My Golden Retriever Chews His Front Paws

Golden Retriever white paws?

i am getting my first golden retriever puppy the 14 and i am SO excited.
i went and saw her 2 days ago and noticed about 5 out of 9 of the pups had white paws including mine. the lady said white is good but black is bad.
will my golden outgrow the white?
it just poped up a week ago.
what does this mean?

Why do Golden Retrievers put their paw on my leg?

I am watching two Golden Retrievers for my neighbor. One is 4, the other is 12. I believe the youngest one is a Lab mix.

Anyway, I have noticed that when I am sitting down they come and put their paw up on my leg, and then just chill like that. Not at the same time, but they both do it. They do something similar if I am lying on the ground next to them.

I don't think they are hungry, thirsty, or have to go to the bathroom, because they have done it even after coming back inside from playing/crapping all over the place, and they had been fed recently.

They appear to be fairly fond of me--could this just be their way of showing affection?

Why does my golden retriever put her paw on me when I stop petting her?

AHHHH she is the sweetest thing in the world bit the most important thing for you to know is.......SHE IS THE SMARTEST THING IN THE WORLD LOL
She just knows how to get to you and if you don't want her to do this then you have to do the mean thing by standing up and walking away.
You can also tell her "NO, and give her the "down" command so she lays down and she can't do that but.....she knows you and you love's too sweet and she is SO SMART she just loves her "lovies".
she does it because she loves attention, it's part of her breed behavior. You are very lucky to have such a sweetie but like I said, if you want her to stop then make sure you teach her the "down' and then when she gives you the "paw" give her a pet and tell her down and make her stay that way and you can stay in the same spot so she knows you love her but she just needs to "chill'
Hey you could actually teach her "chill' when she is bugging you. Almost same as the "down" but "chill" happens when she "paws" and show her how to go down and stay there. it's just slightly from down but a special word for the "bugging" She is an exceptionally smart dog and she will know the difference as long as you teach her.....
So.....when she "paws" then you say "chill" be VERY firm and make sure she goes down, either press on her withers or show her a treat so she goes down. Be very serious. Then she will get the idea that it is different then "down" which is just an easy command to lay down.
Chill needs to become the special word when the "paw' goes up....make sense? let me know

My dog greets me by putting both paws on my shoulders. What does that mean?

Most people who have dogs who jump and paw have created the behavior. If an owner thinks it is cute and funny and is a loving "I missed you sooo much" kind of gesture, they laugh and smile and babytalk the dog and are essentially encouraging rude behavior. Your dog is being pushy and demanding. And it is not a show of is a show of excitement and dominance. Any time a dog puts his paw on you (another dog or any object) he is claiming ownership. He is more or less telling you that he owns you and he wants your time. Now.
It is not a dumb question...there are a lot of people who think this way and enjoy the behavior. But it is not a sign of happiness and is an ownership claim...and he does it because he can and he always has.

My golden hasn't stopped panting in over an hour?

Well its not hot here, and I've given him some ice cubes. Riley isnt my dog, hes my sisters. I am house sitting and shes on her honey moon. Could it be that he misses my sister and her hubby? All he wants to do is play and I am trying to calm him down and it dosn't seem to be working.

My two and half month old female golden retriever puppy spills water from her water bowl and sleeps in it. Why is she behaving so?

The Golden Retriever is one of the wateriest of the Water Dogs. I have heard stories of people trying to take a bath alone, of having the dog in and out of the swimming pool a dozen times a day, they LOVE water.  So, that's the Why.Fill the dish with rocks large enough not to be swallowed. Fill the dish with water. Put a waterproof mat under the dish. Change daily and wipe up the spill. This is life with a Golden.

My dog keeps licking his front paws and private area constantly. Should I be worried?

Does your dog only lick his front paws and private area excessively? Or he licks everything carpets, bed post, her bed, my bed? All dogs lick, but some dogs lick in excess. There is often a behavioral or medical reason for the licking.BEHAVIORAL REASONSBoredom and/or anxiousnessTo calm or sootheAffection for the person or animal they are lickingHabitLike the tasteWhen behavior driven licking is excessive, resulting in hot spots, hair loss, or skin irritation avoid punishing your dog. Redirect their focus by giving alternative activities to keep them occupied. Positive reinforcement training can also help curb licking behavior by rewarding your dog when they perform the desired behavior. For example, rewarding your dog for stopping their licking when you say “Leave it.”Excessive licking or licking more than usual could be the sign of an underlying medical issue. Signs of excessive licking will often resemble those caused by behavioral licking (hair loss, irritation, etc.).Potential medical causes for licking include allergies that cause the skin or paws to itch. Infections from bacteria, fungus or parasites can also cause itchiness and therefore lead to excessive licking. Underlying pain from an injury or arthritis can cause dogs to lick, similar to when a person rubs a sore muscle or joint. The licking releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain killers, to help soothe the pain. A final cause of licking can be from gastrointestinal issues. To relieve the issue a dog might lick strange surfaces, but not usually itself.MEDICAL REASONSAllergiesInfectionUnderlying painGI issuesIf a cause is thought to be medical, a consultation with your veterinarian is required to diagnose and treat your dog’s condition.More dog behaviors info please view Understanding Your Dog | Dog Behavior

My dog keeps licking his front paws and scratching his ears. Should I be worried?

Please check if the hair in your dog's paw is red. Compulsive itchy paw is a sign of allergic reaction and also yeast infection. Do see a vet but also check on how much carbohydrates is your dog consuming. Some dogs can be allergic to grains.I have made this detailed blog Why do dogs lick their paws  you will get many answers there