My I-pad Which I Got For My Birthday Last Year Is My Most Important ____.

How do I tell my friend I don't want to go to her birthday party?

There are three types of friendships.Casual friendships,Good friends, andNot meant to be friends.If you relationship with the birthday friend is casual. No big deal. Go if you can. If you have a conflict, explain the issue and move on.If your relationship falls into category 3, this is a bit more complicated. No reason to openly show your dislike of this person. You can decline and make a non-specified excuse. “I have a prior commitment.” You don’t need to explain that commitment is eating pizza on your sofa while bing watching WestWorld. You don’t get along with this person, so feigning that you like being around them is not necessary. After a number of “no thanks” they will get the clue. Even if they find that your excuses are not convincing, what’s the worst that can happen?Them: “It’s like you make up these excuses because you don’t want to hang out with me?”You: “Um, you might be on to something there.”The important one is #2.Making friends is easy. Making and keeping good friends is rare.The journey from friend to good friend is tempered with trials and conflict. Whenever you care about another and spend enough time together, fights are inevitable. Jealousy, hurt feelings, inconsiderate behavior, miscommunication, unreturned favors, “MISSED BIRTHDAYS” are among the various intentional and unintentional interactions that test a relationship.There is not one lifelong friendship I maintain that hasn’t experienced a massive fight at one point. Sometimes the reconciliation is quick. Other times it takes time and effort to rebuilt the relationship. It’s work, but valuable and rewarding work.You use the word “my” in front of friend which is telling. There seems to be a current falling out with this friend. If you are not ready to get into the emotional and time-consuming process of airing your grievances now, you can excuse yourself from this birthday party. The important question is are you ready for this relationship to slip from #2 to #3?If you wish to hold on and give the relationship another chance, you will eventually need to confront your friend and talk it out. Quora must have a good question for that situation. Good luck.

Husband didn't bother to wish me a happy birthday?

My husband knew it was my birthday today because a few days ago we talked and I told him the only thing I wanted was a nice cupcake from a bakery and even told him where a few were. When we got up this morning he didn't say "Happy Birthday" or anything like it before he left for work. He's been on his phone for breaks because he has shared stuff on twitter and facebook but no Happy Birthday text or message or anything.
I very much doubt he will get me a cupcake because he was complaining about how out of the way and far the bakery was (7 min drive from his work). We've been together for 5 years and I've never forgotten his birthday. I always get him a card and gift, make him whatever he wants for dinner, make a cake, give him a long back massage...the whole 9 yards. He used to do nice stuff for my birthday too but this year it's as if he decided to completely ignore it. I haven't been pushy or annoying about it, so I don't see a real reason for him to ignore it. I'm really hurt that he just doesn't care enough to so much as tell me "Happy birthday"...he likes to celebrate birthdays and they are important to him, he is already talking about what we should do for ours sons upcoming 1st birthday and would be very upset if I didn't celebrate HIS birthday...I just don't understand why he thinks he shouldn't have to celebrate mine...

Is it ok to NOT send thank you cards?

I'm not very much into thank you cards either. If you have thanked them over and over face to face it should be enough.

Do you think these texts between my spouse & a coworker are flirty/flirtatious? They text a lot, these ones raised my eyebrows?

CW=Coworker SP=Spouse (Punctuation/Capitalization etc done exact same)

Ex.1 around noon on a Sat.
SP: sent another coworkers info
CW: I'm surprised you know how to send contacts like that
CW: lol
same day just later that night
SP: Stop by at __. I'll buy you a drink
CW: Me or Aaron?
CW: I'll see
SP: ____is here.

EX.2 morning
CW: I shoulda stayed at your building until after the meeting
CW: I'm coming back
SP: Sweet
Same day after work
several texts about work and other coworker and how bored CW is at her new location
CW: You should just come sit up there (new location) with me :)

CW: I can't believe you!!
SP: What
CW: I saw u here
CW: U didn't say hi
SP: sorry, busy getting mad at people etc etc (work issues)

2 hrs. later
CW: you should come to the store with me
next texts were about our daughters accident (that happened during that time)

Ex. 4 several texts related to work and the upcoming 4 day weekend
SP: What's out there? camping
CW: yea
SP: Have a good time
CW: I could get attacked by a bear
SP: they have a bear safety video
CW: I should watch it :)

CW: Are you coming to the "function" tomorrow?
SP: Are you inviting me
CW: lol yep
CW: starts at 11
SP: for sure

CW: Idk why, but you have a calming effect on me

Ex.7 Sat late morning
CW: you should come get your truck washed at the ____ car wash
SP: I forgot about that
2 hrs. later
SP: Damn now I owe you money
CW: 3 laughing with tears emojis

Talking on phone in Japanese?

This is how to get your friend on the phone.

1. moshi moshi (hello
2. ______ imasuka? (Is ____ home/there?)
3A. if they say just a couple words and then silence, obviously they went to get the person...
3B. if they talk more, they're probably saying your friend is not home/available so that's when you want to say either who you are or that you're making an international call so they realize how important it is: example if your name is Erica and you're calling from America. "America no Erica ga denwa shita to tsutaete kudasai. Arigatou." (Please tell her Erica from America called. Thank you.) Teaching any more beyond that would get complicated, such as finding out when she's home.
4. useful phrase if you need it: nihongo wakarimasen (I don't understand Japanese) - eigo dekimasuka? (Can you speak English?)

Boyfriends password is his ex's name HELP?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. He had a girlfriend of 4 yrs before me.

My bf was downloading an app on his blackberry and it required a password to download it. I was casually looking what he was doing, and seen his password was his ex's first name followed by their aniversary day.

Its been one year and he didnt change it since we been together.

Should I ask him to change it or am I overreacting?