My Left Testicle Is In Pain

Testicle pain, was in right, now in left HELP?

Testicular pain which comes suddenly from no trauma (i.e. you didn't injure them) typically has three sources:

epididymitis - a bacterial infection of the testicle(s). Epididymitis is typically caused by minor STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, or a Urinary Track Infection, or from no specific cause at all. Have you recently had unprotected sex? If so, be sure to see a doctor and tell them so after you give your symptoms, s/he can run a lab test and give you the proper antibiotics to treat them.

UTIs, chlamydia, gonorrhea and epididymitis are all bacterial infections, and thus can be cured fairly easy. You increase your chances of preventing a recurrence by not waiting to see your doctor.

Hernia - There are several kinds of hernia, but essentially your lower digestive organs become improperly placed. Your doctor will examine you to decide if corrective surgery is necessary (rare). Hernias in general are both rare and not a serious condition.

Testicular Torsion- Torsion is the unpleasant emergency case that will require you to take a trip to the ER if your pain continues. Torsion occurs when the blood vessel carrying blood to your testicle becomes tangled, either by your testicle rolling up on it, or more commonly, your testicle turning 180 degrees. Torsion is an emergency because blood flow being cut to your testicle can and will cause your testicle to die.

Torsion requires surgery to untangle the offending blood vessel, but is very low risk. Recommended time for you to be in the OR being worked on from time of your first noticing the pain is under 6 hours, but there's absolutely no reason to push that.

For now, get some ice or a cold compress. Wrap either in a towel and apply the towel against your scrotum. This will decrease swelling and pain. Limit your movement.

If this does not help, accept the fact that it is ER time. Hey, at the very least, you have Epi and you'll get the medicine to treat the infection and the pain.

Good Luck, God Bless.

Bad left testicle pain?

This is something that should not be ignored, I had a cousin who had the same symptoms as you associated with a slight stomach ache, it turned out that he had twisted his testical just by turning over in bed one night. This is a more common than one would think.

He had to have emergency surgery, if he had waited any longer than he did, he would have become sterile meaning he would not be able to produce children.

Go see the doctor immediately, this isn't something to be putting off.

What could this pain in my left testicle be?

If it does not go away in 1-2 days you NEED to see your doctor or have your mom or dad set up the appointment for you.

Testicular pain that does not go away can be very serious. It could be anything from an inguinal hernia, testicular torsion (twisted Vas Defferans), Spermatocele or hydocele, to testicular cancer. I doubt that it is cancer since it came on suddenly. But you MUST get it checked.

Hope this helps.
Email me if you have anymore questions and let me know what it actually turns out to be.

What are some causes for left testicle pain?

Maybe you have infected with epididymitis or orchitis. You’d better go to see a doctor and get diagnosed. You don’t need to worry too much about it since the disease can be cured completely by herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. You can know more about the condition by the link: What is epididymitis and what is orchitis?

After masterbating i have pain in my left testicle?

men do have an endless supply of seminal fluid and sperm. men never lose fertility,they just have a refractory period that can last from 2 minutes-2days depending on age and other factors. See a urologist might be something with your spermatic cord or if you have heaviness feeling in your testes it could be an std.

I have mild pain in my left testicle, it is a sharp pain if i touch or try to examine it.?

Ouch, there's inflammation of the Epididymis, which is causing the illusion of general testicular pain. This could be related to a general infection, likely due to a vulnerable and untreated abscess.

While cancer is a possibility, a viral or bacterial infection is more likely, possibly one of the rare cases of a male carrier exhibiting symptoms of PVC (The STD, not the plastic).

I recommend you get to your doctor for a testicular exam. If its cancer, and has gone untreated for four years, it could have spread into the abdomen or the other testicle. Whoever pulled you off the operating table four years ago was a complete moron. They should have gone in and diagnosed the issue definitively then and there. The idiots who pulled you off the table may very well have killed you by delaying needed treatment.

There's a sharp pain in my left testicle?

If you have torsion, you would like have dizziness and nausea, although not necessarily. You might have varicocele (varicose vein in the testicle). Only you can decide whether you need to go to the Emergency Room. But it sounds like you sought see a urologist right away, even if the pain goes away. First, you want to make sure the condition is resolved, and second, you need to know what the condition likely was (or is).

14 year old boy, left testicle pain!! help!?

Chances are, it's puberty and your body is growing from being a child into a man! Puberty is known to cause headaches, muscle soreness, testicular pain, and more.

I wouldn't worry about it unless the pain becomes severe or you find lumps on your testicles that seem out of the ordinary.

My left testicle is hanging lower than my right testicle and occasionally I will get pain. What does this mean?

Hi broI am a medical student and I am Alsop suffering from this problemThis problem is called a varicocoleIt is very common and is present in almost 50% of boys and it is common in adolescents and many people do not bother about or don't know aboutIt's cause is due to torturous veins in the testicle and is common in the left sideIt is increased by standing for long hoursIt has no cureIt has 4 stages and if in final stage then operation is recommended. Operation is not done otherwise because of chances of reoccurences.It causes infertility if on both sidesDon't feel shy and visit a doctor they will do ultrasound or dopller test and may do semen analysis.Wear tight inner wearLastly don't feel shy to visit a doctor it is very commonThank youTake care manCool down nothing serious man.

Why does my left testicle hurt?

You almost certainly have a vericocele. I had one at 22. Basically, a blood vessel in your testicle (90% of the time the left testicle) that directs blood back to your heart became damaged. Simply, a chamber that keeps blood from flowing backwards is stuck open. So, over the course of the day gravity keeps pushing blood back to your testicle and makes the vessel a little engorged and the testicle hurt.

The pain intensifies if you're doing something that causes extra blood flow --- ie. exercise or sex -- for obvious reasons. Laying down for a while puts your body in a position where gravity has less effect on that blood flow, so the pain subsides.

You also need to be wary, because along with pain, vericoceles can cause infertility when untreated. Most men who get them never experience pain, and only find out about their presence after failed attempts to get a girl pregnant. Almost always, fertility returns after being treated; even when untreated for years prior.

Surgery will solve the problem. The two options are tying off the damaged blood vessels and the other is using a blood vessel catheter to inset a balloon of sorts in the vessel (like they do for heart surgery after heart attacks). When I got mine, I opted for the tying off surgery -- it is less likely to come back. The only issue is that they put you completely under with general anesthetic, so if you are nervous about that, I suggest the other option -- it only requires local anesthetic.

EDIT: Yo has no idea what he's talking about --- it's INCREDIBLY common. Approximately 15-20% of men get one in their lifetime; usually between 18-25. Regular pain over a period of time is not normal and should be checked by a doctor. If it didn't cause any pain and you aren't trying to have a baby, there's not much to be concerned about; but there's no reason to be in pain if it can be easily fixed! And for God's sake, the dude can't even spell my name when it's written down for him; he should not be trusted to give medical advice.