriously injured him. i tried calling a local exotic vet but they want 30 dollars just to talk to them after hours, im broke and cant do that. its the saddest thing in the world watching a hamster slowly bit himself or even die and i cant do anything. please help

My hamster continues to bite me, what should i do?

i'm still in denial that it may hate's only been since june when i got it, and in the very beginning my hamster, gonesh, rarely bit me. i used gloves today cause now i'm scared of holding it. even when i used gloves it's like my hamster tried to shy away from being petted. what should i do gain more trust from it?

How do I get my hamster to let me touch her? I've had her about five months, and she still gets scared when I try to touch her/pick her up. How do I fix this?

This will be hard because you should have started handling her as soon as you got her.  Now she is not used to it.  You can still try though.  You will have to be REALLY patient.If you are trying to pet her or touch her back, that might be what is scaring her.  That is what a predator would do right before she gets eaten.  Your plan will be to teach her to sit comfortably on your hand, so that you are touching her from underneath.  This will feel much safer to her.  What is her favorite food?  Sunflower seeds, probably.  Or brocolli.  From now on, she doesn't get these treats unless she eats them from your hand.Put the treat in the palm of your hand and put your hand on the bottom of the cage.  Take away some toys if there is not enough room.  Let your hand lay there until she comes onto your hand and takes the food.  Do. Not. Grab. Her.  Not now.  Not ever.  Don't give her the treats if she won't step on your hand.  Wait about 5 or 10 minutes without moving, then take your treat away and try again later.  Try about three times a day if you can.At some point she is going to get used to this idea and walk onto your hand and stay there.  Don't grab her.   Always have a treat in your hand.Your final goal is to be able to scoop her up with both hands without her panicking and jumping.  If she jumps down, let her.  Just scoop again a few times so she knows it is safe and you promise to never grab her.This is easier with a young hamster, but it is not too late.  You have to be extra patient because she is older.The little robo hamsters are more jittery and may never sit calmly in your hand.  But they can learn to be scooped up, especially if there is a treat waiting.Another treat they enjoy is to run around in a new place.  If you can scoop her out of her cage and put her in a new play area, she may jump into your hands for that chance to explore and run.  A baby wading pool with sand and paper-towel tunnels can make a nice safe play area.  (One bag of sand will be plenty.)Robo hamsters are more wary and very quick.  They are harder to tame but here are some tips you can try.How to Make Your Hamster Trust You