My Hamster Was Tame When I Got Her

My Robo hamster won't tame?

I have had a robo dwarf hamster for almost 1 1/2 months now. When I got her I didn't know I was supposed to leave her alone and now she won't tame no matter how much I try. I'm afraid that I'm a bad hamster mom and I just want her to be happy but I don't think she is. I don't want to give her away either because I really love her.

My hamster is evil...?

Ha-ha! Thats so funny! :D. Your hamster has an evil sense of humor. ;)

Put a piece of cloth or something else that has your scent on it in his cage and let him be for a few days.

Try to just talk to him and let him get used to your voice.

Also use a rubber glove if you want to hold him, but its not as fun because you cant feel his lil feet on your skin or his soft fur. :(

Keep trying to just try and pet him at least when you reach in the cage.

Give his food from your hands so he can see that you dont mean any harm.

If this doesnt work try to get a different hamster!

Good Luck!

How do i tame my vicious hamster?

i just got my hamster and i am talking to it when it is awake, i sit next to its cage and when it sees me it climbs on the cage and starts gnawing on it like it wants to attack me! i have rubbed some of her bedding between my palms to get my scent on to it but when ever it sees me boom attack! i give little treats and bit of cooked potato but she still wants to attack me i need help!

How to tame a hamster from biting ?

Well you need a stool and a fire poker, and some doggie treats of course

How do you get a hamster to let you hold it?

Step by step. Give some time to allow the hamster to get used with your hand. Even before then, give it time to get used to the cage as well. What species is your hamster? If Syrian, then it should take no time. They are the no. 1 domestic hamster that like to be held.A few tips; always keep your hands clean before touching them or at the very least get rid of any food scent. Never come so suddenly and never disturb a sleeping hamster since it will make them aggressive and stressed. Never drop a hamster. Just in case, play with them near the ground or soft surfaces. At first, just simply put your hand inside the cage without even trying to hold it, let the hamster 'explore' first. This way, it will learn on his/her own that your hands are not a dangerous thing. It will bite yes, a little. But don't worry, it's a misconception that a bite must be hurting us so badly. They’re a small creature, they won't just bite with all their might for no reason. To be frank, a hamster could make you bleed, and usually it is going to happen at some time or if you're lucky you only got your outer skin being damaged. However, it won't just happen if you encounter hamsters without threatening them. Even so, be bold to pull your hand away if the bite feels too strong. Of course without being too harsh for the hamster. After some time, they’ll keenly sense your appearance and scent, then come to you. When that happen, begin to pet and play with them. Remember to be gentle, safe, and never hold too tight.Take a special consideration if your hamster is pregnant, injured, just had a fight, or sick. Also, pets have character too. Observe what they're like. I have 4 dwarf hamsters for more than a year now and only 2 of them are fond of me and always welcome a playtime whenever my hands come into their cage. But the other 2 is meh, they're already tamed too… but very seldomly approach my hand first because they seemed enjoy to chill alone. In the end, there is no standard of time for taming a hamster. It takes patience.

How can I control a hamster?

Well, first off, if you got this hamster from the wild, not the pet store, DON’T TRY TO RAISE HER YOURSELF!!! Either let her back into the wild where you found her or give her to a professional who knows what they are doing. That being said, your hamster is just scared. Leave her alone for a few days, let her get used to the environment. Make sure she is in a quiet and calm environment. If you have any other pets, such as a cat or dog, make sure they don’t get near the cage, cause they will scare the living daylights out of your hamster. Gradually expose yourself to her, bit by bit, first, just lay your hand in the cage, get her used to your scent, then get her to crawl onto your hand. When she is used to doing that, then hold her for a few minutes each day for a couple of days, then up the amount of time you hold her every couple of days. Make sure she has everything she needs, food, water, a clean cage, all that. Remember, even though you may be excited about your new hamster, take it at the hamster's speed, not yours. Don’t force it, let your hamster get used to you. Also, when picking up your hamster, don’t come in from above, to the hamster, that looks just like a predator swooping in to grab her. slowly move your hand (palm up), across the floor of the cage, towards your hamster. Let her crawl on. Eventually, you could, though don’t do this until she is comfortable with you, you can use your other hand to gently push her up onto your hand. GENTLY!!!

Moody hamster?

So Ive had my hamster for about two months now. Im getting ready to start hand taming her once im done with college this quarter.
She has never bitten me before shes actually a pretty sweet hamster she lets me touch her on the back wvery so often. Well shes hissed before when we first got her but its not really happened since then.Until today

Ill admit her cage is a bit small (a problem thats going to be fixed very soon) and shes still a bit skittish around us but thats to be expected since i havent really hand trained her much. But today i was cleaning my room (where she is housed) and talking to a friend on the phone. Now everytime she hears my voice she runs over towards where im at wanting treats. I gave her some toilet paper and was going to give her a apple treat. But instead as soon as she got the toilet paper. She ran in her nesting spot and began to scream at me. I didnt know what to think i hung up with my friend and checked on her and she screamed at me again. Ive left her alone since then.

I try not to put her under stress . The small cage problem is going to be fixed this week and i dont really bother her that much just to give her treats, food, and ball time(i have dogs so i have to keep her in one).
The only time i think i may have made her stressed is when i let her out of the cage for a bit she jumped out onto my bed and i tried to catch her from hurting herself on the metal parts of the bed. But that was a month ago and she seemed fine???

Why is my hamster so skittish all of a sudden?

Hello Stephanie.
This is a very simple question to answer. I take it; this is a Syrian hamster you are taking about? The problem with her is she feels vulnerable and insecure, “That’s all it is”.
All hamsters start out life just the way you have explained at the beginning of you post. Most “are” sweet natured, and friendly, but somewhere along the line this can change dramatically, just as yours has.
A lot of people don’t understand what makes the Syrian hamster tick, and this is where your problem lies. Behaviour problems surface, simply because the owner is not fully aware of the animal’s natural or instinctive needs.
All species of hamster are territorial, with the exception of the Syrian hamster. Theses are also solitary animals. Once you are able to understand what “Solitary” really means. Then you will able to understand her lot better, and why she is acting like she is.
Her friendly and sweet nature can be retrieved quite easily. She can be just as friendly as when you first got her; and she is willing to do that, if “you” are willing to spend the time in trying to understand what she wants.
You say her living environment has not changed. To you, it probably hasn’t: to her, it may have. Let us go back to the word “Solitary” This means, 1, single, and no other. She is the only one. There is no other hamster in the world: That is, as far as she is concerned.
So for a moment let’s look at the world through “her” eyes.
She lives alone in that cage, so nothing must change, or so it shouldn’t according to her. If you have cleaned out the nest wrong, then she may think she has a predator. If you have moved her food store, again this can give her cause to think that other animals may be around. Things like these will make her feel very insecure, vulnerable, lacking self-confidence.
Have a read of this page it may help you to understand a bit more about the Syrian hamster.
Once she gets that security and confidence back, she will be just as sweet.

Syrian hamster breeder

How do I get my hamster to let me touch her? I've had her about five months, and she still gets scared when I try to touch her/pick her up. How do I fix this?

This will be hard because you should have started handling her as soon as you got her.  Now she is not used to it.  You can still try though.  You will have to be REALLY patient.If you are trying to pet her or touch her back, that might be what is scaring her.  That is what a predator would do right before she gets eaten.  Your plan will be to teach her to sit comfortably on your hand, so that you are touching her from underneath.  This will feel much safer to her.  What is her favorite food?  Sunflower seeds, probably.  Or brocolli.  From now on, she doesn't get these treats unless she eats them from your hand.Put the treat in the palm of your hand and put your hand on the bottom of the cage.  Take away some toys if there is not enough room.  Let your hand lay there until she comes onto your hand and takes the food.  Do. Not. Grab. Her.  Not now.  Not ever.  Don't give her the treats if she won't step on your hand.  Wait about 5 or 10 minutes without moving, then take your treat away and try again later.  Try about three times a day if you can.At some point she is going to get used to this idea and walk onto your hand and stay there.  Don't grab her.   Always have a treat in your hand.Your final goal is to be able to scoop her up with both hands without her panicking and jumping.  If she jumps down, let her.  Just scoop again a few times so she knows it is safe and you promise to never grab her.This is easier with a young hamster, but it is not too late.  You have to be extra patient because she is older.The little robo hamsters are more jittery and may never sit calmly in your hand.  But they can learn to be scooped up, especially if there is a treat waiting.Another treat they enjoy is to run around in a new place.  If you can scoop her out of her cage and put her in a new play area, she may jump into your hands for that chance to explore and run.  A baby wading pool with sand and paper-towel tunnels can make a nice safe play area.  (One bag of sand will be plenty.)Robo hamsters are more wary and very quick.  They are harder to tame but here are some tips you can try.How to Make Your Hamster Trust You