My Kitten Bites My Chin Should I Tell Her To Stop

How can I stop my 8 week old kitten from biting the **** out of me?

I have had him for three weeks and nothing has worked! I've been consistent with him and he still is too spastic and gets this feral look on his face like he wants to eat me. I've scruffed him and holding him down like a momma cat, sprayed him with water and, feigned injury, been verbally loud with "No!" I've ACTUALLY bled several ******* times, my face is scratched to hell and back, I look like I cut myself, and he just bit my chin and I'm in so much goddamn pain. I'm at wits end. I have no idea what to do. Scruffing seems to be somewhat effective, but he ends up meowing like he's injured and when I let him go, he goes right back to biting me! I'm sure it sounds like he's like this all the time, but the truth is that he's a nice kitten and playful and sweet a good 80% of the time. He just gets these moods or some **** where he looks psycho and pounces on me. I play with him at least 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes after lunch, and 20 minutes before bed. Help me... Please.

Why does my kitten bite my face?

shes just saying "i love you, lets play!"

you should be flattered. lol
but really thats how kittens act. She doesnt realize that it hurts you because cats have thicker skin so when they play together and bite and scratch, it doesn't hurt them.

one thing to be careful of is never ever use your hands or feet as toys. This is not a good thing and a cat will most likely not grow out of this.

what i did when my little guy was going through this phase, was scruff him (the back of the neck where the momma cat holds the babies to move them, it doesnt hurt them and actually releases endorphins to relax them) and hiss at him. Since my little guy was 3 weeks old when i got him, I was imitation mommy and this is what momma cats do when the babies are getting out of hand. You need to learn kitty, it's a beautiful language.

best of luck.

Why does my cat bite under my kitten's neck (under chin area)????

It's normal.. all cats do it.. don't worry about it. I wouldn't go on separating them sounds like they are getting along fine. Neck bites, licking and rough play are all signs of a normal cat relationship.. I have 4 cats by the way, I see it all the time. Trust me you will know when they are REALLy fighting.. what you are describing is just harmless play ;-)

P.S I've never seen an adult cat truly harm a kitten and I have had lots around lately since I am fostering.. I have 3 female cats and a male..recently had 5 kittens now 4 others and while they may swat they never hurt the kittens even in play..

Will my kitten grow out of this biting stage?

He won't grow out of the biting thing unless you train him that biting is inappropriate. When he tries to bite you -- anywhere, not just your face, push him away (but don't shove him or hurt him, just push him away from you), say "No" in a firm voice (but you don't have a yell or scream) and walk away. Eventually he'll figure out that when he starts to bite he gets pushed away and you will no longer play with him so he'll stop. He'll also learn the word "no" which will be useful for the rest of his life. If he starts messing with the hand pushing him away, shake him loose (but don't hurt him, just be forceful enough to get him to release you), "No" and walk away. He won't like being ignored and will soon learn that playing rough with you will make you walk away. And, yes, he's just scared now because everything is new to him and he knows he's just a small fellow--all those new sounds could be a big dog coming to eat him! He'll get used to the sounds and not be bothered by them real fast.

How can I stop my kitten's nipping behavior?

Every time she nips you,pull her away and say STOP, bad kitty bad kitty, you do this every time and trust me she will start obeying its master.

Why does my cat headbutt me and then bite my chin while asking for food?

Headbutting is marking behavior. Cats have glands in their foreheads that are used to mark, It’s telling you that you are theirs. I reciprocate by rubbing my nose against their face and forehead telling them, “Yes I know and you are mine” or at least that is what I hope I am saying. With my luck I’m probably telling them “attack my feet at dawn”.

Why does my cat bite my chin?

We have a kitten, she's not fully an adult yet, but she's on her way. She's just a bit smaller than our adult cat. Well, when I go out for a smoke on that back pouch, I often see the kitten, Rouge, and pet her and what not. She likes to grab my pant leg and stand up against my leg so I'll pet her, and if I'm sitting she'll climb into my lap and I'll pet her.
She also really likes to rub her face against mine. Normally on my nose and forehead.
Well, the other day, she was rubbing her head on my face and under my chin then reached up and bit my chin. She opened her mouth all the way to do this. She wasn't upset, or anything like that, she was purring and pretty happy. I pulled her away gently, and a few minutes later she licked my chin and went to bite it again so I pulled her away again.
She didn't do if for the next couple of days, then tried again. This has gone on for a week or so now, and today she lifted her paw and pulled my face into the bite. Gently enough not to hurt me with her claws, but fast enough to get my chin in her mouth before I reacted.
I want to know why she's doing this. I'm a woman, so there is no hair on my chin, and I keep my chin clean, there's no food or dried liquid on my chin so I'm very confused as why she's doing this.

What is my 6 week old kitten trying to tell me when I'm scratching her belly and she sinks her little claws in and bites and scratches my hand with her back paws?

This is either your kitten saying:  1).  I want to play; or 2) don't scratch my belly.  My guess is, based on your question, she is "rabbit kicking," which is how they disembowel their prey.  Our two cats, Squishy and Waffles, do this when they play sometimes.  Kittens "play" by taking turns hunting and being hunted.   This not only stimulates them and burns their energy, it teaches them how to hunt.  I would stop petting your kitten's belly - you don't want him or her to think that it's okay to bite and scratch people.  I would pet kitty on the head, scratch kitty's chin, or rub the sides of their face if you want to show affection.  But no belly - you want your cat to trust you and not associate hands with toys or prey.  Even cats who lay on their back with their belly up don't necessarily want their belly rubbed - they're just saying they're comfortable and trust you.    To play with kitty, get an interactive toy attached to a poll or wand that you can move around as if it's prey - first slowly, then fast, then slow, going around corners, etc.  I look for a toy with feathers because it's realistic in terms of hunting.  For additional tips and generally great information about raising a kitty, consult Pam Johnson-Bennett's book "Think Like A Cat."  It's amazing that you're taking in such a small kitty!!  I think you have a long and fulfilling relationship ahead of you (my one other suggestion is keeping kitty exclusively indoors - it is better for the cat, increases its lifespan by threefold and cuts down significantly on vet bills).Post a pic so we can all see the cutie pie!!  Here are my two loves that I have with my husband Andrew Stein:

Why does my cat bite my neck and chin when she is like rubbing against me and im petting her?

i will be laying down and my kitten will come up and rubb against my chin and ill pet her and stuff and then she will sometime lightly bite my neck or chin. why does she do this?

My kitten keeps licking my face! How do I make it stop!?

he wants to be stroked he want to be hugged loved something or probably he thinks your his mother and he licks you so you can groom him or he wants food,water wet your hand just a little bit and stroke him (like his mother) or he i very sweaty he wants you to turn on the heat maybe...? he is probably bored or he stops sleeping to try to groom you or...? he thinks your a big piece of stake or sausage or he's probably used to licking the floor when you got he him he probably liked to lick the floor before you got him or he wants to play well put the food he doesn't ike on our face then leave it there for 30 min. and then take everything off or you rather put a smell on your face a mel he doesn't like but you do and then he wil top licking you do it for 30 days

Hope This Works


Maria Antoinette