My Legs Will Sometimes Itch So Bad. It Feels Like Needles What Can I Do

Why do I sometimes feel itching in my whole body?

I'll try to answer this question.a few alarming terms may be used,so please don't worry.these are just the conditions which can cause itching,doesn't mean that you have those.1.Itching all over the body can be due to deposition of bile products in the skin.this may be due to obstruction to the bile outflow because of obstruction to any of the ducts that open into the small bowels.​​​The bile builds up in the ducts,flows back into the liver,damages the liver cells,may lead to cirrhosis.the excess bile is spilled into the blood,gets deposited in the skin and causes itching.this injury to the liver cells may also be due to alcohol.2. It may be due to any allergies you might have to any medicines you've used,food you've had,even to dust or Certain plants like poison ivy.3.Certain insect bites may also cause itching(scabies and Body lice)4.many skin conditions like Psoriasis,eczema etc.Xeroderma,literally meaning dry skin,can be due to cold weather,Vitamin A or D deficiencies and by repeated bathing in hot showers in contrary to the previous user's answer.5.Infections like herpes6.If it's more when exposed to Sun light,it may be photodermatitis7.Abnormal Thyroid and parathyroid hormone levels in the blood8.Any kidney pathology may result in accumulation of urea and creatinine in the blood and may cause itching.this is usually the most common internal systemic cause of itching.There may be many other causes for your problem.I'd suggest you to visit a dermatologist if you have not consulted already.diagnosing something,especially skin conditions is not easy without first examining in person.hope this helps :)

Sometimes it feels like I have a splinter in my skin, but I don't. What is this?

I’ve had similar.Do you ever deal with broken glass?I’ve known shards of glass get into a towel or a cloth, say, so when you dry your self you get tiny cut and don’t know where it came from.If it’s not mechanical injury but some recurring systemic sensation, and if it’s a nuisance you want to rid of, you migh try homeopathy. Tens of thousands of people benefit from homeopathy every year, despite what the pseudo-skeptics would have you believe - and if you try it, you could benefit too.One of several homeopathic remedies for splinter-like sensation in skin is hepar sulph. Also it has a marked periodicity about it. However it is best to consult an experienced homeopath who can examine the problem in depth. Homeopathic prescription is very different from conventional pharma and may seem unfamiliar - it is based on the person, not so much on a particular diagnosis, and a single remedy may address several health conditions (whereas pharma would give several drugs that might interact negatively). Also, you take very few doses, and take them separately from meals, and stop dosing when you start to get better (very unlike pharma).

Itching all over body.. Needle like pokes?

For about two months now i've had itchting EVERYWHERE! My boyfriend suddenly claimed to be itching bad one day, we went to sleep and i woke up itching. Ever since then it's been an everyday thing. I itch throughout the day a lot, but it gets terrible when i lay down for bed and try to go to sleep. Sometimes there will also be a sting as if someone is poking me with a needle and then it starts to itch. Theres no rash, but where the spot is itchy you can feel a small bump thats not even visible unless you stare hard. It used to just be on my stomach and sides, but now its on my arms, legs, inner thighs and waist line real bad. I don't know what to do or how to help it! Tried cortizone-10 and it does me no good. What could this be, that i have caught from him??

Why do Mosquito bites itch so much? I need relief!?

Seriously they itch like crazy and no matter if you tell your self not to scratch em, they eventually do ;/

Did you know that it's only female mosquitoes that bite you?
They eat mostly nectar, but when it's time to make eggs and lay them, they need to eat protein (aka - your blood).
When the mosquito stabs her needle-like mouth parts through the skin of her victim, she injects her saliva, teeming with digestive enzymes that help her drink more quickly. Your body sees that as an enemy and produces histamine to ward off infection. That little pink bump left on your skin is an allergic reaction to the mosquito's saliva.

**Tips**: After you realize that you've been bitten, try with all your might NOT to scratch that annoying itch - it'll only make it itch and swell more.
Wash the area with soap and water, then apply calamine lotion, cortisone, or any other anti-itch cream to the infected area. An ice pack may also help.

Stupid lady mosquito

Can anxiety cause pins and needles all over the body?

These are very common signs of Multiple Sclerosis so you may want to see the doctor just to be safe.

Anxiety can cause your body to do all sorts of crazy things, what you're describing isn't something I've heard of before but it's certainly possible... the best way to figure it out would be to experiment... when you're busy take a second to stop and analyze your own body to see if these symptoms are not there or if they are there but you just aren't noticing them because you're busy etc.

Alternatively you could ask your doctor for something to temporarily relieve your anxiety and see if it stops the pins and needles.. then you can get a better idea of if it's caused by anxiety or if it's something else.

This is embarrassing, but my vagina itches, only girls answer please.?

Like I said.. this is really embarrassing, but since yesterday, my vagina has been itching like crazy. It's mostly "inside" around the slit area and if I don't scratch it, it feels like needles are poking me down there. Tomorrow's school and I really don't want to go and have a desire to itch my crotch on a day I have 2 presentations due! I've been researching online and read something about eating yogurt and a bath with salt? I remember wearing these boy short panties when these itches developed so perhaps it was the fabric or detergent that might have caused an infection? Also, I'm a virgin so there's NO way it's an STD or whatever. I am WAY too embarrassed to tell my parents and there's no way I want to talk to a doctor about this.. since our family doctor is a guy. Did I mention I'm only 16, so you can imagine how embarrassed I feel.