My Imessage Is Sending As Sms In Group Chat

If I add a non iPhone number to an iMessage group chat what will they receive and what will happen when they send a reply?

Thanks for the A2A.Michael Vogel is exactly correct. It turns to SMS, which is the text messaging service through your carrier. You'll note that the text bubbles in the conversation become green when this is the case. It will work just fine as long as your text messaging plan allows for it and your services are working properly on your phone, and none of the participants are using iMessage without cellular service.If you have issues with it, check in your Settings > Messages to make sure Group Messaging, SMS and MMS are on. If an existing issue persists with your settings correctly set, past simple measures like restarting the phone or resetting network settings, you may consult Apple Support and/or your carrier for investigation.

IMessage on Android?

I am on a trip with school and I am the only one without an iPhone, so they are all using iMessage and I am not getting any of the texts, the group is 13 people + my apple account, so I can still see the messages on my laptop.

Any solutions? Thanks

What does it mean when iMessage is green and doesn't say 'Delivered'?

blue means that you, an iphone, texted another Apple product (iphone/ipod/ipad) AND that both device have imessage turned on

Green means that you, an iphone, texted a non-apple phone/device

if its green and doesnt say delivered, then that means your friend's phone is off, or in a dead zone, or has network issues that is preventing your message from being delivered... an imessage is also green at first until both iphone read eachother as an iphone, then the bubbles turn blue.