My Knee Hurts Everytime I Walk Up The Steps Or Stand Up

My knee hurts when i walk up and down stairs........?

mine did the same thing and i am only 15 and it went on for a year and then i went to the doctors cause i couldn't take it anymore and they took x-rays and then an MRI and found i had a slight tear in my patella tendon and they put me ina brace but that didn't help and then they tried giving me this shot and yet again that didn't help and then in october i just had surgery to see in my knee cap was aligned right and it was and plus i had cartilage in between my knee and they cleaned it out and fixed everything that needed to be and they only put like 2 little cuts in your knee. it's not painful and never since they did that my pain went away and everything is good. so that may be what is wrong. but i would wait to see if it continues and if it does then go to a doctor.
good luck and hope that helped you a little.

Why do my knees hurt when I walk/climb stairs?

I would hope that you have seen a specialist for this problem.From WikipediaSystem Musculoskeletal systemNerve femoral, obturator, sciaticThis should give you a rough idea of what you have in the knee that can cause all sorts of problems for us.You still should be asking your doctor to take X-Rays and see what the problem is.It could be arthritis, that hits most of us from around 40/45 years of age and just gets worse with age.It could be something wrong that might be able to be fixed.I hope you know a lot more than you did and will get the proper diagnosis, not just a guess.Take care.

Why does my knee hurt when I stand up from sitting up for a while.?

Its probally just tendonitis with some minor chondrolamacia
what you can do is drink more water instead of pop or juice/kool aid. take a multi vitamin every day and try to do hamstring stretches 3-5 times a week.

Why do my knees hurt everytime i run/jog or even speed walk?

You should wear really good running shoes that are made specifically for running or jogging. I have bad knees due to having flat feet. I was not born with flat feet, over time my arches fell which effectively pulls down on your knees and twists the knee cap. It's like you turn the dials on your stove a couple of notches. Stand up straight without any socks or shoes on and have yoru mom look at your feet. Your knees are not an isolated joint in your body, they are connected to your feet, hips and back.

Also, your gait may be off because you may have actually grown and not have noticed yet! Next time you jog (with good shoes with good arch support!) don't wear headphones for the first little bit to determine if you are hitting the pavement really hard with your feet, that can shock your knees leading to achiness or outright pain.

As for treatment, stretch before and after you jog/run. At the end of your jog don't forget to wind down, walk for a bit, briskly and then slow yourself down slowly until you get home(or turn off the treadmill). Try to relax with your legs stretched for a bit after your jog and if you find the pain is bad take a quick shower and then soak in warm water for about 20 minutes, that should help. Even when you are not jogging you should wear good shoes or else use insoles. Good luck.

My knee pops painfully every time I straighten my leg out?

If you don't want to wreck your knee and still get relief you have to release the muscle to your kneecap for that is tightening up on you which pulls the kneecap up on and into the knee to give it the pain you are feeling. You have to release the muscle for the kneecap for this pain to go away and here's how to do that:
Do while sitting on a chair with no front cross braces between the legs.
While sitting have your leg resting in a stretched position. Place both your thumbs, side by side, about 2 inches behind the kneecap and press down into your leg hard and then redirect the pressure a little towards the kneecap. After one minute slowly slide your foot back and under your chair as far as it will go, release the pressure but hold your foot there for another 30 seconds.
Two important things, keep the thumbs together in the middle and the pressure on the leg, for if there isn't enough pressure this won't take. If you have that happen try it again right away.

Why do your knees hurt when you sit for a long time?

It's called "Movie goers knee". (Also known as Patello-femoral pain syndrome.)There is general diffuse pain around the front part of your knee. Your knee cap sits in a specific groove in front of your knee joint.If your knee cap is not positioned correctly in this groove, it will rub against the bone behind it. This will cause friction between the 2 bony surfaces is what causes your knee to hurt.This friction is amplified especially when you sit for a long period of time. (driving, watching a movie, sitting at work etc).How to fix it:1. Avoid prolonged sitting:Try to get up every 30-60 minutes. This step alone may prevent the pain.2. Stretch out your quadriceps muscle:Tight quads will pull the knee cap closer to the bone behind it.Hold for at least 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times a day.Make sure you feel the stretch along the front of your thigh.3. Foam roll your ITB (side thigh):Tight muscles can pull your knee cap out of the optimal alignment and cause more friction and rubbing of the bones.Assume position as above. Apply your body weight over the foam roll.Gently roll up/down the side of your thigh.Do this for 1-2 minute. (it will hurt)4. Decrease the amount bending of the knee whilst sitting:The greater the angle of bend in your knee, the more likely the knee cap will rub against the bone behind it. This can be achieved by placing your foot slightly further way, sitting on a higher chair or making sure you are moving your legs every 20 minutes whilst sitting.Hope this helps!

Why do my knees hurt when stair climbing?

It is a good idea to consult with a Medical Doctor to examine your knees and check overall health condition.You may have medical issues* with your knees or they may be healthy and you simply lack adequate muscle strength. Usually, most HEALTHY people can build strong legs by training with barbell squats. That is a good start. I use back squats, front squats, and deadlift varieties to strengthen my legs and core extended to my hips and posterior.I also recommend adding some overhead pressing to cover everything from head to toes. You must get strong all over.Before you start lifting with barbell squats and deadlifts you must rule out any medical condition you may have. See a Doctor.* chondromalacia patella is a painful condition that results when the cartilage under your kneecap is damaged.Another name for this condition is patellofemoral pain syndrome. Its most obvious symptom is increasing pain with stair climbing. The affected knee can hurt when you go up or down stairs.orJumpers KneeSee a Medical Doctor to get a referral to an Orthopedic or Sport Medicine specialists.Good LuckMansour’s disclaimer:Don't do anything stupid and get hurt lifting big ass weights after reading some of my answers. This would make us both quite unhappy. Consult a Medical Doctor, a Strength Training coach and common-sense specialist before doing anything you may read in some of my answers.

I'm 13 and my knee hurts when i squat?

well to begin with my knees have always (to my embarrassment) cracked really load whenever i would squat to sit down or to squat and when i move my fingers, wrists, or toes they all crack 2. But now my right knee hurts when i squat down, try to stand up, and when i walk down and up stairs. I can feel tension in my left knee when i do any of those things but it is only the right knee that i feel a sharp twinge of pain. My right knee is also swollen a little. The only exersise i do is fast walking at 4.9 mph on a tredmil. but i have been taking a weeklong break of that. (and yes i always stretch really good before) my mom has been told that she has artheritis in her right knee and she is only 43. so tell me what is this???????? :(

Knee pain walking down stairs?

More than likely you have patella femoral syndrome, it is the most common cause of anterior(front) knee pain.

Patella femoral syndrome is caused by an imbalance in your quadriceps(muscles in your thigh) two of the muscles in your thigh work together to pull your patella(knee cap) up a groove in your femur(thigh bone), but sometimes one will start pulling more than the other and grind your patella into your femur. Symptoms include pain located on the sides of the kneecap, discomfort under the patella, sometimes mild swelling and occasional popping of the knee. Running, sprinting, jumping, going up and down stairs, and squatting are all things that can increase patella femoral pain. Anyway it is know by many names: runner's knee, jumper's knee, swimmer's knee, etc. I have a sure fire way to get rid of it, and very few(and I mean few) doctors know of this method, doesn't involve surgery or taking medicine just dedication on your part. If it turns out that this is what is wrong and it continues to bother you just leave a comment at the bottom of your question or email me and I will give you the instructions


I am only 13 and my knees hurt really bad when I sit down stand up or walk up stairs. They have hurt for a week each day more painful and my right knee hurts more than the left. I just got back from a fine arts camp in a forest where we had to walk everywhere 5+ miles a day for 11 days. I also played the string bass there where I would sit down every chance I got then stand up right away when we played. And I am not used to walking that much or standing that much. What is wrong with my knees and how do I fix them? Please help.