My Hair Is Falling Out What Can I Do

I have HPV and my hair is falling out.?

Edit: there is no cure for HPV the LEEP procedure just minimizes the HPV in your system so it will probably not show up in pap smears but you still have it. Just like if you have herpes and you never have outbreaks but you still have it.

Im 14 and my hair is falling out? (Male)?

I do use Gel for my hair. But whenever im done taking a shower and i wipe my hair with a towel i see like 10-15 hairs fall off my head. This has been happening for a while. I see no bald spots whatsoever, but is it natural to lose 10-20 hairs a day?

I'm 14 and my hair keeps falling out!?

For a year now...i haven t really paid close attention to this problem. But i notice when im shampooing my hair or conditioning it i will grab hold of it and kinda pull lightly and a bunch of hair (like 8-10 strands) will fall out. I also notice between my thighs alot like big this bad or normal?

Why is my hair falling out/what can I do?

I have noticed that my hair has been shedding A LOT lately, more so than it ever has before. It doesn't seem to be thinning to much, it it is already thin at the ends so I dont want to lose to much more. I drink plenty of water (the only thing I drink really) I exercise daily,I do have a relaxer, but I moisturize the crap out of it. I mean I have slight stress at school, but not enough I thought to cause hair loss. If you can't figure out why that is totally fine, but please, any suggestions?

Sun-in can make your hair fall out??

sun in does not make your hair fall out
My mother has been using sun in for at least 15 years and her hair is not even thinning besides if your hair was falling out it wouldnt be getting shorter it would be thinning or have bald spots so you need to figure it out cuz it aint the sun in
maybe someone is cutting your hair in your sleep or something

I'm only a teenager and my hair is falling out. What should I do?

First of all you should know the reason for hair fall, and its duration (since how long are you facing the hair fall issue). Hair fall can occur due to many reasons like stress, unhealthy eating habits, hormones imbalance etc it differs from person to person. Hair loss can also be caused due to lack of supply of essentials such as vitamins and minerals to the body which are crucial and important for a healthy hair growth. If the reason behind hair loss is lack of vitamins then, you need to know which vitamin is lacking. Follow a healthy diet and avoid junk food. Exercising regularly also helps maintain good blood circulation which enhances hair strength.I would recommend you to meet a dermatologist. A dermatologist can be your best judge to detect the reason behind the hair loss. You can come visit a dermatologist at Prime Cosmetics Clinic. We have the best doctors in our ranks who can counter your problem and after thorough examination, provide an efficient solution for the same.